This is topic mom of 3 in need of prayers in emergency situation in forum Prayer Request at Christian Message Boards.

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Posted by momof3inva (Member # 1712) on :
I know you do not know me and I just have joined the group but I didnt know where else to turn to. Please read and Please Pray for me and my family I have been sick for months with Plurisey, Mono and severe migraines and now I was in a bad car wreck a a few weeks ago and my luck keeps getting worse. I am in a very tough situation. I am not able to work still and with three kids I do not know what to do. I am in need of groceries very bad. Sorry to dump this on you guys but I am very depressed, sick, sore and very worried about the kids I have my electric and water due next week also.. I have a kroger and walmart food store here if anyone could help me I am in dire need. Things here are so bad. The kids not only need food but clothing if anyone has any girls summer clothes size 7 or 8 or boys size 15 or 16 please let me know. I feel bad even asking but I am in need of help and do not know where to turn... I am humbly asking for someone out there that could help me with food and clothing for the kids please email me off group. I am too sick to read all the posts in the groups right now. I cannot get food stamps ... the story is way too confusing to explain .. so that is not an option for me. . . I am a mother of 3 kids who is in a bad situation at the moment and pretty embarrassed about the post but I am desperate. I feel like my world is crashing not only am I sick ,but my insurance cancelled me and DMV found out so now I do not even have a drivers license and between the accident I was in and DMV now it will cost about 800 to get my license back. I was suspended and didnt know it so I got a ticket for that plus driving without insurance.... luckily I guess I was the only one hurt in the wreck. I hydroplaned off of I-81 and crashed but didnt involve any other cars. So I am not only sick and not at all feeling well , needing groceries so awful bad but now I cannot even drive or go back to work when I do feel better because I cannot drive and I live far off from any kind of bus.. Ok deep breaths ---- I dont know if you can help me ... but at least I got all this off my chest to someone. Thank you .Also my childs birthday is in 2 weeks and I am not even able to get anything. I have contacted all of my local churches around my area and not even one has contacted me back yet. So if you cant help me at least please pray with me that my prayers can and will be answered. I have faith in the Lord that somehow I will get through this. I have lost my faith in people I do not know where to turn for help so I am trying here I have been out of work due to being sick I went to several other groups seeing if anyone could help me and noone has just were hateful to me. I have kids and am in need of help with groceries and clothing for i have lost my faith in people and now i do not know what to do. Someone asked me for my address and offered to help. I gave them my address and a police officer came to my house saying she reported me for asking for help. He said I wasnt in trouble .. but now I am embarrassed and worried . I had a problem with social services about 6 years ago which is why I will not trun to them for help ( I had assistance and I broke down out of state with the kids. A friend sent me the money to fix my car to get home via western union . Social Services found out and took away a chunk of my help plus now I owe them tons all because of someone who I thought was a friend sending me money( only a few hundred dollars by the way) to fix the car and get home. So I cannot and will not go there. Social Services does not care .. they wouldnt even listen to me just threatened me and treated me like total garbage. Not to mention also that also my son a few years ago broke his arm at the babysitters and I had CPS monitor me for months because of that. I was at work not even there. him and another boy were playing on a wagon and he fell off ....... and because of that I had these complete strangers questioning my kids at school and showing up at my house. The system does not work ... it really doesnt. Sorry to gripe but I thought I needed to clarify the situation.) I know alot of people try to scam ect on the web so now I am afraid to even ask for help .... I do not know what to do I am a christian and I am praying that somehow god will get me through this
I have recieved so many hateful comments and emails please spare me . I do not pay for my internet by the way it came with the place I rent and the computer I have is old . I just wanted to add that due to the hateful remarks I have gotton . If you cannot or do not want to help me all I ask is you pray for my situation and me and the kids.
I have contacted churches that are supposed to have food banks but not one has contacted me back. Like I said I cannot drive now so I have to wait until the contact me back. I do not have a phone just a cell phone with limited minutes for emergency use. Most the minutes are at nighttime that I can use I have free weekend and nights but noone is open at 9 pm - 6 am which is when I have the minutes on the cell phone. So I emailed every church I could find in my town and 2 surrounding towns and not 1 of them has emailed me back or called me on the phone at night. ..How could they not contact me .. I am begging for help to feed my kids and they dont even respond to me. What should I do. I cant drive , I have a friend that does take me to the store when they can and when I am able to get anything and they drive 40 mins up here to take me.
Posted by Christ for the children (Member # 159) on :
Sister, please do not give up. God loves and cares for us all. God knows your needs, and if you are His child, He will supply your needs. The Bible states that He will supply our needs, but not necessarily our wants. You did not state if you were Christian, and if you are not it is very simple to become one. The Bible states that all we need to do is admit we are a sinner, believe that He died for our sins, and commit our lives to Him--A B C. We commit our lives to Him by simply asking Him into our heart. The first prayer God hears is a prayer asking Him in our hearts. If you have not yet done this, please let me encourage you to do it now. If you have, then all you have to do is admit your shortcomings to Him, and ask Him for the things that you really need. In any event, I will pray for you and the situation you are in. Prayer is needed here, I know, and God is more than able to supply the need here. "Father, right now I praise You for Your love. I thank You for sending your Son to pay the penalty for our sins, for sacrificing Him so we could have eternal life with You. Thank you for allowing us to come to You in need. You know the need in this situation, and I ask You to fillher need and those of her children as well. Thank you in advance for filling this need, and we give You the praise in the name of Jesus. Amen" Relax, God will supply.
Posted by TabiCat (Member # 1724) on :
Dear Sister,

I hope you do not mind but I posted your prayer request on my website. As a result one of my members has asked me to contact you on their behalf. Below is the email that was sent to me.

Dear Momof3inva,

My name is Jenny and although I have never met you I feel God is leading me to help you. Now please understand I am only 21 and have a hard enough time making ends meet myself with trying to save up for school, but I feel led to help you in some way. Please send me your home address as I really and truly would like to send you some things. Take care and may God bless you richly.


If you will send me an email at I will put you into contact with this person. God Bless you and keep you.

Posted by Not the One (Member # 1762) on :
I have girls summer clothes...and a little extra cash.
Show me your situation is real and I will send it to you.

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