This is topic Petition to stop Gay Marriage in forum End Time Events In The News at Christian Message Boards.

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Posted by SoftTouch (Member # 2316) on :
There is an online petition to stop Gay Marriage that will be sent to Congress. If you're interested in checking this out, here is the URL:
Posted by DaTank (Member # 2818) on :
I'm confusled... does this link mean totally against social unions between same sex couples with the same benefits of marriage, but under a different name? Or just marriage? Because I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman for the purposes of procreation, BUT i do not have a problem with giving same sex couples the same tax breaks, and benefits of marriage but under the title Social Unions.
Posted by Caretaker (Member # 36) on :
It is a slippery slope for in sanctioning same-sex relationships then it logicly opens the door of iniquity for many different combinations, ie. poligamy, beastiality, etc. We must not legitimize iniquity.
Posted by SoftTouch (Member # 2316) on :
Originally posted by Caretaker:
It is a slippery slope for in sanctioning same-sex relationships then it logicly opens the door of iniquity for many different combinations, ie. poligamy, beastiality, etc. We must not legitimize iniquity.

Amen Drew! I also worry that if I don't take a stand against what I see (according to Scripture) as an abomination to God, then I'm as guilty as if I supported it.
Posted by ps139 (Member # 2652) on :
What is happening in this country in regards to homosexual "marriage" is horrible. They are seeking to redifine marriage, which is a sacred institution, instituted by God, and which nobody has the right to redefine. It is extremely dangerous.

Once the definition of marriage is redefined, there is nothing stopping further redefinitions.

Once the standard is broken, there is nothing to stop the next standard from being broken, in fact, now there is a precedent for breaking standards.

That said, marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. When that standard is broken, there is the possibility that marriage can be redefined as between (or even among) anyone and anything with a heartbeat.
Posted by ps139 (Member # 2652) on :
Here is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says regarding this issue:

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
Posted by Daniel S (Member # 1714) on :
"Homosexual Marriage" is an oxymoron.

That having been said, do a search of urban legends at and you'll find:

Internet Petitions

Alliance for Marriage

Snopes on Gay Marriage Petitions

The "Petition" by the other side

E-mail and on-line "petitions" do little. If you want to influence the law, write personal letters (not form letters or e-mails or even copies) to all your elected and appointed officials, and those running for office too, explaining your views and indicating that you are also writing your other elected officials. Use your own words. The written letter is more effective than any other form of communication. If you get no response, write again, opening with something like, "I am disappointed I received no response from you regarding my previous correspondence." If you want, it is sometimes effective to send a copy of the letter to the party's state or national headquarters, especially if they start getting copies of letters that open with, "I am disappointed..."

If you took the time to write a letter, they know you meant it.
Posted by H2G2 (Member # 2443) on :
Originally posted by Caretaker:
It is a slippery slope for in sanctioning same-sex relationships then it logicly opens the door of iniquity for many different combinations, ie. poligamy, beastiality, etc. We must not legitimize iniquity.

What utter nonsense.

Beastiality indeed, what a ludicrous argument.

Oh and by the way 'iniquitous' is from the latin iniquitatis meaning 'unjust'.
Posted by H2G2 (Member # 2443) on :
Originally posted by ps139:
What is happening in this country in regards to homosexual "marriage" is horrible. They are seeking to redifine marriage, which is a sacred institution, instituted by God, and which nobody has the right to redefine. It is extremely dangerous.

Once the definition of marriage is redefined, there is nothing stopping further redefinitions.

Once the standard is broken, there is nothing to stop the next standard from being broken, in fact, now there is a precedent for breaking standards.

That said, marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. When that standard is broken, there is the possibility that marriage can be redefined as between (or even among) anyone and anything with a heartbeat.

Marriages have been around since the dawn of time in all cultures of all faiths and none. To attempt to annex it for the socio-political agenda of a handful of right-wing, fundermentalist is as historically incorrect as it is morally reprehensible.

The obvious (il)logical conclusion of this argument is that only protestant marriages should be recognised by the state and that any other (civil, muslim, hindu etc) should not be treated with the same respect or accorded the same rights and priveledges.

Is that what you want?
Posted by SoftTouch (Member # 2316) on :
What "I" want is to be obedient to GOD and HE says that Homosexuality is an Abomination before HIM. Can't make it any plainer then that. It's WRONG According to GOD.

What's politically correct? I could care less.

And as long as this country is a democracy and I have the right to voice my opinion and my objections, then I will. You have the right to your opinions and objections the same as I do, but this is where I stand. On the Word of God - The Bible.
Posted by Endoxos (Member # 2929) on :
You guys realize since the slow, but ever-increasing, acceptablity of the concept of homosexual marriage... there've popped up in Utah, people who are now pushing for legitimized polygamist marriages again, and I remember hearing somewhere that a small group out in CA are trying to make beastiality acceptable.
Posted by antitox (Member # 2804) on :

You said exactly what I've been concerned about. Once that standard is broken, there's no end to what can be sanctioned as moral/ethical in any possible scenario. We have got to hold the line.
Posted by H2G2 (Member # 2443) on :
Originally posted by antitox:

Once that standard is broken, there's no end to what can be sanctioned as moral/ethical in any possible scenario.

Public health and sanitation being sacrificed to the great god of neo-liberal economics.

Multi-nationals killing in the name of profit.

US based companies killing their workers if they organise unions.

Bombing civilian men, women and children.

Threatening sanctions against countries who want to save the lives of their people with 'patent' medicines.

Using the World Bank as a tool of US imperialism.

Supporting terrorism (as long as it's our terrorism)

Undermining democracy.

Trade rules that produce cheap food for the developed world while the producers starve to death.

And you are worried about two people who love each other taking a vow?

You're right, there's nothing that can't be 'morally justified'. Just as long as fuel prices stay low in the US eh?
Posted by Gary (Member # 523) on :
OK, H2G2, I think I see who you are now. You are one of the pro-gay liberals who are out to destroy God's Church and drag as many of His people as possible to hell with you. You are propigating lies and heresy and I would like to see you banned from the board. If I was admin here, you would be.

Posted by H2G2 (Member # 2443) on :
Originally posted by Gary:
OK, H2G2, I think I see who you are now. You are one of the pro-gay liberals who are out to destroy God's Church and drag as many of His people as possible to hell with you. You are propigating lies and heresy and I would like to see you banned from the board. If I was admin here, you would be.


The typical response of the intellectual lightweight.

I disagree with you and therefore I am not entitled to my say. I take it that you are not a believer in the concept of free speech then Gary?

Maybe you would like to address my point. Why are so many people getting so worked up against civil gay unions when there is so much suffering and true evil going on in the world?

The Bible is full of injunctions against usary but I don't see many calls for a petition against it or Christian marches on Wall Street.

Anyone who has a credit card (which I might ad are often advertised on / accepted by Christian websites) is a party to usary and culpable in the eyes of God.

H2G2 (liberal and proud of it).
Posted by Gary (Member # 523) on :
The typical response of the intellectual lightweight.

See that, brothers and sisters, that is what these liberals do. When you respond to them in a negative way, they turn to insults and personal attacks.

Sure I believe in free speech; I also believe in honor and decency, and the truth of the Bible as the written Word of God. You have the right to say the things you say. But you don't have the right to be heard without any negative response to what you say.

You liberals think we should listen to you and agree with you, because you are enlightened and smarter than all of us dummies who believe the Bible. Well, I have news for you. You are speaking the words of the devil. I know. I've been there. I used to be a liberal, too, until I came face-to-face with the Living Christ.

Posted by Daniel S (Member # 1714) on :
Originally posted by H2G2:
The typical response of the intellectual lightweight...

I disagree with you and therefore I am not entitled to my say. I take it that you are not a believer in the concept of free speech then Gary?

Maybe you would like to address my point. Why are so many people getting so worked up against civil gay unions when there is so much suffering and true evil going on in the world?

The Bible is full of injunctions against usary but I don't see many calls for a petition against it or Christian marches on Wall Street.

Anyone who has a credit card (which I might ad are often advertised on / accepted by Christian websites) is a party to usary and culpable in the eyes of God.

H2G2 (liberal and proud of it).

I've been associated with Gary for some time now and I assure you he is no "intellectual lightweight," to use your term. He and I don't always agree, and neither of us is prone to pull our punches, but he is genuine. Consider your post, you do as much name calling and ad homenim attacks as you decry. You are not a true liberal. A true liberal welcomes other points of view - even conservative ones. Your positions seem to be best and most simply categorized as "contrary," not liberal.

Posted by H2G2 (Member # 2443) on :
You have the right to say the things you say. But you don't have the right to be heard without any negative response to what you say.

Does that mean you do or you don't think I should be banned? I'm getting mixed messages here.

While we are on the subject of abuse, I'd like to point out that it was you who drew 'first blood' there by calling me a 'liar' and a 'heretic'.

Oh, and please spare me the old 'speaking the words of the devil' routine. It just comes across like the words of a medieval inquisition.
Posted by Gary (Member # 523) on :
Does that mean you do or you don't think I should be banned? I'm getting mixed messages here.
H, this isn't my board. David can do with you as he wishes. But if you somehow find your way to my board, you will be banned so fast your head will spin.

While we are on the subject of abuse, I'd like to point out that it was you who drew 'first blood' there by calling me a 'liar' and a 'heretic'.
Just calling 'em as I see 'em. If we don't make it clear what lies and heresy are, people will be confused and think what you say is as legitimate as what the Bible says.

Oh, and please spare me the old 'speaking the words of the devil' routine. It just comes across like the words of a medieval inquisition.
And I suppose the words of the Bible are old, stuffy medieval words of the inquisition, too. Of course they are! They say homosexual activity is a sin! They say you must repent of sin. But you liberals are enlightened. You know all we have to do is be tolerant and not judge anybody, right?

Sorry, H, I'm not buying it, or you!

Brother Dan, thanks for your kind words of support. May the Lord bless you and the EMC real good!

Posted by fivefold (Member # 2976) on :
Hi all.Last week Brother Bill Keller of Liveprayer stated in his daily devotionals that
America is becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah
in reference to same sex marriages, abortion and other unholy practices. Our response:

Dear brother Bill,

We agree with every word that you have said in your letter. We also believe that America is TEN times worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and is totally materialistic, ungodly and unholy, and I believe if God were to take a closer look at it, He would possibly destroy it, if it were not for the few Godly people, like you, who are praying constantly for revival.

We ourselves constantly send letters like yours, telling brothers and sisters that we have to get together to do God’s work. Unfortunately we get the usual response of non-committal, no dedication, no interest and in my opinion…. they couldn’t care less if they’re countrymen and women are going to hell. As long as they are all right, they are happy in their little corner. Where would we be, if the Apostles had had the same selfish and self-centred attitude?

I know that you have gathered by now, that you believe this to be a harsh letter to God’s children but was God Himself easy with His children when millions came out of Egypt and then He sent them into the desert for forty years. How many of them survived? Just a remnant.

We do not believe that God has changed. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. (Heb.13:8) We also believe that God takes a poor view when He looks at His “wandering children”, for the want of a better word for we know that if they come together, and we said this in our letters, there would be a tremendous harvest of souls.

The few evangelists like you, several others, and myself can only reach so many, particularly when God’s children refuse to help. You may wonder why these unholy laws are being passed. It is simply because God’s children do not stand up for what is right.

I myself experienced this in New England, New Hampshire in 1988 when the abortion laws were going to be passed in that town. I went on radio to tell them that, with all the prosperity they had at that time, “if this law is passed, this whole town and everyone in it will be devastated and people will walk the streets with placards offering work for food”. So, it was passed. When I went back in the ‘90’s, there was nothing but unemployment and people walked the streets with placards proclaiming that they would work for food.

An Assemblies of God pastor who is like-minded as us, Pastor John Newman, South Barnstead Christian Fellowship, can verify this.

We believe America at this moment, and I will say it again – needs REVIVAL. And if it does not get it, your whole economy will collapse. Not only will a town’s folk be walking up and down with placards, offering work for food, but also this will spread throughout the whole country!

I believe it takes tough talking to get God’s children to help and I am telling you what IS going to happen. In my twenty-five years of ministry, I have yet to be proven wrong in ANY prophecy.

Thank you for the offer to help at the end of your letter. We believe that this is how you can do so.

I believe that you are a key instrument in the Hands of God but I also believe that you should bring them this message through your devotionals, newsletters and television programmes and then we might get an awakening of God’s children. We believe that you will get a great reaction when they come to the realisation that God is willing to take away every blessing that He has bestowed on this great country, instantly.

I myself will be in the United States of America some time this year, bringing them the ‘good news’ and hoping that this time, they listen.

The Apostle Paul said, “for though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of; necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel. 1 Cor.: 9:16

Your brother in Christ,

Five Fold Ministry Ireland


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