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Posted by dondi (Member # 4966) on :
I have had alot of contact lately; over the internet; with these people. Some are very nice but others can get right down nasty. They; mostly the seven seals people; believe a comet will hit the earth on March 10, 2012, causing a volcano to erupt in Yellowstone and worldwide devastation after that. Only those "sealed" will endure.
1: I am not a B/D I am a Bible believing Christian following Jesus Christ
2: Don't slam me because of their doctrine.
3: If you want to know more of me look in the new people files.
4: I am looking for insight and help on this matter to draw those away from this and back to Jesus
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
The Branch Davidians is a sect that split away from the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Under their now deceased leader, David Koresh, it became a destructive, doomsday cult. Many of their members died during a standoff with federal authorities in Waco, TX. Fragments of the original group survive.

In 1999-AUG, an ex-FBI agent released to the press some long-suppressed information about the use of explosive tear-gas grenades at Waco. An investigation has been ordered. More revelations about what really happened at Waco are expected as time passes.
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
Church Beliefs
Their basic beliefs follow those of the Seventh Day Adventist church, with its emphasis on the imminent arrival of Jesus Christ, dietary rules, the inerrancy of the Bible, etc. They differ only slightly from many Evangelical churches. However, they have added a number of additional, novel concepts which were centered on themselves and their leader:

God has provided a prophet whose pronouncements are to be regarded on a par with the Bible.
Christ's death on the cross provided salvation only for those who died before 32 CE. People who have died since will only be saved through the activities of the current BD prophet.
They believe that the "lamb" mentioned in Revelation 5:2 is not Jesus Christ (as essentially all Christians believe) but is David Koresh himself. The lamb is to open up the seven seals and trigger the sequence which ends the world as we know it. This belief caused a great deal of misunderstanding; many Christians believe that Koresh viewed himself as Jesus Christ, and was thus psychotic.
After the breaking of the seals, Christ would return to earth. A battle would occur in which the BDs would play a major role. The BD members alone would ascend to heaven to be with God.
Massive confusion developed within the BD during the standoff. Koresh apparently believed that the BATF raid was in some way related to the Book of Revelation's Apocalypse and the war of Armageddon. However details did not fit. Koresh taught that it would occur in Jerusalem in 1995, not in Texas during 1993.

Church Practices
The BDs at Waco led a communal, highly regulated and disciplined life: raising early, eating together, growing their own food, committing long intervals of time to Bible study, etc. Some members had jobs outside the community which contributed financially to the organization.
They published a periodical "Shekineth Magazine"
They held conventions which were synchronized with the Jewish feast days defined in Leviticus 23:4-43.
Following Koresh's "New Light" doctrine, he began to persuade married women within the group to join him as "spiritual wives." This involved sexual access. Couples were separated and their marriages dissolved. All but Koresh and his spiritual wives were required to remain celibate.
There were rumors that Koresh was sexually and/or physically assaulting children in the community. Other rumors suggested that he had several "wives" who were in their mid teens. 1 This was supported by statements from disgruntled ex-cult members and by a father involved in a custody suite. Strong physical punishment was used in the compound for discipline of children. There are allegations that infants as young as eight months were beaten with a paddle . However assertions of actual sexual abuse of young children are of unknown validity. Several investigations were conducted by local Child Protective Services; they turned up no evidence of sufficient quantity or quality to justify a charge. None of the children who left the compound during the siege exhibited any signs of abuse. However Koresh did state in a videotape that he is the father of more than a dozen children with several "wives" who he allegedly impregnated at the age of 12 or 13. If he was telling the truth, then he certainly was guilty of statutory rape. During the standoff, the physical and sanitary conditions in the compound had seriously degenerated. The U.S. Justice Department reported that "It was unhealthy at best, and potentially life-threatening at worst, for children to continue, to be forced to live in such an environment." 1
They assembled large supplies of arms; one source estimated 11 tons of arms including antitank rifles.
During the 1990's, all but one of the elements which are commonly found in doomsday cults were present at Ranch Apocalypse. Only one element that has been generally found in other destructive cults was missing. There does not appear to have been strict control of information in to the compound.

Ranch Apocalypse was a powder keg, awaiting only a spark. Some BDs observed the approach of 76 heavily armed employees of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and interpreted it as related to the Apocalypse and the Battle of Armageddon which they so devoutly had been studying and anticipating for years. Given their religious beliefs, no other interpretation was possible.


"Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas; February 28 to April 19, 1993," U.S. Department of Justice, at:

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2000 & 2003 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Originally published: 1995-SEP-28
Last update: 2003-APR-19
Author: B.A. Robinson

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