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Posted by slk500b (Member # 5028) on :
I don not mean to offend anybody here, but I have been toying with this question ever since measure 36 came out and I decided to seek out more opinions and help. I recently have been going up against some pretty hard arguments and many convincing things have been thrown at me. I am not sure what to think now and I am quickly finding my beliefs changing. I used to be sure that it was a chioce but after hearing stories and talking with homosexuals them selves it seems as though life is very hard for them and often times very depressing. I can't think even now why someone would choose that even if it is temptation, yet I have never felt that temptation. I am not asking for help on inforcing my beliefs. what I am doing is asking your opinion on this matter, because I think that maybe we as the christian community should possibly begin to rethink our views on this matter. If it not a choice, I hardly think it Christian for us to be supressing these people and trying to change what cannot be done. if it is a choice however, I am begining to think that maybe we should stop trying to change their ways. Talking with many I have realized that many of them are not happy and are not content and they have shared many negative feelings about the Christian religion. I was recently sent a copy of this letter via e-mail from a friend which is posted below, it has been one of the main components in the changing of my views. the 10 questions for heterosexuals has also been very convincing. after reading this letter, what do you think? I would appreciate it if you guys feels that I may be headed in the right path or if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

here's the letter: (it comes across strongly and has a very aggresive attitude, just so you are warned, it took me by surprise)


For the Valley News (White River Junction, VT)

Many letters have been sent to the Valley News concerning the homosexual menace in Vermont. I am the mother of a gay son and I've taken enough from you good people. I'm tired of your foolish rhetoric about the "homosexual agenda" and your allegations that accepting homosexuality is the same thing as advocating sex with children. You are cruel and ignorant. You have been robbing me of the joys of motherhood ever since my children were tiny.

My firstborn son started suffering at the hands of the moral little thugs from your moral, upright families from the time he was in the first grade. He was physically and verbally abused from first grade straight through high school because he was perceived to be gay.

He never professed to be gay or had any association with anything gay, but he had the misfortune not to walk or have gestures like the other boys. He was called "fag" incessantly, starting when he was 6.

In high school, while your children were doing what kids that age should be doing, mine labored over a suicide note, drafting and redrafting it to be sure his family knew how much he loved them. My sobbing 17-year-old tore the heart out of me as he choked out that he just couldn't bear to continue living any longer, that he didn't want to be gay and that he couldn't face a life without dignity.

You have the audacity to talk about protecting families and children from the homosexual menace, while you yourselves tear apart families and drive children to despair. I don't know why my son is gay, but I do know that God didn't put him, and millions like him, on this Earth to give you someone to abuse. God gave you brains so that you could think, and it's about time you started doing that.

At the core of all your misguided beliefs is the belief that this could never happen to you, that there is some kind of subculture out there that people have chosen to join. The fact is that if it can happen to my family, it can happen to yours, and you won't get to choose. Whether it is genetic or whether something occurs during a critical time of fetal development, I don't know. I can only tell you with an absolute certainty that it is inborn.

If you want to tout your own morality, you'd best come up with something more substantive than your heterosexuality. You did nothing to earn it; it was given to you. If you disagree, I would be interested in hearing your story, because my own heterosexuality was a blessing I received with no effort whatsoever on my part. It is so woven into the very soul of me that nothing could ever change it. For those of you who reduce sexual orientation to a simple choice, a character issue, a bad habit or something that can be changed by a 10-step program, I'm puzzled. Are you saying that your own sexual orientation is nothing more than something you have chosen, that you could change it at will? If that's not the case, then why would you suggest that someone else can?

A popular theme in your letters is that Vermont has been infiltrated by outsiders. Both sides of my family have lived in Vermont for generations. I am heart and soul a Vermonter, so I'll thank you to stop saying that you are speaking for "true Vermonters."

You invoke the memory of the brave people who have fought on the battlefield for this great country, saying that they didn't give their lives so that the "homosexual agenda" could tear down the principles they died defending. My 83-year-old father fought in some of the most horrific battles of World War II, was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart.

He shakes his head in sadness at the life his grandson has had to live. He says he fought alongside homosexuals in those battles, that they did their part and bothered no one. One of his best friends in the service was gay, and he never knew it until the end, and when he did find out, it mattered not at all. That wasn't the measure of the man.

You religious folk just can't bear the thought that as my son emerges from the hell that was his childhood he might like to find a lifelong companion and have a measure of happiness. It offends your sensibilities
that he should request the right to visit that companion in the hospital, to make medical decisions for him or to benefit from tax laws governing inheritance.

How dare he? you say. These outrageous requests would threaten the very existence of your family, would undermine the sanctity of marriage. You use religion to abdicate your responsibility to be thinking human beings. There are vast numbers of religious people who find your attitudes repugnant. God is not for the privileged majority, and God knows my son has committed no sin.

The deep-thinking author of a letter to the April 12 Valley News who lectures about homosexual sin and tells us about "those of us who have been blessed with the benefits of a religious upbringing" asks: "What ever happened to the idea of striving . . . to be better human beings than we are?"

Indeed, sir, what ever happened to that?
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
Yes, it is indeed a sad letter and yes we should feel for this mom. But, feeling sorry for her does not take away from the facts. I do believe that people can be born with a tendency to be gay, just as one can be born with a tendency to be an alcoholic. In both cases, the person can still choose to take the step into sin or refuse. My husband comes from a family of mostly alcoholics. He does not drink, Period!
I do know that it has not been easy for those who must fight temptation more than others. You might say that I don't understand the gay perspective. But, my second cousin was gay. He even was a board member of a Church that accepted the gay lifestyle. My cousin is dead now and in hell, because His preacher taught what my cousin wanted to hear and not the truth.
Gay parents want us to accept the homosexual lifestyle because it is hard on their kids. Well, what about child predators. There are books out right now, saying there is nothing wrong with sex with a child. There are men and women in prison who would love American to set them free and except their lifestyle. Do we decide that having sex with a child is a tendency that a person is born with? Where does it end? Do we accept all sins because a person was predisposed to the sin? There is a Professor at a famous school who put out a book a couple years ago that sex with animals is okay. Should we all accept this life style, too?

I disagree with hating anyone. I do not think you can shame or force a person out of the gay lifestyle. Love Won Out is a group that specializes in working with gays. The title says it all. You cannot hate anyone out.
But, no matter how much we love people, the homosexual lifestyle is sin. To do like the Preacher did to my cousin and make them feel that God is going to let them in Heaven without them getting out of the sinful life they lead is a lie from the devil. Accepting Jesus is repenting of your sin and turning away from your sin.

The homosexual community has worked very hard on promoting a persona of respectable people. They do not tell you of the men and women who sleep with over 200 people. They do not talk about the men and women who have sex with children. Even Ellen Degeneres admitted her first encounter was with an adult when she was a child. There is no accident that homosexuals are portrayed as nice people on TV and heterosexual men are usually played as ignorant and fumbling idiots.

Yes, you can feel sorry for moms like this, but don't let her fool you. Only God can save. Our acceptance of people's lifestyles cannot save anyone. This same woman, when her child goes to hell, will be screaming at the Church, “Why did you not tell my child, the truth!” We can love everyone and we are commanded to love everyone, but love does not lie and say a sin is not a sin.
Posted by angel 1 (Member # 1647) on :
Hello Texas Grandma,

Hi are you. I am 30 year old female from Mississippi. I have walked in the life of a homosexual for 12 years of my life until I gave my life to the Lord. Recently, after ten years of striving with Christ and being free from a demonic spirit that ruled my life in lust. I chose to walk back into.
It is a choice. The lord gives us power in the the holyGhost through fasting, prayer ,and staying in the word to walk free from bondage. The bible say that he he gives us power to tread among serpent and the the emeny. It also says he ha sgiven us power love and a sound mind. Why would the bible tell us that sin peroid can take us to hell if, we were born gay. God is not a bi-polar God. He did not create us then forget and say oh, I forgot homosexuals get special privileges so that can skip sin. In genesis he did create male and female. To join together to populate the earth and do his will. In order for man and woman to get together , there must be an atraction. It is a desire that no one can shake as long as they are born with a penius or a ****** .
Again it is your choice to choose sin. If any body else wants to debate this. I will tell them to go back and read the book of Romans. Bam!! There you go. This is coming from someone who has been there.

Thanks got yo back,
Angel 1
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
I am so thankful that God brought you out of that lifestyle. It is couragous of you to share your testimony with others. I pray that God will give you a special blessing for doing this. I also pray that God will bless you in every part of your life.
Posted by Weary (Member # 5052) on :
My father is gay. It's something that's always been difficult for me to accept since i found out about it as a child. For years, I wanted nothing to do with acknowledging his lifestyle, that included meeting his "significant other". However, a couple of years ago, I did meet my father's "SO". His name, we'll say is Tom. In coming to know Tom, I found him to be one of the warmest, most generous, intelligent, caring, strongest, and most courageous men I've ever met. He demonstrated more morality in his life than most professing Christians. He developed lung cancer last November, which rapidly metastized to his brain and other organs. He suffered intensely. He never complained. He did not believe in God, so was not hypocritical enough to blame God for his suffering and impending death. His philosophy was "I've had a good life. I've done many things I wanted to do and saw many things I wanted to see. I have no complaints". He was peaceful until he passed away this January. I wish I hadn't wasted so much time and hadn't been afraid of getting to know this incredible human being.

Still, the Bible is very specific about homosexuality being a sin, and I hate that this wonderful person who did so much good on this earth (he was a teacher)is lost because of that sin. My father was raised in the church, but he professes atheism. He is so very confused about this incredible pull in his life and feels utterly incapable of changing it or denying it. My niece and I witness to him, but in his anguish he has not yet been able to hear us. We haven't given up hope.
Yes, we are to acknowledge that homosexuality is a sin. Lying is a sin. Adultery is a sin. Sex outside of marraige is a sin. Backbiting and coveting are sins. There are a lot of sins we commit that threaten the fabric of our families and communities with selfishness, "me-ism", diseases, relationships that are torn apart, etc...Why do we all focus so much on homosexuality to the exclusion of others? Why, as Christians, do we forget or ignore the enormous struggle for obedience to the Lord in which we are engaged daily, and pretend our righteousness is cleaner than the filthy rags we offer Christ?
Posted by Glassnobody (Member # 2434) on :
Weary, you are my hero.
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by angel 1:
Hello Texas Grandma,

Hi are you. I am 30 year old female from Mississippi. I have walked in the life of a homosexual for 12 years of my life until I gave my life to the Lord. Recently, after ten years of striving with Christ and being free from a demonic spirit that ruled my life in lust. I chose to walk back into.
It is a choice. The lord gives us power in the the holyGhost through fasting, prayer ,and staying in the word to walk free from bondage. The bible say that he he gives us power to tread among serpent and the the emeny. It also says he ha sgiven us power love and a sound mind. Why would the bible tell us that sin peroid can take us to hell if, we were born gay. God is not a bi-polar God. He did not create us then forget and say oh, I forgot homosexuals get special privileges so that can skip sin. In genesis he did create male and female. To join together to populate the earth and do his will. In order for man and woman to get together , there must be an atraction. It is a desire that no one can shake as long as they are born with a penius or a ****** .
Again it is your choice to choose sin. If any body else wants to debate this. I will tell them to go back and read the book of Romans. Bam!! There you go. This is coming from someone who has been there.

Thanks got yo back,
Angel 1

God bless you Angel 1 and praise The Almighty God our Father who delivered you from that deceptive spirit of lust called homosexuality.

It is a Demon Spirit. It deceives their prey into believing they were "born' that way and it lies to them and tells them that being a homosexual person is not a choice, but what they were born to be.

I have talked with several people who truly believe in their heart of hearts that they were born to be homosexual. They say they had these feeling as far back as they can remember in their childhood.

What isn't known or told is the rest of their story. Was their abuse from parents, or others they don't remember, that caused them to innocently receive that spirit due to the sins of their caregivers or others in authority over them? I just know that it is a spiritual problem and demonically inspired.

It's one of those doctrine of demons that Paul talks about.

Agains praise God for your freedom and testimony!
Posted by Carmela (Member # 4817) on :
I agree White Eagle.

SLK homosexuality is not something that you should accept if you are a Christian. The bible is clear that it's a sin, that's it. Just like we are not to accept sin in our lives but keep working daily at removing it. Sin should never, ever be something we tolerate or accept.

I have known a couple of people that were gay and then totally changed their lifestyle after becoming a Christian. However it also usually involves being healed by God because there are areas of their lives that they had been hurt and needed God to heal the root of the pain and not just the surface.

My uncle struggles with suicide because he had gay urges and he didn't want to be gay because of public opinions. He want through some tough times, then he met a woman he loved very much and his life changed.

The letter you mentioned comes from Vermont and I am a Vermonter. Vermont is a very small state, Rutland is a larger area but homosexuality isn't as wide spread in Vermont and you don't see it everywhere you go like you do in big cities. This is a part of the reason why her son got picked up. It wasn't right that he went through that, but it is common in small areas where people are just not use to seeing homosexuals much.

However, the bible is also clear as to how we are to treat others. We should pray for homosexuals, show them love and respect without accepting their choices. We are to witness to them and if they refuse to listen, we just keep praying for them. We can reach more people through loving them then we can if we are hurting them. God does not give us permission to hurt others or speak to them in ways that will hurt their soul...NOT EVER!!! Our words can make or break a person...bring death or life to them. We need to treat everyone with love, always.
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
I tend to think that it is a hormonal (non-choice) thing for some and a choice for others.

Both men and women have estrogen and testosterone. If a man has received too much estrogen by birth, he may become "more female" or "effiminate". If a woman has received too much testosterone as birth, she may become "more male" or "masculine" looking and acting. These kinds of persons cannot help what they received at birth.

Then there are those who don't know about God and who think therefore, like many other people, that one is free to live any kind of lifestyle that one wants to--and some find homosexuality interesting and they try it and get used to it and they like it (except for the negative societal reactions) and they have become homosexuals through habit.

And there is probably a third group kind of inbetween the above two, in which a person has for most of their life felt like a woman inside of a man's body, or a man in a woman's body, and they have had these thoughs and emotions eversince they were fairly small. And eventually they may have an operation to solve that problem for them.

To what extent Satan has been injecting these thougts into these third kind and second kind of persons, I don't know, but Satan probably is partially responsible, and the rest can be attributed to our own lusts of the flesh.

Generally speaking, I thank God that I don't have to deal with ANY of the three possible options.

God bless, [Cross] BORN AGAIN
Posted by wparr (Member # 891) on :


They may be pre-disposed towards homosexual behavior, BUT THEY STILL HAVE A CHOICE.
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
Consider yourself blessed, sir, that you don't have deal with that problem. There but for the grace of God go you.

God bless, [Cross] BORN AGAIN
Posted by wparr (Member # 891) on :
ALL (including myself) are pre-disposed to one type of sin or another.


The drug addict has a choice

The drunk has a choice

The murderer has a choice

The adulterer has a choice

The gambles has a choice

The lier has a choice

The thief has a choice

Part of repentace is AGREEING WITH GOD, that IT IS SIN.

John 8:31-32
(31) So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;
(32) and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
Would you agree, sir, that some sins are more easily eradicated or reversed and healed than others? And indeed, that some sins are very difficult to eradicate or reverse and heal, among which I would class homosexuality? Reversal and healing does occur, but it is very rare for this particular sin?

God bless, BORN AGAIN [Cross]
Posted by wparr (Member # 891) on :
I would say the enemy has some people more deceived then others that they can't be free from their bondage of sin.

My question to you is

Is Jesus enough?

Was His sacrifice enough?

Is the power of The Holy Spirit IN us powerful enough to walk in freedom?

Is the problem God, or the sinner's self will?
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
wparr writes
My question to you is

Is Jesus enough?

Was His sacrifice enough?

His sacrifice was enough to COVER ALL SINS.

Whether any given individual can break free from any particular sin is probably dependent upon a MULTITUDE of individual variables, emotional and mental abilities, and ancestral and current circumstances.

As I said before, consider yourself blessed that you don't have to deal with this problem--if you had this problem, you probably wouldn't speak so "flippantly" and "semi-mercilessly" about it.

God bless, [Cross] BORN AGAIN
Posted by wparr (Member # 891) on :
You are wrong about my attitude BA

I have compassion on people in bondage to homosexuality.

But I WON'T elevate their sin to a higher power.


1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.
Posted by wparr (Member # 891) on :
2 Peter 1:2-3
(2) Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;
(3) seeing that His divine power has granted to us EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by Carmela:
I agree White Eagle.

SLK homosexuality is not something that you should accept if you are a Christian. The bible is clear that it's a sin, that's it. Just like we are not to accept sin in our lives but keep working daily at removing it. Sin should never, ever be something we tolerate or accept.

I have known a couple of people that were gay and then totally changed their lifestyle after becoming a Christian. However it also usually involves being healed by God because there are areas of their lives that they had been hurt and needed God to heal the root of the pain and not just the surface.

My uncle struggles with suicide because he had gay urges and he didn't want to be gay because of public opinions. He want through some tough times, then he met a woman he loved very much and his life changed.

The letter you mentioned comes from Vermont and I am a Vermonter. Vermont is a very small state, Rutland is a larger area but homosexuality isn't as wide spread in Vermont and you don't see it everywhere you go like you do in big cities. This is a part of the reason why her son got picked up. It wasn't right that he went through that, but it is common in small areas where people are just not use to seeing homosexuals much.

However, the bible is also clear as to how we are to treat others. We should pray for homosexuals, show them love and respect without accepting their choices. We are to witness to them and if they refuse to listen, we just keep praying for them. We can reach more people through loving them then we can if we are hurting them. God does not give us permission to hurt others or speak to them in ways that will hurt their soul...NOT EVER!!! Our words can make or break a person...bring death or life to them. We need to treat everyone with love, always.

I agree that God's Love is the answer, and that we can't even begin to witness and minister to people in bondage to homosexuality until God gives us a LOve in our heart toward them as gems and unique pearls of great price to God. We CAN NOT LOVE the demon spirit within them, but the Love of God can reach the heart of the human being in bondage.
Posted by Bat Elohim (Member # 3739) on :
If you're in bondage to homosexuality and you believe yourself to be a "Christian" and have asked for freedom and a change in thoughts and desires, but you're still not free, what should you do?

I have several homosexual and bisexual friends that have asked Christ into their lives, but still aren't free. This is the struggle that they face on a daily basis. They want to be free. To live a "normal" life. to be married and have children (well, one doesn't want children).

Then I also have friends that are happy as they are and they hate "Christians" because they are always condemning them and not loving them. So I just love them and try to encourage them to read the Word. I've tried to get them to go to the church downtown that is a gay/lesbian church, but some still won't even do that.
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by Bat Elohim:
If you're in bondage to homosexuality and you believe yourself to be a "Christian" and have asked for freedom and a change in thoughts and desires, but you're still not free, what should you do?

I have several homosexual and bisexual friends that have asked Christ into their lives, but still aren't free. This is the struggle that they face on a daily basis. They want to be free. To live a "normal" life. to be married and have children (well, one doesn't want children).

Then I also have friends that are happy as they are and they hate "Christians" because they are always condemning them and not loving them. So I just love them and try to encourage them to read the Word. I've tried to get them to go to the church downtown that is a gay/lesbian church, but some still won't even do that.

Good question. I don't know what your beliefs are regarding demons. I can tell you my experience and what I've seen and experienced.

I'm born again yet I still needed to be delivered from demonic opressions.

I had a spirit of fear, and also many other types of demonic oppression in my life and maybe it wasn't homosexuality that was bothering me, but these were spiritual strongholds that had been in my life so long, I always thought they were who I was. I thought I was just a timid coward, and totally inferior to others, and didn't have the right to be even noticed. Lots of other things to numberous to mention that tormented me and wrecked my ability to have a fulfilled life, as anxiety was always inside me, even when things were going well.

My point is that Christians often need to be delivered of these tormenting spirits. After I was delivered, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off and felt like I had hope again, and finally saw that some aspects of my personality I had accepted as part of myself, were not part of who I really am, they were lying spirits.

I'm just a person being delivered and healed from abuse as a child this went on into adulthood from my parents and family. I was subject to demons due to the constant abuse and having unforgiveness and bitterness toward everyone, not just my abusers. What the abuse did to me affected my whole adult life up to this point. I'm still healing, and God is still showing me areas I need to deal with to forgive even more things I've forgotten.

One poster gave her testimony on this thread, that she was delivered from homosexuality. She is free. I'm free from a cycle of guilt imposed upon me through abuse, and God shows me how much He loves me, as before I couldn't even receive good things from Him or other people.

My testimony is that after a service of deliverance that I participated and submitted to God, my face even looked different, I looked several years younger, and don't have dark circles under my eyes any longer. I'm able to stand up straight and walk with confidence.

Many Christians walk under oppression of the enemy, and Christ came that we could be free.
Posted by Bat Elohim (Member # 3739) on :
Thank you for your response, WhiteEagle. I do believe in demons and demonic bondage.

There is much more to this story that I can't share because it would break their trust in me, but suffice it to say that several of them used to believe in demonic bondage as well, but now they don't.

The church scarred many of them, me included. I may never trust a pastor again. My closest friend is the same.

I guess my next question is this... if you live in demonic bondage your whole life and just can't get free, will you still be saved when you die?

If a person smokes their whole life and dies from cancer, but professes christianity and believes, will they be saved?

If a person is an overeatter and dies from obesity, but professes christianity and believes, will they be saved?

The reason I ask about these last two, is that they are both sins against the body, the Temple, as well.

I, too, was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused as a child, teen, and by my ex-husband. The scars are still evident. I struggle with demonic bondage and used to pray for deliverance daily. I've given up. I honestly don't believe I'll ever be free. There are some things that we just have to deal with in our lives, just like Paul had a "thorn".

That's why I'm asking.

Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by Bat Elohim:

There is much more to this story that I can't share because it would break their trust in me, but suffice it to say that several of them used to believe in demonic bondage as well, but now they don't.

The church scarred many of them, me included. I may never trust a pastor again. My closest friend is the same.

I guess my next question is this... if you live in demonic bondage your whole life and just can't get free, will you still be saved when you die?

If a person smokes their whole life and dies from cancer, but professes christianity and believes, will they be saved?

If a person is an overeatter and dies from obesity, but professes christianity and believes, will they be saved?

The reason I ask about these last two, is that they are both sins against the body, the Temple, as well.

I, too, was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused as a child, teen, and by my ex-husband. The scars are still evident. I struggle with demonic bondage and used to pray for deliverance daily. I've given up. I honestly don't believe I'll ever be free. There are some things that we just have to deal with in our lives, just like Paul had a "thorn".

That's why I'm asking.


Dear Joanna,

I would answer "Yes" to all the questions above.
One would still go to heaven, inspite of not being free or any of those bondages.

I always felt I could never be free also. I think I have an idea of what you're struggling with.

You can be free! With God nothing is impossible.
If our heart condemms us, God is greater than our heart.

I first read a book called the Bondage Breaker by Dr. Neil Anderson about 10 years ago, and started going to a spirit filled church that was able to teach me about spiritual strongholds, and oppression. The first time I was delivered of what I call "noisome pestilence" found in Psalms 91. I was just getting out of a 4 year marriage to a controlling man, and the stress had progressed to the point of me hearing voices in my head all the time. Voices: condemming me, mocking my actions, making a running commentary on anything I did, or mocking how I looked. I thought even strangers were talking about me all the time, and that they knew all about me and my failures. (That's how sick I was) Nervous breakdown time, and I had 2 growing precious children to raise.

I never told that pastor about my "voices" I wouldn't have dared to or even thought to tell him about it, I thought it was Just ME doing it.

He didn't know that, all he knew was that I was depressed and getting divorced from an abusive man. After the church service I went up to talk with him, and all he did was read Psalms 91 to me out loud. Suddenly those "voices" were Gone, Gone, Gone, and they've never come back. That was 12 years ago. God just delivered me from it right there. I had been desperately praying for weeks prior to that encounter. I know God answered my prayer, and I didn't have to know how to get delivered, He just did it.

You can be delivered of whatever oppression or bondage the enemy is heaping on you, as Jesus said He came that we might have life, and have it more Abundantly. He came to set the captives free and heal the broken-hearted. Yes he came to save us from our sins, but all the bondage breaking is INCLUDED WITH THE BLOOD, and with redeeming us from our sins. The Bondage came from our sins, yet Satan wants us to believe we still have to carry it, and deceives us into it. He doesn't want us free, as He fears what we can do in Christ, if we are free.
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :

Don't give up. Keep pressing into God. Press in!

Paul had a thorn in the Flesh, not the spirit. He was buffetted by Satan in the flesh, but not in his spirit. His thorn in the flesh could have been his eyes that is mentioned that were a problem for him, or a thorn in the flesh would be some type of physical disease or condition that doesn't go away.

A thorn can only irritate, but not take over one's whole life, like demonic oppression.

When one is abused, that person often carries the shame of the abuser on them. Forgiveness on your part is imperitive as God commands us to forgive.
I know I had a problem with being able to forgive and still do at times. I have to make a conscious effort to be obediant to forgive those who have hurt me or even when they didn't hurt me, but I held a grudge against them. A pastor helped me with this. He said Forgiveness isn't a feeling, but a Decision. We do it in obediance out of Faith. When we forgive we release something important on the spiritual level, and God is able to heal us.

Ask God to help you and your friends find a church body that demonstrates Love of God, and knows how to deal with demonic oppression. If they don't demonstrate real Love of God, don't go there.

God led me to the church I go to now, and by it, has answered my prayers for freedom.
Posted by Carmela (Member # 4817) on :
I don't know if this will help, but some of the ways that I have been healing from my past abuse is by praying. I ask God to show me things that He wants to heal me of. There is a woman that prays with me, she is a theophostic counselor. It's best if you can find someone that works in the theophostic to work with you. I know another woman that travels around the world praying with people this way and she has helped me get free from so much stuff. If anyone is interested and if you trust me enough, you can give me your email and I can tell you more.

Anyway, this is done by us praying and asking God to show me things. I hesitated seeing this woman at first because I was afraid to have to face my past again. However, God doesn't work in us in ways that hurt us but in ways that heal us. When God shows me things, we pray healing into that area and sometimes it means I have to repent. I ask God to forgive me for sin that was brought in by any of my actions (this is when God shows me things that don't include my abuse but my past actions). We plee the blood over, ask for healing, repent, or sometimes God shows me what I need to do.

I didn't think I would ever be free. I dealt with many of the things White Eagle discussed. I didn't hear voices, but I was very quite, isolated myself, afraid of everything......

I can't even begin to say how much freedom I have received which is why I want to help others. I'm not proud of my past, but God has told me that I am going to be a missionary and that I will go around the world preaching the gospel and reaching many other women that were abused as I was and for me, it makes my abuse turn into a purpose. The abuse I suffered made me who I am today, and what the enemy tried to destroy me with will now become a tool to use against him as I help others find the same healing I am finding.

I praise God because He turned the mess of my past life into a future and present MESSAGE!!
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
About the spirit of homosexuality:

One more testimony. IN 1993 I worked in a hospital, and we had a young man come in who was dying from AIDS. He was 35 year old. He was a homosexual.

Many of the other nurses did NOT want to care for him directly as they were afraid of contracting AIDs, as we needed to draw blood from him on a regular basis, so that was a real concern, as one can get AIDS from a needle stick.

I often was his nurse for the day, and I used to pray for him and pray that God would help me to treat him without fear and treat him like I would treat anybody else. I didn't want him to think I was afraid of him, which I really wasn't afraid of getting AIDS at all. I wanted him to feel cared for and loved while I had him under my care.

I never preached God to him or mentioned God. One day as I was walking by his room, he was crying, and I stopped and sat with him. He was actually verbally repenting of homosexuality and other sins, and crying to God and wanted to have peace.

I just sat with him and held his hand and listened and comforted him, and then I had to go, as I had an appointment to go to.

The Hospice team sent in a Chaplin to talk with him. I believe he is saved and I will see this dear man in heaven. I believe other people were also praying for him, not just me. God really gave me a Love for this man during the time he was under my care, and it was a Love from God.
I would have liked this man even If God didn't give me love for him as he was very nice and likalble.

I wanted to add that, as I don't want to give the impression he was unlovable, and I could only love him by God, but this Love was more than I was capable of on my own.

God bless.
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by Carmela:
I don't know if this will help, but some of the ways that I have been healing from my past abuse is by praying. I ask God to show me things that He wants to heal me of. There is a woman that prays with me, she is a theophostic counselor. It's best if you can find someone that works in the theophostic to work with you. I know another woman that travels around the world praying with people this way and she has helped me get free from so much stuff. If anyone is interested and if you trust me enough, you can give me your email and I can tell you more.

Anyway, this is done by us praying and asking God to show me things. I hesitated seeing this woman at first because I was afraid to have to face my past again. However, God doesn't work in us in ways that hurt us but in ways that heal us. When God shows me things, we pray healing into that area and sometimes it means I have to repent. I ask God to forgive me for sin that was brought in by any of my actions (this is when God shows me things that don't include my abuse but my past actions). We plee the blood over, ask for healing, repent, or sometimes God shows me what I need to do.

I didn't think I would ever be free. I dealt with many of the things White Eagle discussed. I didn't hear voices, but I was very quite, isolated myself, afraid of everything......

I can't even begin to say how much freedom I have received which is why I want to help others. I'm not proud of my past, but God has told me that I am going to be a missionary and that I will go around the world preaching the gospel and reaching many other women that were abused as I was and for me, it makes my abuse turn into a purpose. The abuse I suffered made me who I am today, and what the enemy tried to destroy me with will now become a tool to use against him as I help others find the same healing I am finding.

I praise God because He turned the mess of my past life into a future and present MESSAGE!!

WOW! I am blessed to read your testimony. I know you will be a missionary and God will continue to use you and bless your life.

I agree that having a prayer partner and asking God to show you what it is you may need to deal with is important. To forgive and repent, and go on.
Posted by wparr (Member # 891) on :
Here's my fav verse pertaining to people ensnared in sin like homosexuality, hard drug abuse and the such.

Jude 1:22-23
(22) And have mercy on some, who are doubting;
(23) save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.

We are to hate the sin
we are to love them enough to overcome our fears and prejudices to go, reach out and minister Jesus to them.

A HUGE AMEN and GOD BLESS to you SHOWING and DOING the love of Jesus to those in need and ignored.
Posted by Bat Elohim (Member # 3739) on :
thank you all so much for your answers. This will help.

Carmela, I may contact you later through a PM, but for now I just want to share with my friends what you all have said.

You have greatly encouraged me. Thank You.

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