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Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
I believe in the power of prayer, so I am here to request support again from those who are willing.

Many of you may be aware of my financial situation, at least to some extent, due to a prolonged period of unemployment for both me and my husband. He just recently got a job in a town two hours away from where we were living, so we have just moved here to the new place and are getting settled.

I just got a call a few days ago about a job working using my scientist skills at a company where I have always wanted to work - back in the town in which we were previously living! It is just a contract job, so I am considering taking it to accomplish a few things.

First, it would give me the opportunity to pay off some debts that we have accrued, which I have been praying very hard about, because I do not like debt. Secondly, it would enable me to give more to the Lord's work. Thirdly, it would allow us to rebuild our savings somewhat, in anticipation of my returning to school some time next year. And lastly, it would allow me to practice my skills, but also to show certain people I worked with before that God has changed me. Perhaps that can help me be a witness to them, I hope.

The drawback: It would require me to live away from my home during the week, at least 3-4 nights per week, because the commute would be too much for me or my poor old car on a daily basis. This would no doubt be a strain on our marriage. I would however, be able to spend time more with my mother who has been ill. Overall, I would hope that the situation would last no longer than 6-9 months.

So, I ask that you guys pray that I do the Lord honor tomorrow in my interview and that if offered the position, that I make the right decision. I pray for the wisdom and knowledge of God and for proper discernment. I do not want to make choices based upon chasing financial gain or career ambitions (the latter doesn't really seem to be a factor in this situation for me this time). I just feel that *maybe* this is the answer to my continued prayers that the Lord help us find a way to get these debts repaid. It is just so funny, because I have applied at this company MANY times over the past 7-8 years, but depsite my really good qualification, the door was always very mysteriously shut and the company was silent to me. Then, I had two brief phone interviews with them this past summer, where I thought that perhaps God had positioned me in that town finally so I could get a position there. Suddenly, the door slammed shut in my face again, so I figured that the company was just not a place God ever wanted me to be.

The interview is tomorrow, so if you have a chance today or tomorrow morning, I would very much appreciate the prayers of the saints.

Thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
Laurie, looks like the Lord has positioned you in this in this town because he has a community-based work for you do in that area.

Now that you are settled perhaps he has re-opened the door for you to receive the job of our choice. Who knows, maybe he has another car for you in a few months, even though at the moment you can't see your way clear. He is in control and he sees the bigger picture.

I certainly will be praying for you for the next couple of days, and I have confidence that you will follow his leadings.

Prov.4:10-13 My Child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life. I will teach you wisdom's ways and lead you in straight paths. If you live a life guided by wisdom, you won't limp or stumble as you run. Carry out my instructions, don't forsake them. Guard them for they will lead you to a fulfilled life.
Posted by mohawk (Member # 2898) on :
Hi Laurie

You know what is so beautiful--within your prayer request, you described exactly some of the hows, whats and whys that the Lord is working in your life.

The new job is in a town where you don't have to struggle with finding your way around--you already know the landscape. You will be working with people whom you don't have to get over the hurdle of getting to know. You are in a place where you have a proven track record, and now you have the incredible bonus of His inspiration working for you there. Maybe it is quite a distance--but the Lord may be re-forging your marriage in a grand way that will make it even more meaningful in the longrun. The "strain" factor may be only a temporal interpretation. You've already painted a picture of your husband as a man who obviously loves you, and he'll share this burden through. You may be worrying all for nothing. Pray together and talk about it.

Your mother needs you and the Lord is providing a way for you to be in the right place, in a way that will enhance your financial wellbeing instead of stretching it thinner--that's God at work!

Your car will hold up until its replacement is ready to appear in place--at the Lord's proper time. Your beater is serving the Lord too--this may be the grandest time of its little mechanical life... and its successor will be in the wings.

Sometimes we aren't able to see the entire journey at once... we need to step forward with faith, up to the point we can see, before the next leg of the journey is revealed... and we step forward in faith again...

Here I am talking like some expert on the Lord's ways when all I really know is what I am seeing and reading... but I can see His hand putting things in place for you. Don't let doubt get a foothold now!

Thank you Father for these great things!! Amen. [clap2]
Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
Well, to keep folks updated who were interested, I got a call yesterday that they wanted to go with a candidate who had *less* experience than I have for the position [Frown] I feel so frustrated, because I know I prayed about it and so this must be God's will, but man I wish I could see what He sees. It looks pretty bleak now, and I am starting to doubt again that God wants to take care of me. I have recently been exposed to some opinions that make me question if the church that got me so inspired is actually some kind of "word of faith" thing that is false I guess. So now I am back almost to where I was a few months ago, where I find myself thinking God doesn't really care about what happens to us here on Earth. It seems a lot of Christians believe that maybe that is the case.

I will serve the Lord anyway, but I can't help but feel a little self pity right now, as I wonder how we will pay the debts we owe and how we will pay for car insurance (which is ridiculously high here in Florida - I have never seen such a thing, even in Chicago!) when it comes due, etc.

I just feel so aimless wandering around this apartment alone too. I get less productive and lazier every single day, as they strecth before me with nothing but housework to fill them. The pastor at the church I am visiting said he could use some help with some computer stuff, so I will start working on that. Maybe it will help fill up all the time. I wish we could afford to start our family.

I feel like I have been waiting such a long time, and I just feel if the Lord doesn't have anything else for me to do, He can just bring me home now. This waiting things is not something I am good at.
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
Honey, Start praying that God will show you what He is trying to teach you. Tell Him how upset you are.
Than ask Him to comfort you. I will pray for you, that God will open new doors for you.
Posted by mohawk (Member # 2898) on :
It may seem silly to say "well pulling the rug out from under you was His plan too!!" The truth is, we can't control what other people do. But I am not willing to throw in the towel and I am not at a loss for words because of this (can ya tell?) [Wink]

I'm willing to believe that there is still some lesson being administered, and God still has your need on His desk, Laurie. Perhaps something better has become possible on the horizon, and He is switching gears. He isn't misleading you and having a laugh at your expense. If God was into bait-n-switch, He would have had Jesus reprieved from the cross at the last moment--a letter from the governor--a stay of execution. That didn't happen.

My advice is exercise faith now. Don't be turned off. In a deeply troubled state of mind about whether or not He really cared what happened to me, about a year and a half ago, I prayed a similar prayer--and though I won't make you snicker with what happened next (what happened would make even a few believers say oh-pleeeease...) I got an answer. Right during the prayer. And it was as direct an answer as I could have asked for--a YES, right between the eyes.

God knows we are only clay, and will not let us be prey to something that would overtake us. Right now, the answer may simply be "be still and know that I am." You're actually in a very special place. You are about to see Him do something incredible that cannot be debated away by anyone. I say, be watching for it, no matter how frustrating the wait may seem.

Seek Him first, and all these things will be added unto you. Amen. [Cool]
Posted by LaurieFL (Member # 3794) on :
After I made this post, I just went to the Lord and cried and cried. Thank you, Miss Betty for telling me to take my cares to Him. Of course I know to do that, but had let my emotions block me and felt guilty crying to Him. I just went to Him and told Him I have no idea what He wants and that I hurt and am worried. He didn't give me an *answer* , but He did comfort me.

Also, this is funny - as soon as I finished praying and reading a few chapters of my Bible, the phone rang and it was my mom. She said she had felt burdened for God about me. She is going to help pay the debt we cannot pay until I get a job. I didn't tell her I was so upset, but she stayed on the phone with me a while encouraging me and giving me scripture to go read. Then, not long after we got off the phone, minutes even, my husband came home just to visit with me for an hour. He has *never* done that since he got his job. I had not told him how upset I was, nor did I mention it while he was here, but I thought it not a coincidence that God sent me my two closest comforters in such a time of need.

I know He has good plans for me and will take care of our needs. It just gets hard to ride that emotional rollercoaster sometimes.
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
God in His kindness often sends comforters to us when we need them. I am glad you feel better, but will continue to pray for you, dear.
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
Laurie, isn't it nice to know that in spite of all of the trials, we can rest in the knowledge that God is in complete control.

Sometimes we stew and fuss and are discontented where we are, but God waits until we become totally submissive and yielding. Only then will he bring on the blessings and say "Now you are ready."

Phil 4: 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
Posted by Study (Member # 3991) on :

After reading your story. I’m setting here tonight to give you an encouraging testimony. Some time when we see what others are going through or have gone through we can see things in a different light.

I was working two jobs a full time job and a part time. A few year ago I quit the part time job and a month or so later the full time I had for 7 years down size 1200 people and I just happen to be one of them (I knew when one door closed God always open another one for his children) Prior to the full time job letting me go I had paid off two credit cards and closed the accounts and cut the cards up. The lord had already prepared me for things I did not know, what was to come. I was sending out resumes doing interviews and nothing was happing. Before each interview I would ask the Lord to walk before me and prepare the way. I continue with this process for several months.

My daughter and I have a house together and she was becoming uneasy with me not work. I was getting unemployment but not nearly enough to cover my share of the financial end. A while after my sister became very ill and was hospitalize. My mother didn’t see well enough to drive anymore and she wanted to visit on a daily basis as well as myself. By not working I was able to pick my mom up every day and we both spent all day at the hospital with my sister. My sister went to be with the Lord two weeks later. I was able to be strong and comfort my family along with grieving myself. After the final arrangements. Several months later, after I received my last unemployment check on a Wednesday. Thursday I received a phone call about a job. That phone call present me with a new job that coming Monday. God is in control and he is always on time.

In between all of the above I lost my eye site for a day and a half my vision became very blurred I could not make out anything. The day this happen I had and appointment with the unemployment people, because they didn’t want to give me my unemployment because I quit my part time job. I could not even see the phone number on the notice they had sent me. I felt my way to my neighbor house next door and rang their bell but no one was home, I wanted someone to call the number on the paper to reschedule another appointment for me. I felt my way back home prayed and continue to try and read the phone numbers on the paper. I finally could make out about five to six numbers and I just started dialing for I already knew the number keys on the phone. After a couple of tries I reach the office and spoke with the person I was supposed to meet with. She took my testimony over the phone and I said thank you Lord.

My point is God already knew my mom and my sister was going to need my assistance and he prepared a way even before I knew it. He already knew what was needed. If I had been working I would not have been able to spend those precious moments with my sister in her last days.

Nothing is to hard for God.
He said he will supply all our needs.
I will be praying for you. [Prayer]
With love your sister in Christ.

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