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Posted by Hannahgirl (Member # 756) on :
This Mother's Day I sit with a broken heart AGAIN. No phone call, no visit, no flowers, no gift, no love, no respect, no honor, no value as a human being to my son.

He was on drugs for 13 years. We (my husband and I prayed without ceasing and fasted for him for over 7 years.

He finally came to the Lord, and serves Him in most of his ways, but concerning me, he does not give me any honor.

He was spoiled fault...and I almost loved this child to death.

The Lord MADE me LET GO of him a few years ago after he married a young woman who has TOTALLY TURNED HIM AGAINST US. He came to the Lord right at the time they were meeting, and at a time I had prayed for for many, many years...a TIME OF HEALING in our relationship. Oh how sweet it was.....but not for long.

I have not seen his face in a year and I do not remember how many Mother's Day's I have sat alone and SO VERY HURT as I do today.

OBVIOUSLY..."I" failed to teach this son how to respect and value this Mother. All he has ever done is use and abuse us and get what he wanted and DIRT ON US. We had enough and said" THIS IS NO LONGER EXCEPTABLE". The minute we didn't take his dirt any longer and laid some boundaries about the respect we needed ..HE WAS GONE. You do not say "NO" to my son.

The girl has been such a destructive force in his life.....and her family is all she has ever wanted. She came into the famiy JUDGING, CRITIZING and TRYING TO CHANGE EVERYONE TO HER LIKING.

She too is a very, very, very spoiled rotten child who has never grown up. She is some kind of un-likeable ....and has totally torn this family apart to destruction, JUST AS THE LORD WAS ANSWERING MY LONG AWAITED PRAYER. An TRUE AGENT OF THE DEVIL.

Sometimes I feel like I cannot handle any more pain from this son....he's my only child. Like I wish he had never been born at all...for all the un-happiness and sorrow he has brought. Precious little JOY and HAPPINESS and NEVER has ever GIVEN ANYTHING BACK. It's a one way relationship with him. WE GIVE....HE TAKES...but we had to call that quits and that's when it all blew.

I've seen him only a very few times in almost 4 years now. He lives 10 minutes from me and I have never seen his new home and he has not come into mine in almost 4 years.

Please pray for God to give this young man WISDOM beyond his natural ability and years. He is planting seeds of HORROR and SADNESS that will knock upon his door some day when he is older.

I feel sorry for him, but that's what got me into this mess....I always felt sorry for him because his dad left us when he was only 5 months old. I raised him alone and STILL not an ounce of gratitude in his heart for all I did to raise him and give him his life. I was always his BEST CHEERLEADER IN LIFE.

I made many mistakes as a YOUNG MOTHER and you cannot undo bad parenting LATER. Spoiled rotten children turn into spoiled rotten ADULTS.

Soooooooooooo sorry to pour out my heart aches sooooooooooo today. You give your life for a child....Give TOO MUCH and this is what you get back. YEARS of MOTHER'S DAYS filled with tears and sorrow. I just don't get it.

I loved that child so in every way possible...but like I said, I LOVED HIM TOO MUCH and there is a grave danger in that. He seems to love and respect everyone but me. I've always been his whipping post. The one who caught all his stuff when on drugs...and the ONLY ONE WHO STAYED AND LOVED HIM AND PUT HIM BACK TOGETHER A HUNDRED OR SO TIMES.

Happy MOther's Day.....TO ME !!! [Frown] [Frown] [Frown] There's not an icon for tears, but I'm sure you can hear me weep if you listen close enough.

Thank you for letting me vent and please pray for my son to come home with love and respect in his heart and actions. I would be the happiest Mother in the whole wide world.

Thanks again and God bless you all. Hannahgirl
Posted by Pastor Dave (Member # 965) on :
Hannahgirl, I have seen your posts on this board for the last two months and I know you as a saint of God. So with the Love of Jesus I wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

[Prayer] Lord God Holy Spirit look upon Hannagirl's son and convict Him night and day. Leave no time that he is not convicted that it is his duty in the Lord to honor his mother. Lord as he is married and has become one flesh with his wife also convict her. Send them both an effective witness for the Gospel and make them ashamed for the way they have treated Hannagirl.
In Jesus Name Amen.
Posted by MAC (Member # 47) on :
Happy Mothers Day Hannahgirl [Kiss]
Posted by LWSJ (Member # 1384) on :
Happy Mothers Day, Hannahgirl.
Although your heart is breaking, be encouraged! You are among Christian friends here who care and are praying not only for you, but that your son will be lead by the Lord to show you the love and respect that you not only deserve, but that He also commands us to have for our parents. You are in my prayers.
God Bless You!
Posted by Hannahgirl (Member # 756) on :
THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOO MUCH for your good wishes, Christian love, support, words and prayers.

I did really well in church this morning and all day long until the end of the day and all of a sudden it hit me. So much TIME, that we can NEVER GET BACK passing by so quickly.

Memories flooding back....the good, the bad (which there was a lot of with drugs) and the ugly. [Smile] [Smile] I miss him so much....though it is beginning to feel like he is dead. [Frown] [Frown] [Frown] I think that's the part that hurts the most, and people do not understand. It's as natural as greiving for a loved one who has passed on....except it's worse to me, for he is here and this pain is UN-NECESSARY, though I have had to grieve through this LIVING DEATH.

I UNDERSTAND that we are to DIE TO EVERYTHING (even our loved one's), but boy is it hard. I sure thought after he came to Christ and out of the drug world that all this heartache and on-going suffering of sorrow would be over. I lived such a long, and hard nightmare in that drug life he lead, that I wound up very sick from it all....and still am. The STRESS ate my body alive, and though I have learned how to receive the PEACE OF CHRIST now, the damage is done.

I also know that GOD must have the time needed to do the necessary work in my son. He has come a long way, BUT I am his biggest HUMP. He had really messd up his life. He has not come to UNDERSTAND PARENTING and SACRIFICE and HONOR AND RESPECT YET. The sad part is: the young woman came into his life speaking JESUS every other word and brought nothing but the fruit of the UN-HOLY Spirit. NEVER...NEVER...the fruit of the Holy Spirit. They are in church every time the doors open professing to be TRUE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS.....and this is how they LOVE us. Something is very wrong.

She's very manipulative...and he's swayed sooooooooo easily...(hence the drug trouble). I know he knows better in his heart, but he has some powerful pull in her manipulation and TONGUE to see through and overcome, and he doesn't SEE it. He became someone else with her...and not a better someone. Yes, I pray for her too.....almost more than for him.

God made us for relationships and it does seem like the devil has played havoc in the last 2 generations in the family.

My Pastor preached on HONOR this morning....unlike him to stick to a HOLIDAY. Anyway, he talked about the decline of every relationship is about RESPECT or the lack of it, and Honor for each another.

Some people teach we are to expect NOTHING back...not even HONOR from our Children. I do not believe that. God expects plenty from me in my relationship with Him. It is even conditional as far as I can see. I must do some things that show him honor, love, time with Him, and respect to continue being in fellowship and relationship with HIM. I do not find my relationship with HIM to be ONE way by any stretch.

I have done really well all year.......given it to GOD, and tried to learn the lessons God had in it for me, but today the pain of it came again. Tis a NORMAL AND NATURAL thing for one who loves and misses their child on Mother's Day....I mean, what kind of Mother or person would I be if I didn't feel this way.

Thanks for being here for me.....I have found lots of smart people, Godly people, Faithful people and interesting people on these boards and they have added to my life blessings.

I won't ramble any longer now. I have given it BACK TO GOD NOW....and I must put TODAY to bed, and let it lay.

I pray blessings on each one on this board tonight.


Posted by chappy (Member # 1469) on :
@>~~~(rose) Happy Mother's Day! Sister Hannah, I am a Mom of four and have 3 son's I know your pain I've been there too but not as long and not becuase of drugs or wife. My oldest just had his own life and was just to "busy" well now that he is married she was always the one to send cards by mail well that kinda upset me because even though she is his wife, it's not the same to be remembered by some one else to stand in their place.. So I emailed her one day and explain the way i felt in the nicest way i could and told her that I loved her and didnt want to hurt her but that it was a mother's heart talking and she understood and even though he didnt send one to me yet he thought of me to send an e-card to me and a real postal card is in the mail..I will help you pray for your Son.but Jesus said A new commandment I give to you, That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another..John 13:34,35 So just continue to love him and pray for them both ask God to direct his paths and if you haven't already confess to God ask him to forgive you for sparing the rod and for God to make strait that which is crooked.. The Lord is good , a STRONG HOLD in the day of trouble and He knows them that rust in him. Nahum 1:7
Father God, I come boldly to your throne of Grace Dear Lord to ask that you comfort my sister (hannah) as I know her. Lord as you know the sparrow that falls from the sky to the ground I know we are more to you, Comfort Hannah Lord Jesus with love that only you can give. I ask that you convict hannah's Son and his Wife of their sin against Hannah, she deserves better not only as a person but especially his mom.Talk to her spirit Lord Jesus and allow her to know in your great grace and wonderful mercy that all is well... Your word says in Jeremiah 29:12 Then shall ya call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will heareth unto you. and Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Thank you Lord for your word and answers to prayer. Bless you Holy lamb of God..Jesus for you alone are worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.. Amen. [angel3]
Posted by chappy (Member # 1469) on :
@>~~~(rose) Happy Mother's Day! Sister Hannah, I am a Mom of four and have 3 son's I know your pain I've been there too but not as long and not because of drugs or wife. My oldest just had his own life and was just to "busy" well now that he is married she was always the one to send cards by mail well that kinda upset me because even though she is his wife, it's not the same to be remembered by some one else to stand in their place.. So I emailed her one day and explain the way i felt in the nicest way i could and told her that I loved her and didnt want to hurt her but that it was a mother's heart talking and she understood and even though he didnt send one to me yet he thought of me to send an e-card to me and a real postal card is in the mail..I will help you pray for your Son. but Jesus said A new commandment I give to you, That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another..John 13:34,35 So just continue to love him and pray for them both ask God to direct his paths and if you haven't already confess to God ask him to forgive you for sparing the rod and for God to make strait that which is crooked.. The Lord is good , a STRONG HOLD in the day of trouble and He knows them that trust in him. Nahum 1:7
Father God, I come boldly to your throne of Grace Dear Lord to ask that you comfort my sister (hannah) as I know her. Lord as you know the sparrow that falls from the sky to the ground I know we are more to you, Comfort Hannah Lord Jesus with love that only you can give. I ask that you convict hannah's Son and his Wife of their sin against Hannah, she deserves better not only as a person but especially his mom.Talk to her spirit Lord Jesus and allow her to know in your great grace and wonderful mercy that all is well... Your word says in Jeremiah 29:12 Then shall ya call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will heareth unto you. and Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Thank you Lord for your word and answers to prayer. Bless you Holy lamb of God..Jesus for you alone are worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.. Amen. [angel3]

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