This is topic I have need of special prayer please for a miracle breakthru in forum Prayer Request at Christian Message Boards.

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Posted by mama joyce (Member # 4114) on :
Beloved in Christ:

Sharing my heart as openly as I do, Does make me very vulnerable I know, but Share I must, just the same.

I have spent a lifetime trying to sort out things, with Gods help and enabling...He and I have built a very solid and deep relationship over the years, but, alas, I am at a crossroads in my life.

There is not one day that goes by, that I do not pray and am in the word. There is not one day goes by, either, that I don't miss my precious earthly father,since he passed away last year, and I feel so alone on this earth...

What has kept me going for so many years, is my, serving Jesus, and when I am giving ,I am my happiest..As it should be so, the good book says, amen? This also has helped me to keep my focus on Jesus and off of self...Yet, lately the days have brought forth much heartache for me, because I am currently in a position , where my funds are depleted, and the house we live in has not been touched in over 35 years. It’s the house my parents left me. Bless their hearts.It needs everything, from a roof, to plumbing, you name it.

I am humbly grateful to have it. However, it also holds many memories for me of abuse, and literally is very dark inside. I am a child of Light, and this makes it very depressing to live here...I do not want to sell it because its paid for and property taxes are so low.

I try hard ,to keep busy helping the hurting, and serving our Lord, and just simply being grateful for what we have..Yet, now, since we have no funds, there is nothing for me to give the poor and homeless this year...I understand, this is evident, God is going to DO something else, and brand new, but waiting and patience is NOT one of my best virtues I must admit. I have a website also, that further proves my credibility.

I have pictured in my mind and heart a while back, what a wonderful thing it would be, for all the people who knew me , heard of what I had need of, and would come together and help me, BUT again, this was and always has been a dream..I also, have tried to share with many how important it is we need to help each other ,especially if we are to represent the one we serve, honor, and love, Jesus!! I prayed to the Lord to place it on peoples hearts,(He never forces), I also did the foot work and researched ways to obtain the help I needed, but alas, never accomplishing it, either churches or people ,would say, you do not belong to our church, or we do not know you, well geesh!! I do not know the people I help either, BUT I help them anyway...We are one body of Christ, and being so hurting myself, have discovered how deeply it scars you and makes you feel, so I made it my business to reach out to others, and have successfully done this 24 years, until now

I certainly give my time, and still offer rides to those who are elderly and disabled..Yet, somehow, coming back here to the house, is almost indescribable, when I walk into the door, and everything is crumbling down around me...

I have been asked by Jesus, through the word , to increase my trust and faith, and for a time I have indeed been able to accomplish that, however I am a 52 yr old menopausal woman, [Smile] who has such drive and passion in serving our Lord, and am sad inside because right now, if even only for a season I am unable to give to those I would love to...

Each year donations of food, clothing, and toys, blankets have come in, so I could distribute them, amongst the community’s poor, and homeless...To my aching heart, nothing has come in this season

Like I mentioned before, I know the Lord will still provide for those I have helped over the years, in other ways, meanwhile, I feel stuck here, not being used with my gifts, and am sad [Frown]

I have tried and researched so many avenues of obtaining the provision, through Christ, according to His word, ask and you shall receive, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and the door shall be opened unto you, and this season, all doors have been closed ...I have asked for people to go to their closets, and see if they had any good shape blankets, or toys to distribute..I had some say I will look, and never heard from them again [Frown]

Integrity is a huge part of our Christian world today that perhaps is lacking, and needs growth, I feel. For myself, I try hard, that if I say something ,I plan on following through with it...I am sorry to share this part of my heart here, but I am truly discouraged, and feel I have failed our precious Jesus, by allowing my emotions, and flesh to get in the way...

I am unable to fix our home, because I do not make near enough to try, and cannot take out any type of loan, because I cannot pay it back...That is also,why my heart grows sad inside, by example and what the lord has taught me ,I have perpetuated the brotherhood of mankind wherever I go, hoping it would catch on, going to churches, going to the streets, strangers, elderly, you name it, and doing whatever I could to bring Gods love back into the world, and right now, at this moment, I feel I have failed somehow, and almost do not wish to try anymore...Like what I have been doing is in vain Now, that I have needs, there is no "Mama Joyce" out there to help me..

It would seem this season will be one of a great VOID for me, yet, you can rest assure, I suffer in silence in my home, because when I am on the streets or at work, no one, knows these things about me, simply because I am representing the one I love and adore, Jesus, and I want people to see Love, and hope...So, I come here, in deep humility, and thank you from my heart for allowing me to share my struggles..

All I can ask is for prayer, for I know it is written, John 15:5 Without God We Can Do Nothing. I ask for your prayers, those who are willing to pray, and perhaps God will hear the petitions and move mightily and quickly to answer...

Much Love in Christ
Weary, but tenacious,
Mama Joyce
Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
Mama Joyce, your story moved me and your dedication to Christ moves me more. I will be praying for you and that the people around you will be moved to aid you and to help the people you seek to help.
Posted by mama joyce (Member # 4114) on :
Dearest Laurie:

Thank you most kindly. I do so appreciate your prayers...To God be all the glory! Prayer indeed is a powerful tool... God Bless you Laurie, in abundance!

Love in Christ
Mama Joyce
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
Welcome Mama Joyce - I admire your unshakeable faith. Will be praying for you.

I heard a pastor on TV recently say that we should starting praying to the mountains. God told him not to pray to Him about the mountain, but to speak to the mountain about the power of God.

Matthew 21:21,22
Then Jesus told them, "I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, `May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Posted by mama joyce (Member # 4114) on :
Hi His Grace:

Bless you dear...Believe me I have been speaking to a lot of mountains lately, [Wink] I just cannot help feeling weary from battles all the time..they seem constant a lot lately, BUT I know something will happen for me soon, and thank you for your willingness to pray as well..

By the way, I have one awesome testimony I would love to share, where on this board would I post it? It is said to be quite inspirational !

Love in Christ
Mama Joyce
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
I guess under "Encourager" would be a good spot to post the testimony - looking forward to seeing it. [Smile]

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