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Posted by Brian L. (Member # 1898) on :
Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I really want to take a minute to let you know that the things that you have posted have inspired me and helped me to feel better on some of the 'grey' days!!!

I can't thank you both enough for your genuine love and support. Your prayers and kindness just pick me up and make me smile. Thank you for caring so much and being there doing what you're doing and for taking me and Sara to the Heavenly Father in your prayers!

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND SERIOUS IN SO MANY WAYS! Please read and pray if you would be so kind!....

Would all of you dear Brothers, Sisters and friends in Christ pray and intercede on my family's behalf please?

1) My dear mother has severe bowel/intestinal blockage and is very dehydrated and IS recently hospitalized! SICK and MISERABLE LADY HERE!!! PRAY FOR COMFORT AND RELIEF FROM PAIN!!!

It wouldn't be that bad, but she has almost 100 allergies and they aren't usually able to stay on top of it. They have made matters worse in some fashion the handful of times she's been in the hospital!

My mothers blood pressure has sky rocketed and her inflammatory disc problems in her spine have added additional problems and much pain. The dear soul NEVER even complains, but IS in awful pain many days!

2) Brother Mark has recently diagnosed M.S. and having many problems from it and the medication.

3) Brother Ken is really overweight and having problems with his asthma, etc... Wife's eating/ lifestyle doesn't help.

4) Father-in-law has lung and heart problems and other serious medical conditions!

5) My blood pressure is still elevated and I have intermittent chest pain. Meds only help a little bit. Please continue to pray for my beloved Sara to turn her life back to the Lord God, and reconcile this marriage too.

My stress level will decrease SO MUCH once we are joined together in the Lord again! THANK YOU dear Jesus for hearing and answering my prayers and the prayers of these dear friends!!!!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart! There are SO MANY wonderful prayer warriors on this sight! I have COMPLETE FAITH in the Lord God that he WILL hear our prayers and heal us and soothe us and make us as new!!!

May the Lord bless each of you bountifully!!!! You are all so GREAT to me!

In Christ Jesus we humbly ask, and BELIEVE in You our GREAT God and magnificent, loving Creator!~

--Brian L.
Posted by TwinsGranny (Member # 2137) on :

I will indeed ask Our Lord to put His hands upon all of those who's health is bad, especially for my Mom. I continue to keep you in my prayers and hope that you will find the peace that only God can give you. Our Heavenly Father is the Great Physician and I am sure He will hear our prayers on behalf or all those you have mentioned with health needs, including yourself.

God Bless you!
Posted by Brian L. (Member # 1898) on :
Just an FYI/Update........

The colonoscopy on my mother was 'negative' in its findings. Thank you Lord God! BUT........ There are no other leads as to what is causing all the problems and an abdominal CT was slated, but postponed for some reason. Gods will for certain!

A possible abdominal CT might be performed on Tuesday sometime. Pray for the best outcome possible. Thanks!

Mom is still in a lot of pain, and pretty weak from all the pressure inside, not being able to eat, the testing procedures, etc.......

Just pray that the physicians would be lead by the Lord to find what's going on, and bring the dear woman some relief quickly without the need for surgery or exploratory measures.

Mom's eating habits are impeccable! Drinks about a gallon of water a day, rarely eats meat, NO junk food, alot of fibre, grains, fruits and vegetables. She's been doing this for years as she has had a lot of food and medication allergies, and is very careful with what she puts into her body.

No changes on the other requests that I have posted on the original portion of this thread! YET is all! I continue to feel that the Holy Spirit is doing some POWERFUL and amazing things in Sara and those involved with the 'break-up' and deceiving her from the Lord's Will and His Holy Word of God! THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR ALL THAT IS COMING TO BE FOR YOUR GLORY and HONOR IN RESTORING THIS MARRIAGE!

Persistent prayer is going to work in all of this! I have complete faith 100% as a matter of fact! It is ALL going to work out wonderfully to PRAISE and Honor our Heavenly Father and give credit and all attention to Him. Lives will be impacted in a positive way for His purpose and His Kingdom in all of these present, (temporary) situations!

Thank you for your love, kindness and persistent prayers for us! We DO feel your love and your prayers! My mother thanks you all too!!!!!

May the Lord bless you wonderfully my Brothers and Sisters in Christ! GLORY TO THE LORD GOD FOR HIS TENDER MERCIES, HIS GRACE AND FORGIVENESS TO US ALL!

In Christ Jesus precious name we humbly ask of You Heavenly Father, AMEN.


Your Brother in Christ

--Brian L.
Posted by Brian L. (Member # 1898) on :
I do feel the need to make another update on things.....

Although my mother is out of the hospital and has been for a few days (PRAISE THE LORD!) she has been weak. The medication that they had put her on IS starting to cause an allergic response which has always been a problem with SO MANY medication allergies she suffers from.

This med. has been stopped. Today she started developing other complications and is in a LOT of pain and the doctors are even more perplexed! Things are getting worse instead of better.

Would you be so kind as to pray for the physicians to be directed to the root of her problem and pain! Please pray that she would get some relief and some decent, healing rest. The poor dear suffers so much and is NOT a complainer at all. Mom is the one who encourages everyone else and is praying for them all the time!

Pray for the appropriate 'second opinion' from a physician/specialist outside of our facility as they are seeking.

I ask that you would continue praying for the other health needs in our 2 families, and persist in prayer with me for my dear wife Sara to be convicted and broken free from the binds of adultery, and bitterness, and turn it all over to the Lord God and repent!

Pray that the Spirit of God would soften Sara's heart to His will once again, and to put an end to her pushing for this divorce and be willing to work on reconcilliation and serving the Lord together however He chooses. Pray for my continued Christlike transformation, and for finances to start to improve.

Putting CHRIST FIRST in our lives and marriage is my goal! PRAISE THE LORD GOD FOR HIS MERCY, HIS GRACE AND FORGIVENESS!!!!!

I once again thank you all for your love, kindness, concern and prayers!

I BELIEVE 100% that God hears and answers prayers wonderfully! "The prayers of the righteous avail much" AMEN!!!!!!

We humbly bow before you Heavenly Father and ask these things be done according to your will, through the precious and Holy name of Your Only SON, Jesus Christ and His Blood which was shed for us!

May the Lord God continually Bless each of you! Thank you all once again!!!

In Christ,

--Brian L.
Posted by Brian L. (Member # 1898) on :
Thanks to those of you that have contacted me and have asked in concern......

But, NO, there are no changes in any of my earlier requests for family health, spiritual/financial problems within our families, etc... that I can see or feel in any way. I am keepin the faith tho! AMEN!!!

My dear sweet mother we believe will be getting to schedule an appointment with a specialist MD out of state. Pray for it to happen soon. The poor dear is still so uncomfortable! Continue to pray for relief, healing and for the doctors and their teams to find and correct the problem(s)! Her blood pressure sky-rockets when she is in this much pain. Pray for it to come down, and stay down where it should be. Thanks.

I do PRAISE AND HONOR YOU GOD THE FATHER THAT YOUR PRECIOUS SON COVERS US WITH HIS BLOOD and cleanses us daily! THANK YOU LORD for making the referral appointment so readily available!!!!

The prince of darkness and his evil spirits are still trying to frustrate and 'shake' me up! He launches attacks daily from all directions. Thank God for dressing me in His Full Armour daily!!!

The divorce papers from Sara and her attorneys DO NOT seem to stop! I get stuff several times each week. Pray that the insanity with all of this would CEASE immediately! It is getting to be very overwhelming.

PLEASE Pray with me that the Holy Spirit of God Almighty would show me EXACTLY what to do regarding the paper work that they said I HAVE TO DO and send back!! I'm wondering if I should fill it out, or tell them "no, I won't do it".

I WANT THE LORD GOD'S WILL/DIRECTION IN THIS! NOT BRIAN OR SARA'S!!!! Am a bit too confused as I don't hear/sense the Holy Spirits calling or direction in this whole matter lately.

I am STILL standing on God's promises in complete FAITH that DEC. 8th Divorce decree will be null and void, WILL NOT HAPPEN before the courts, and that the Holy Spirit will have allowed or brought about an impact/change in Sara's dear hart and mind so that when I send her the 'surprise' concert tickets for the 2 of us, it will be the catalyst and just the right thing to spark things up for us again even further! (I prayed long and hard before I decided to do this. I sensed this decision from the Holy Spirit)

Let's pray Sara would surrender completely to the Lord God Almighty again and let Him forgive her/us and lead our lives, and become FIRST in our marriage forever more.

ALL PRAISES, HONOR AND GLORY we give YOU Magnificent, gracious, merciful Heavenly Father for restoring our hearts and mind unto You and your perfect will, and for allowing all of these things and the wonderful solutions/miracles to bring praises and credit to the Creator of the Universe for YOUR never ending love and mercy!

Thanks for your thoughts, concerns, encouragement, and ALWAYS those awesome prayers that I am receiving!

In Christ Jesus I trust and await definitive, clear cut answers as to what to do today and over the next 2 or 3 weeks! Let us keep our eyes on YOU Lord God!

In Him

Your Brother

--Brian L.
Posted by Pastor Dave (Member # 965) on :
This is surly a very strong attack form the enemy and he seems to be relentless in his search for areas of vulnerability. I continue to pray for you asking God to intervene in this situation and I know that there is Victory in Jesus. I plead the very Blood of Jesus over your marriage.

Regarding your mother, I know that our Lord will not allow Satan to bring unnecessary pain and suffering to your dear mother in an attempt to sway your faith. So realize that this medical problem that your mother is experiencing is entirely separate from your battle with the satanic forces that are influencing Sarah and working in Sarah’s life. The devil will try his best to connect every situation where a loved one is going through a trial to your battle concerning your wife. Don’t allow him to influence your mind in this way his greatest power in his ability to accuse and he will try to use it to make you feel guilty.
Your mother is in my prayers and I am asking our Lord to heal her and ease her pain.

I am also praying for Brother Mark and Brother Ken and your father-in-law. That they will be healed in Jesus Name.

Father, touch Brian and cause his blood pressure to come to normal. Reduce his stress and bless him in this time of trouble for his unwavering faith. I ask for a breakthrough in this entire situation and I thank you for your love. In Jesus Name Amen.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit asks us to do things that man would look upon as silly and of no consequence. However, His ways are not our ways and obedience is better than sacrifice. Brian, this very evening I am going to write the powerful name of Jesus using a marker on the bottom of my shoe souls and also my grandson’s shoe souls and we are going to spend sometime outside on the front porch stomping on the devil’s head. Now, we will be very careful not to bring any railing accusation toward the enemy as this would be against the Lord’s will. However we will obey the Lord and put Satan under our feet as we symbolically take control in the Name of Jesus. You may want to join us in this activity. It’s good for the soul and the blood pressure.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave
Posted by Hanz (Member # 2209) on :
I too will pray for all the things you have told us about. Please keep us updated. [Prayer] [Prayer] [Prayer]

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