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Posted by MySavingGrace (Member # 4697) on :
A week agao on last Friday, I just left an event. anyways, there were two men (dnot associated I think) who were problably homeless and begging. I honestly had no money left after the event since I bought a sweatshirt and water was 3.50 a bottle and I drank a lot cause it was hours long.

I really wanted to help these pepole out. I however had no money, and I had no food or water that I hadn't drank from. So, what shoudl I do next time isntead of walkign by if this ever happens again?

Should I go up to them and say the Lord loves you and/or I will pray for you?

Should I carry thigns with me, mabye ven food or some water, if I go to another event in Detroit?

I'm not used to it since I live in a pretty financially well off area.

Also, Friday, there was an elderly couple at this restaurant and they were mistaken with their 15 dollar coupon and it wasn't valid. I searched my purse for money, but I had none. My om also said she wouldn't want me giving cause technically its her money since she gives me spending money But, my mom is a very kind person so this also alarmed me. Should I of told those people I wanted to help but couldn't?

Also, if someone begs, is it better to give them food or clean water than just money?

Posted by Kristi (Member # 3396) on :
I am Homeless, Moneyless, and I understand what they go through...

No One is Pefect, Except One Jesus Christ, He Loves Us All no Matter What!

By the Grace of God, I am staying with someone until I get my SSDI someday Soon I Pray! I have Been without income for 2 1/2 years now.. I am Very Severely Disable, and depressed..

So, Please Help People, because, this Can have you the same sometimes. No One is Like to be Homeless, no one pick this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Always, YSIC \o/

Posted by MySavingGrace (Member # 4697) on :
I wasn't degrading homeless people. I was saying what should I do? If they were a woman, I might give them extra clothes I have on etc, but a man wouldn't find much use of what I was wearing. I had no money or food with me. But, I'm saying should I say that I wish I could help anyways, to show them I do still care?

Sorry to hear about your situation. I predict as our economy gets worse and worse, more will share what you go through.
Posted by Bandit (Member # 3643) on :
Originally posted by MySavingGrace:
A week agao on last Friday, I just left an event. anyways, there were two men (dnot associated I think) who were problably homeless and begging. I honestly had no money left after the event since I bought a sweatshirt and water was 3.50 a bottle and I drank a lot cause it was hours long.

I really wanted to help these pepole out. I however had no money, and I had no food or water that I hadn't drank from. So, what shoudl I do next time isntead of walkign by if this ever happens again?

Should I go up to them and say the Lord loves you and/or I will pray for you?

Should I carry thigns with me, mabye ven food or some water, if I go to another event in Detroit?

I'm not used to it since I live in a pretty financially well off area.

Also, Friday, there was an elderly couple at this restaurant and they were mistaken with their 15 dollar coupon and it wasn't valid. I searched my purse for money, but I had none. My om also said she wouldn't want me giving cause technically its her money since she gives me spending money But, my mom is a very kind person so this also alarmed me. Should I of told those people I wanted to help but couldn't?

Also, if someone begs, is it better to give them food or clean water than just money?


When Jesus was on earth he never gave people money (that we know of). He met their specific needs. Giving people money is very ill-advised. If you want to help, give food or water. I have seen people pan-handling on the side of the road with signs saying they were hungry and would work for food. Often they only want money to buy food and drugs. One time a friend brought one guy a bag of food from a fast-food restaurant. After he had pulled away he looked into his rear-view mirror just in time to see this guy pitch the food into the trash. This guy didn't want food. He was simply preying on people's guilt or compassion to get cash for drugs or booze. Do not give money to those pan-handling on the street. Most often they will not spend that money on food. At least around here there is enough construction work going on that if someone wants to work for food, they can do just that.

Another friend who is in the roofing business said that he stopped at a street corner where a couple of guys were pan-handling with a sign saying something like "hungry, will work for food". When my friend said he would pay them and feed them if they would clean up trash at a construction site, they refused. Why? Because they didn't want to work! And what does Paul say about those who refuse to work? (He says they shall not eat.)

One time my wife and I got kind of dressed up and went out for our wedding anniversary dinner. A man was asking for money near the entrance to the restaurant. He said he wanted to buy food. I told him that I would not give him money, but that he was more than welcome to join us for dinner. He said that he was so dirty that they would never let him in (and he was probably right). So I told him to remain there and I would bring the meal to him. When I saw this man eat, it did appear that he was truly hungry, and he was genuinely appriciative. I believe this is the better approach. Let the Spirit guide you, but be very cautious about giving money.

One last incident. I was in a grocery store parking lot and a guy came up asking for money to buy gas. He said his car was so near empty that he couldn't make it to the next gas station. Well, I could have asked for proof that he was that near empty (but such an request might provoke some people). But I had a better solution. I told him to wait while I went to my car. Now I'm not positive, but it appeared to me that he was somewhat dissapointed when I came back to his car with a can of gas and not a wad of cash.

Anyway, be prepared to help people, but recognize that many (if not the majority) of the people who come up to you asking for money are not sincere about their needs. Let the Spirit be your guide.

Posted by Gramajo320 (Member # 4667) on :
I agree with Kristy regarding helping the poor and homeless. I also think of the saying "There but for the grace of God go I!" The Holy Spirit always guides me to the ones that I'm to help and I give that help in whatever way it is needed whether it be money, food, clothing, shoes, snow boots, household items, bus fare. Before I ever retired I had worked in the administrative office of the Spokane Neighborhood Centers and I knew of all the resources available to help any person in need so along with whatever help I've given to any woman, men, teenagers I also provide them with all of the information I have as to where they can go for any additional help they may need.
An important thought to remember is you cannot lump all people into just one category and claim that they all are not in need or they want to buy drugs, etc. or that they are lying. It just isn't true and it's very wrong to do. Each person is an individual and they each have their own problems just like the rest of us do. I am led by the Holy Spirit as to where to go and who to help so that's what I do.

Insofar as money I give my last $1.00 if someone needs it more than I do. Anyway, Kristi, I am in agreement with you. MySavingGrace would you be offended if I asked you in your title for this topic to choose another much nice word to use and not use the word beggar - just a suggestion but you could replace that word with poor people I just find the word beggar so offensive and so degrading to the poor people and homeless! If you had worked in the office assistant position to the manager I worked in for so long I believe you would have a lot more understanding and perhaps a lot more compassion for the poor people and homeless. I've always been taught to put myself in the other person's place and to think how I would feel if I were in their position. I just wish so much that everyone would do that along with doing what the Holy Spirit says! Anyway God bless all.
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
I agree with Bandit. Give food but not money. People make money begging who have homes and are not poor. If the person is hungry they will appeciate the food, if they refuse the food chances are they have a home and plenty of food. There are people who make extra money from their job begging. It was a big problem in Houston.
Posted by MySavingGrace (Member # 4697) on :
I had a feeling these people were really poor One seriously was not fakign to have a hard time and be in a wheelchair. He dropped his water, adn a nice guy picked it up for him.

I didn't eman to offend anyone, but doesn't the bible even say the word beggars?

And, to think all peopel who beg are faking can't be true. Only God knows a person's true heart and intentions. If they sacm me, that's on them. At least I tried to help. I'd rather help a few and have a few scam me than to help nobody out of fear.

I will say that I am scared to upll over on the road to help people with their cars. But, I am thankful soemone helped me once, espeicaly since it was winter and I could of been frozen. I feel like a hypocrite there, but there is nobody to help you off alone and I hear of kidnappings, stealings, an dmurders that way.
Posted by Gramajo320 (Member # 4667) on :

God bless you for your willing heart to want to help the poor people in whatever way you can. God bless you.
Posted by MySavingGrace (Member # 4697) on :
thank [Smile]

I may pray for those people I saw too and all poor and homeless people. I have to keep in mind, no matter how much pain and illness I have, peopel have it worse. Tehre are those who can't afford medicine. My dad said a quote "when you're poor, you cannot afford to be sick."

The price of medication without insurance, how true. I calculated once when I got medication for about 83 dolalrs (inhalers, medication, etc) and it was 83 for me with insurance. Now, I calculated it wihtout and its agbout 5 or 600 hundred!

My Adavair is I think 200 dollars iwthout insurance. That is just crazy. A person could die due to this.

My fiancee has to have a shunt. His friend has the same condition and said his last one was 60 thousand freakin dollars!
Posted by Gramajo320 (Member # 4667) on :

What your dad said is so very true. In my junior year of high school our history teacher talked to us about how we should treat others. He began with the following words: "I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet." I agree all we have to do is look around us and there are others far more needy than we may think are. We must always continue to count our blessings for what we do have and also always see the glass half full rather than half empty. I also agree with you the cost of medications and also surgeries is just prohibitive and there is no relief in sight for anyone. So many do not have any insurance for obtaining prescriptions or seeing a dr. and therefore they do without. Again I thank you for your willingness to help the poor in any way that you can. Quite often the case is that many people who do help the poor are quite poor themselves. God bless you.
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor lends unto the LORD; and that which he has given will he pay him again.

But as a practical matter, if you have it with you, you may give it. If you feel strongly about it, you can purposefully carry a few loose one-dollar bills in your pocket that you can give away to people. I give dollars away too here and there.

It doesn't even really matter too much to me what they end up doing with the dollar(s) since that part is too difficult to gauge. One thing is usually sure: they are considerably worse off than me, no matter what they do with it. If all they can do with it is have a beer, then so be it. [1zhelp]

I once gave a man $60 from my ATM because he said he needed it to get to his hometown. I later learned that he was a thief and AFTER I had learned that he was a thief, I saw him again at the horse racetrack, but I saw him right after he had won $100 and unbelievably, he came rushing right past me to another person standing behind me to show him the $100.

My first impulse was to snatch the $100 back from him now that I knew he was a thief, but instead I ended up praying that the LORD let me win enough money to no longer care about the $60 he had conned me out of. I won more than $300 that same afternoon to help me forget:

Genesis 41
51 And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, has made forget all my toil, and all my father's house.

God bless, [Cross] BORN AGAIN

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