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Posted by Brother Paul (Member # 7959) on :
I know at first this will seem not aprt of this area but read on...

As a young boy (between 6 - 8) I saw a spirit. It had taken on the form (or fooled my mind) of a bride. It never bothered me personally but just floated out from a particular closet and floated across the room to a small adjecent room my sister used to sleep in. Tha apparition had no face or hands or feet but the weeding gown and veil were shaped as if full. The appearance was very visible and came back another time when I was in the exact same place in the room. Later, in my early twenties it appeared again as an old man ( an occult symbol of wisdom, which I did not know at that time). I began to seek answer about such things and followed instructions to learn of and experience such things first hand, and as a result I fell headlong into the occult for about two to three years. No one that I knew qarned me about such things and I was not a Chirstian then (I believed I was a god), but in time these exercises gave real experience with abilities the human mind posseses beyond what can be believed by most people who are taught that such things are nonsense, and eventually I came in contact with a subtle yet malevolent evil (it is real and it is out there). 
These spirits are called familiar spirits. They are not dis-embodied souls of once dead humans, and they are not always occupying some black cat or dog like Hollywood popularisms may imply. They are beings of the angelic realm and among those who fell with Satan. They are "familiar" because they are assigned to particular individuals/families, and thus they know all about those assignmants, and having been near them all their human lives, these spirits can know things no one else could have possibly known. Thus they can easily appear to be the spirit of your dead aunt Bess. In fact they often were influential in causing the very circumstances surounding their death. If I am frightening you, I hope you will forgive me, that is not my intent.
Most common people (psychokioi) have no sense of these things whatsoever and have no idea just how much of a role these play in their circumstance and decisions. However, when a person is born of God's Spirit (becomes pneumatokoi) there is no more cause to be afraid. The Holy Spirit is in control and nothing like that can bother you or hurt you...unless you invite it to. They can however aggravate you to no end through outward circumstances and other people, sometimes even through a friend or family member. Only how many, even among the saved and Spirit filled, can discern when it is the person and when it is the spirit. Well we are not called to are we? No! We are told to submit to God and resist the devils and they will flee from you. Do this! Simply continue to submit to God moment to moment. The only time you are called to strive to enter in and obey the Lord is NOW! Continuously it is ever now. Now is the time you do God's will. To see it as a continuous effort is difficult for some, especially for new believers, but to know you only have to do it NOW is but a moment and does not seem so difficult. Only as muture followers of Christ we know each moment is a renewed now!
As for trying to discover or take the journey I did to try and understand these things, therein was the lure for my curious soul at that time in my life. In retrospect, it offered for me something my unregenerate soul desired at that place in my life. It offered a chance for me to be really unique among my peers and gave me a sense of personal power and control. Like so many I believed that if I could experience and weild such power that I woould use it only for good. The trap is that at first it really appears this is so. But fallen man is vile and depraved at heart and in the depths when moments of pain or causes worthy of vengence arise outcomes that evil and so by the real magik that exists when walking with spirits I hurt a couple of people. So please brothers and sisters, let there be a huge red flag that warns "STAY OUT!" God's word continuously warns of the dangers of messing with such things, and I Paul herein testify to you, that you do not want to go down that road, neither do you want to allow your loved ones or children to play in that backyard. So if you know someone who is dabbling, warn them (Ezekiel 33), it is your duty as a Christian brother or sister (go and read Deuteronomy 18 for a snapshot of God's view) to warn them. There is a reason why He created the Lake of Fire you know and it is for beings such as these and you do not want any youo know or love to go there because you kept silent. Now I know you do not want them to go there anyway but all you can do is warn them and pray fervently. Real power and ones real identity is only found in the dominion God desires for you under His Lordship.   

Now finally there are those who claim they can see and interact with spirits regularly but 99% are charlatans. They say they can see auras but are liars. Now these things are real but just like Christianity many phonies and immitators pretend for whatever personl motive and fool many. And then are a few to whom apparitions have indeed really appeared, as there are some who are truly genuine mediums, who allow the spirits to enter and indwell or control them (the word in the Bible for possessed means "controlled"). In some forms of nature religion and voodoo, they call such a one "horse" because the spirit can ride them. These people you see on TV that call themsleves psychics and mediums? Most of them are utterly fakes. Most are merely masters of mentalism, character analysis, body language, etc...and seek to be famous and/or rich...but they are false prophets according to the Bible because their predictions do not all come true. Take for example the famous Jeanne Dixon. Miss Dickson predicted John Kennedy's Assasination, she publicly claimed her gift was from God. However she was wrong every other time (three prior presidential elections). She was even wrong on the Kennedy/Nixon election...she said Kennedy would lose...!
Now as frightening as it may be, there are some real people whose names I could share, but that I will withold because I would not want you to go there out of curiosity and possibly get snared, but there are a couple I believe I am to share (see below). But as for you brethren....just trust God...your real security and real power lays in Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Prayer is a power though God that really does change things. You can pray against these influences in your loved ones and against Principalities assigned over cities and nations. Then finally, being saved, though few know this, you walk in two realms (the eternal and the temporal) right now! You have certain delegated authority you need to use at this time. You have the influence a child has with their parent within His predetermined limits and according to what is His will and within what He allows and go to God, and be a watchman (see Ezekiel 33)...then go forth for God, and may the Lord Bless you and give you peace.

Now perhaps time or honesty will reveal however as for now, I have no idea why I felt driven to write this to you, perhaps there is someone reading here that is mixing these seeds and by His grace they will be warned. He knows...I just try to do as the Spirit leads...I will give you these two names however as an indicator of things to come, though I have known of them for decades...a very prominent NGO (non-Governmental Organization) influencing and funding the UN at this time is the Lucis Trust (formerly the Luciferian Trust) headed by Foster and Alice Bailey students of the very dark queen of real mediums in the last century, Madame H. P. Balvatsky of the Soviet Union, though they are out for them...they are very very least once I would ask you pray a prayer that the Lord will send angels to block their true motives and efforts, if it be His will. I say if it be His will, for who knows the mind of God...He could be allowing them at this time to assist in the bringing forth of that man of sin. I cannot say.

I still cannot understand why I am putting this forth but He knows and if I am mistaken Father please forgive my sin and cleanse me from this unrighteousness but if it be your will let me thank you in advance that you even use a sinner like me at all. In the Spirit this day I thank you in Jesus name Father for your mercy and grace.

Love in Christ,

Brother Paul
Posted by MentorsRiddle (Member # 2108) on :
Brother Paul,

You gave such a powerful testimony.

I too can relate to how you feel, as I dabbled in the occult for some time in my early life.

Perhaps I never went as far as you did, but I still disrespected God -- something of which I will always be sorry for.

The spirits and principalities of this world does indeed follow people, mimic loved ones, pretend to be something they are not – all in attempt to fool us.

I have tried to tell people so many times that I think Ghosts are simply demonic spirits who mimic dead people.

I have tried to warn them that Shadow People are demonic.

People only want to listen to what they want to hear.

All we can do, as Christians, is warn them and hope they make the best decision.

Your story is very powerful and I think you for having the courage to share!



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