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Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :
Jesus said.....those who are not with me are against me....

I think buddism and wicca among many other religions/philosophys are very intriguing. The human mind is fascinated by anything that has to do with spiritual things and the whole idea of figuring out who God is.

From a Christian perspective, this is how it is.

Jesus + Buddism = eternal life.

Jesus + Wicca = eternal life

In fact Jesus plus anything equals eternal life.

On the other hand, any religion void of Jesus equals death.

I believe full blown homo sexual heroin addicts who have Jesus are saved...despite their actions.

Christianity teaches those who are good without Jesus go to hell for eternity. I don't agree with that. Im not sure how God is going to do it but to send trillions of people to hell to burn in a lake of fire for all eternity is unjust and evil...we know God is good ..... this teaching of Christianity contradicts the nature of God, therefore the "churchs" interpretation of scripture or the possibility of them changing it to manipulate men as has been their agenda for thousands of years would not surprise me. God is love.....any questions ?
Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :
“But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy’” (1 Peter 1:15-16).
Posted by TB125 (Member # 2450) on :
How can you post such statements:
Jesus + Buddism = eternal life.

Jesus + Wicca = eternal life

In fact Jesus plus anything equals eternal life.


I thought that you were more orthodox in your beliefs than to be confused by such heresies. Jesus is too righteous to allow himself to be polluted by such man-made ideologies as Buddhism and Wicca. Repentance and faith are the only things that can bring eternal life when they are added to Jesus, and in fact they are not added to him, but they are a part of him through the Spirit. I think that you need to refine your beliefs about Jesus. You've been around this forum too long to be making such a post.
Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :

The name of this topic is

"What is wrong with this brothers post?"

I don't think these are WildB's statements, but he's quoting from someone else under the False Teaching board to expose error.
Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :
Originally posted by Carol Swenson:

The name of this topic is

"What is wrong with this brothers post?"

I don't think these are WildB's statements, but he's quoting from someone else under the False Teaching board to expose error.

Thaxs Carol for pointing that out for those that don't really read a post but just glance thru it and hap hazardously spew out a response.

First off,

I think this brothers math is a little skewered and not Biblical at all.

If I were to put it into a math formula it would most likely be,

Jesus + Biblical Faith = Salvation. For we must remember even the devils also believe, and tremble.
Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :
I think this brothers math is a little skewered and not Biblical at all.

If I were to put it into a math formula it would most likely be,

Jesus + Biblical Faith = Salvation. For we must remember even the devils also believe, and tremble.

WildB [thumbsup2]

Despite biblical admonitions for holiness, the vast majority of those who claim Christianity as their faith have little or no concept of what it means. A survey conducted last year (2006) by the Barna Research Group found the idea of holiness baffling to most church-attending Americans. It concluded that most adults remain confused, if not daunted, by the concept.

“When pressed to describe what it means to be holy, adults gave a wide range of answers. The most common reply was ‘I don’t know,’ offered by one out of every five adults (21%). Other responses fell into categories such as ‘being Christ-like’ (19%), making faith your top priority in life (18%), living a pure or sinless lifestyle (12%), and having a good attitude about people and life (10%). Other response categories included focusing completely on God (9%), being guided by the Holy Spirit (9%), being born again (8%), reflecting the character of God (7%), exhibiting a moral lifestyle (5%), and accepting and practicing biblical truth (5%)” (
Posted by TB125 (Member # 2450) on :
It will help when you are quoting someone in your post to cite the author of the quotation, particularly before you include the quotation. That will make it clear that the statement is not yours and clearly indicate whom you are quoting. It would even help to give a link back to the original statement. I'm sorry for my confusion regarding your post WildB. OK.
Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :
Originally posted by TB125:
It will help when you are quoting someone in your post to cite the author of the quotation, particularly before you include the quotation. That will make it clear that the statement is not yours and clearly indicate whom you are quoting. It would even help to give a link back to the original statement. I'm sorry for my confusion regarding your post WildB. OK.

The Title made it clear enough. The source can be found here
Posted by byfaith (Member # 8061) on :
posted by Carol:
Despite biblical admonitions for holiness, the vast majority of those who claim Christianity as their faith have little or no concept of what it means.

This is so true, and I have in my own life had to stop and take a look at my actions, thoughts..etc.

I worry though that so many never spot this as an issue with their walk.

I was raised in an independent Baptist church, very strictly ruled by outward duties with little to no spiritual growth teachings.

I still have family there, and they are blind to the anything and everyone "outside the church's brick and mortar"

We (my family and I) are seen as backsliders...because we do not attend church (the brick and mortar type) especially THEIR church in particular.
Posted by Robert E. Barger (Member # 7998) on :
Its not weather your good or not, its weather you measure up to the goodness of Jesus who died for you. No man comes to the Father except "through" Jesus Christ.
Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

(Ephesians 2:8-10 NKJV)

We are saved so we can do what He created us to do; so we can walk in obedience to Him.
Posted by KnowHim (Member # 1) on :
Christian Witchcraft and Idolatry

The majority of professing Christians are committing idolatry and witchcraft. They themselves are their own idols. They serve themselves instead of Jesus Christ. They serve God according to their own preference, when and how they choose. They are rebellious against Jesus and refuse to obey Him, that is witchcraft.

They have taken the road of Saul, King of Israel. He was chosen by God but chose to follow his own mind and disobey when God gave him an assignment. It grieved God that He had made Saul king and He sent Samuel to Saul with this message:


Because you have rejected the word of the LORD,
He has also rejected you from being king.” 1 Samuel 15:23,24.

Saul was rejected by God and committed suicide when he was surrounded by his enemies. He died like a fool, without hope. He was once God’s anointed but he chose to disobey and rebel against God.

Saul added to his sin by building a monument for himself (v12) Most Christians are doing the same. They seek their own glory, not the glory of God. They worship Him at their own time in their own way at the church of their own choice. Their church also has a doctrine of it’s own choice. They are practicing witchcraft and idolatry.

The doctrines of their church are the commandments of men, their own rules and regulations. Jesus said:



Many Christians glorify the words of the apostles and reject the words of Jesus. They build doctrines around the words of Paul but refuse to obey Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord, He is the final judge of all men. The words that Jesus spoke will judge all men in the last day (John 12:48). Those Christians are practicing witchcraft. It is in vain that they worship Jesus while they are teaching as doctrines the precepts of men, even the apostles.

Woe to them who have rejected their Savior, became rebellious and idolize themselves. They have chosen their own ruin, eternally separated from the face of God.

And someone said to Him, “Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?” And He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Luke 13:23.

by Jan Boshoff!B0BEEBE97EDC6535!971.entry
Posted by MentorsRiddle (Member # 2108) on :
Who ever said that is extremley confused about who God is and what God thinks is good and acceptable.
Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :
Said what?
Posted by MentorsRiddle (Member # 2108) on :
The poster who said that Jesus+any other religion is ok.
Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :
You're right. The poster who said that "Jesus + any other religion is OK" is extremely confused about who God is and what God thinks is good and acceptable.

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