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Posted by Crusader (Member # 4035) on :
Recently I found God. I have started to read the Bible, I pray alot, and I have truly accepted Jesus into my heart. The only think that worries me is the stuff I put into my body. I love to smoke cigrettes and cigars. I dont drink often but when I do I drink to get drunk. And worst of all I have been doing drugs since the summer. I smoke weed about once a week, and about two weeks ago I started to do more hardcore drugs.

I would like to know what the Bible says about those things. Is it ok to do them all, or just some, or all they all forbidden?
Posted by Favor Minded (Member # 3636) on :
I was once a heavy smoker - Smoked for 28 years!

I did not have a desire to quit. I wanted to have that same "deliverance" everybody talked about but I never got!

I prayed all the time, God Help me! Make me stop smoking! But he never did!

Then, one day, I noticed something different - I said God, I want to quit but I don't know how...

What do I need to do?

And at that point, I now know my heart was right and I wasn't just in the market for a miracle, I was true to my heart that I needed to quit.

After all, those commercials about kids like "If you won't do it for yourself, will you do it for them, etc" - Or the Emphysema and Cancer ones are fairly eye opening, but they had not been enough to motivate me like God was able to.

God said the first thing I needed to do was to see how much money I was spending and figure out a way to save it.

Wouldn't you know, that same day someone called me up and asked to give them a ride to a place that they had heard of where they could get cheap tobacco.

When I went in, I found this bag of tobacco for $7 and a box of tubes for $2 - $9 instead of $35

Just saved $26!!

I said WOW! Are you sure this is you God? He said, well, its a start anyway [Smile]

When I got home, I said ok God, this is it...

This is MY LAST round - I will quit when this is gone - PLEASE help me...

And you know, at the end of 4 weeks, I still had almost half a carton worth or cigarette tubes, unheard of at the normal Pack a Day -

And suddenly, without warning, the desire was GONE! And I MEAN GONE! I had MY MIRACLE!

I have had others, but to a smoker this is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!

The need to smoke is as bad as the need to eat for a smoker!

It was gone!! In fact, from that moment on, EVERY TIME I got near a smoker, I had to step back - Not because I was tempted, but because the smell APPALLED ME!!

I was like WOW!! God, You DID IT!!

No desire, EVER AGAIN! Suddenly I could move and run and lift and do my Karate workouts without getting winded!! It was like I had NEVER SMOKED!

I am telling you this because while I have many such stories, one must begin to see what is already in front of them and then recognize when God is trying to help.

I never really wanted to quit before - OR at least I did not want God to help me - Oh sure, I prayed God Help me, but I didn't mean it -

When I truly meant it, and I made a pact that said "THIS IS IT" - I will quit and there will be no turning back, God looked into my heart and said, "Whaddya know, he is being sincere this time!"

And he healed me - Completely - No desire, no cravings, no NOTHIN' but a GREAT Testimony to share with others and especially smokers that God will cure them - You don't need no stinking patches!!

God wants us to have our own testimony and use our own to help others....

I smoked Pot too...Very conservatively but did just the same, and the Lord changed me, slowly but surely.

I never liked drinking, and my dad had been an alcoholic so I didn't drink.

Many argue that the bible teaches that all things are lawful - This is true -

Smoking Pot won't decide your heavenly fate, nor will smoking cigarettes, etc. The word does teach us though that anything that consumes us, or enslaves us is sin.

The addictive properties of nicotine make it sin, because it takes control and enslaves us to it. Few if any smokers out there can easily just stop cold turkey. And for me, quitting wasn't enough. Gum and patches and programs all maintain a level of desire.

The cure WAS God, I just had to be open. Now I get to be one of those guys who say God delivered me from smoking! And I'm tellin' ya, he did. I mean GONE! No desire, no withdrawals - Getitng around another smoker was not an enticement at all - It made me NEED to move farther away, NOT desire the smoke! AMEN and AMEN Again!!

If you think about it - What has God helped you give up? Or what has he given you that is truly miraculous? What can you say NO to now that you couldn't before?

What can you do now that you couldn't before?

He is right there beside you, listening quietly - And ready to speak at the first REAL opportunity...He will deliver you from things that control you, such as cigarettes.

Drugs like pot, while not addictive, again offer little in the way of good testimony, other than to share with someone how God delivered you form them.

While it may not keep you from heaven, the simple fact that it is against the law makes it against the word because the Word teaches us that we must obey the laws of the land.

Also, when you have been truly delivered by God, you have your own testimony to share with others, and that is the message God wants us to give and to have and hold on to.

I will always remember the feeling, of WOW! I not only don't want to smoke, but it feels like I never did!

I hope that helps a little from someone who isn't preaching to you as much as he is saying been there, done that! AMEN!

Favor Minded
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
Look at it this way. Jesus lives in your heart, so where you go and what you do, He has to be a part of. Do you really want the Holy Spirit to have to be there while you use drugs. Your body is the temple of God. Are you pleased at what you are doing to God's temple? think about it, hon and get help. There is no shame in getting help.
Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
Addiction is a slippery slope, Crusader. As you have already witnessed in your own life, one thing is leading to another. Being enslaved to anything is always a sad thing, as it will destroy your life. Most who seek intoxication are seeking an escape or to "feel good" because they lack joy and peace in their lives. Jesus can provide you with that peace and joy which you seek! I am a recovering addict (18 years of sobriety) and I still suffer negative effects from things I did so long ago.

I don't want you to have to go through all of that. God wants you to be separate from the world, and drugs are surely a thing of the world. I know you would benefit from making some Christian friends, so you can fill your time with more positive pursuits that won't damage you or put you at legal risk.

I am not preaching at you, because I believe everyone must find their own way. However, you did ask - so I am telling you I believe that being intoxicated (from drugs or alcohol) is against scripture.

Ephesians 5:18 (NIV translation)
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the Spirit.

God has called us to be upright, holy, pure, and blameless. His laws always have reasons, and one reason is to protect us from negative consequences. He loves you and wants what is best for you.
Posted by Crusader (Member # 4035) on :
The problem is, I dont want to quit. I know that Jesus wouldnt approve of it so thats why I'm trying to stop. Yesterday I had one cigrette left, so I told myself "this is the last one, after this I'm clean." Less than 24 hours later I had a new pack. I fear that I'll always say "one more pack" and that I'll never quit. I'm also only 17 (been smoking since I was 15) so I cant go to a clinic or talk to my parents. I live from smoke to smoke. During school I look foward to lunch so I can grab a cigrette, then for after school so I can get another. I know that my body is God's temple and that I defile it everytime I put some of the stuff into my body, but I'm afraid that I cant quit...
Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
If I were in your shoes, I would worry more about the drugs and alcohol right now, and cigarettes later, if you feel you can't do it all at once. God can help you do it all at once, but as Favor Minded said, we have to be ready - so maybe for you, one thing at a time.

Oftentimes, when we first get saved or first start seeking Christ, we want to hold on to one area of sin in our lives, because we think we can't live without it and we think we will be exempt from consequences for it. Unfortunately, this ends up distancing us from our relationship with God (sin separates)and most of the time we can end up in a pretty bad spot if we don't repent and let go of whatever it is.

I promise you will feel better and experience more joy and peace if without the drugs and alcohol than you ever will with them. I know you have to learn that for yourself though.
Posted by Crusader (Member # 4035) on :
Originally posted by LaurieFL:
If I were in your shoes, I would worry more about the drugs and alcohol right now, and cigarettes later

Alcohol has never really been much of a problem with me. I have only gotten drunk a couple of times. So yes, the real problem is the weed and the cigarettes. What I think I'm going to do is slowly stop everything. But the problem with that is if I die (from it or from some other way) I'll end up in Hell for it.
Posted by Caretaker (Member # 36) on :
1) What church do you go to? Do you attend?

2) At your age it is probably with friends who are doing the same. Do you have Christian friends that you hang with?

3) Have you sought Christ more and more or is your primary focus on doing what is "fun", listening to metal/rock music, hanging with those same ones who do the same, going out in the back with the buds for a fag?

A large part of coming to Christ is repentence, a true and heartfelt sorrow for ones sin, and a turning from sin and turning more and more to Christ, a separation from iniquity:

Main Entry: 1re·pent
Pronunciation: ri-'pent
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French repentir, from re- + pentir to be sorry, from Latin paenitEre -- more at PENITENT
intransitive senses
1 : to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
2 a : to feel regret or contrition b : to change one's mind
transitive senses
1 : to cause to feel regret or contrition
2 : to feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for
- re·pent·er noun

My personal yardstick, by which I am able to measure the progress of my feeble walk with my precious Lord.

1 Thess. 5:

Rejoice evermore.

Do we rejoice in our hearts, in our lives, in our postings and interaction with others?

Pray without ceasing.

Do we walk with our precious Lord in an attitude of prayer? Do we pray for others? Have we prayed today? Have we prayed for another today? Have we ministered to others unselfishly and with true devotion to our great God and His Holy Word?

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Do we gives thanks to our mighty God, our awesome Redeemer? Have we given thanks today? Do others see a thankful spirit in us, and in our posts?

Quench not the Spirit.

Do we honor the Spirit of God, and do we encourage the manifestation of God’s Holy Spirit within our Brothers and Sisters, or do we seek to quench it?

Despise not prophesyings.

Do we despise the forth-telling of God's Holy Word?

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Do we prove all things and hold fast to that which is good?

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Do we seek to abstain from all appearance of evil, the living witness to those around us, or do we seek to justify that which is wrong?

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May we allow our glorious Lord to set us apart and to purify us for His Holy purpose and perfect will.

Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

Our glorious Lord is ever faithful and we have His Word on it. May we seek to be ever faithful to our Redeemer, and yielded to His will and purpose for the hearts and lives of His children.

May our precious Lord surround you with His awesome love, draw you near, hold you close, lift you up, and lead you upon the pathways of His perfect will and eternal love for His precious children.
Posted by Aaron (Member # 3761) on :
Originally posted by Crusader:
I know that my body is God's temple and that I defile it everytime I put some of the stuff into my body, but I'm afraid that I cant quit...

You need to see it from a different perspective: God came to live in you BEFORE you stopped smoking... and God knows how to clean you up now that you are His temple! You have asked for His help, now expect it to come.

Be Blessed little brother,
Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
God Loves you Crusader, and He will help you. It is so hard to be a young person and to live a sanctified life. I will pray for you, and please stop in and talk to us any time you want to! Brother FavorMinded works with youth a lot, so I bet he can be a real resource for you, as will any of the rest of us if you need us.
Posted by Sojourn (Member # 4046) on :
Crusader. I have been down the same path as you. I'm 22, and when I was 18, experimented with my share of substances. I think part of the problem is the fact that parents preach that alcohol and weed will ruin your life and you'll live in a ditch, but when you try them you think, WAIT these aren't bad, then you start pushing the limits because if they lied about that maybde they lied about the rest.

Maybe weed and alcohol and pills/shrooms won't ruin your life doing it from time to time, BUT from my experience its a dirty thing to get involved in. pills/shrooms may bring you up, but there a nasty comedown that night or the next day. I didn't like the fact that by taking these pills everyone was happy enjoying each others company and then the next morning it was back to the normal self-consciousness and judging others. Its too synthetic and fake happiness.
Weed offers an escape much like alcohol with less of the bad side effects. I used to smoke weed for a good year on a regular basis. Its not a drastically bad drug and thats why people view it as ok. I can say I didn't like that over time I became less active from doing it, and of course memory is not as good. Paranoia is kicks in from time to time too. And a waste of alot of money.
I don't think you can tell people NO, thats the problem with our society. Taking condoms out of school doesn't stop kids from having sex. Just please Be smart! These things do have consequences, and has the possibility of being something very dangerous, and they do send a bad message to people who view you as someone who has higher morals for himself
Posted by SomeGuyInPA (Member # 4283) on :
much like you i was doing drugs/drinking/smoking alot before christ came into my life. but once he did all my urges to drink or do drugs were gone and i mean GONE i dont even think about them. sure i may have a passing thought of "boy id like to have a drink tonight but now it is so easy to just say "no"..

i am still smoking because i can be stubborn at times and i do enjoy it (yes i know its bad for me physically and spiritually) but i dont feel as though it will send me to hell. i believe when i am ready to admit to god i am ready to quit the cancer sticks and really mean it from my heart he will guide me through it..

hang in there man god will show you the way! [Smile]

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