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Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
The Mark of Mahmoud Abbas

What is the Mark of the Beast? If it were to happen today could you identify it? If you could identify it what good would it do? Would the knowledge of the Mark make a believer out of an atheist? I think it all comes down to faith. Some people are supposed to see while others are not, no matter what proof is given. So what is the main purpose for studying prophecy and looking for the Mark of the Beast? I believe that purpose is to show who God really is and expose a false religion. Islam is that false religion. It has drawn one third of the world’s population to a false God and is ready to destroy the world in defense of it. There are other false religions in the world but none as violent as Islam. Islam is at war with all peoples; Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, you name it, and even other Muslims.

This letter was born out of a question by an astute reader. It was very thought provoking and led me to another answer I was looking for. Its timing couldn’t have been better. As it is with most knowledge, a question has to be asked before an answer can be found. So here is the question.

Could you explain how the dipping of fingers into ink when voting is consistent with the mark of the beast? It seems to me that people are pressured into getting the mark of the beast in revelations because without it they can't get the necessities of life.

This question is in regards to my belief that the Mark of the Beast was given to the Palestinian people during their Presidential Election on January 9, 2005. This Mark was applied to their right thumb and prevented an individual from double voting. It was supposed to last for about 48 hours. On the surface it would seem that a mark on the right hand with indelible ink is nothing more than its purpose, to prevent double voting. On the other hand, what if you just voted for the beast and were unaware of it. The mark of the beast can be three things: his mark, his number or his Name. Christianity likes to blend two of these ideas together and say that the Mark is the number 666 inscribed. This is just one example there are many others.

Did this mark directly cause the people to be able to buy and sell? The words in Revelation 13:16 provide a good clue. He caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, or free and bond to receive this mark. Why would someone who is great, rich and free need to get any sort of mark in order to buy anything? A person in high esteem with lots of money (maybe a government official) needs no permission to buy anything, he does as he pleases. The opposite of that is what gets my attention more. If a man is small, poor and in jail why would he need to get a mark? If he is in jail he would have relatively no need for money as he would be getting his food and shelter from his jailors. The short answer is that the mark was given to all even those in jail who voted in the Palestinian Presidential Elections. This mark identifies the second beast and was only indirectly involved in their ability to buy and sell.

The situation that caused a lack of funds in the PA government was due to the Election of Hamas as ruling party a year later. Since no western government was providing aid to the Palestinians it became apparent that the PA government would slide into anarchy and collapse. Therefore, a temporary mechanism was created by the international community to allow money to be given to essential PA institutions while bypassing the Hamas Government. All money going to these essential humanitarian institutions will be distributed through the office of the President, Mahmoud Abbas. Now, through the name of one man, the people are able to buy and sell namely because many will be receiving salaries. Now you have two items which identify the beast, a mark which was given when he was elected and his name which will allow funds to be given. There is only one other thing that can identify him and that is his number. That number is 666.

Gematria is the most common way scholars use to find his identity. A system that applies a number value to letters to see if an individuals name will come to the sum of 666. One guess is as good as another in this system and many people’s names add up to 666. Any answer would just be a guess and provide relatively little proof to back it up, therefore I never devoted much time to this theory.

In my search I was more concerned with how and why and when Mahmoud Abbas was going to bring about his peoples ability to buy and sell. That answer came with the election of Hamas. Hamas was the reason why the PA had a lack of funds. The international community, through a temporary mechanism sponsored by the Quartet, was how they were going to get the funds. The last thing is the most surprising. The Quartet (US, UN, EU and Russia) agreed on this international mechanism to fund the PA on June 16, 2006 on a Friday. This happened on the sixth day of the week in the sixth month on the sixteenth day in the year 2006. It seems the event I was looking for happened on a 666 day, one of only three in the whole year. I think most people were more concerned with June 6, 2006.

Remember, the mark of the beast can be three things: his mark, his number or his Name. All three of these items point to the second beast. They describe him as an adjective does a noun. It is how they are interpreted that either blinds us or lets us see. Therefore, what I have done is link the number 666 to his name instead of the number to the mark. It was a coincidence that this find ever happened. I wasn’t looking in this direction when it found me. I was following the money.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one more thing.
I usually don’t make too many predictions and only write about events after the fact, but here goes. Since writing this letter and pondering the situation in Israel, I have thought of another possibility for the Mark. Any referendum held by the PA that advances policy allowing the international community to provide international aid to the PA would qualify. It would qualify as long as a Mark is applied to the hands or forehead and is given to all Palestinians just as mentioned in my remarks on Revelation 13:16.

In summary, Jesus is Lord and he is coming soon.

The Watchman of Ephraim Hosea 9:8

For more information on this topic please
read “Image of Mahmoud Abbas” and
Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
Does anyone hold similar ideas concerning the end times? Ephraim
Posted by helpforhomeschoolers (Member # 15) on :
And When was Mahmoud Abbas wounded by a sword with a deadly wound and healed?

And who is the 2nd beast (the false prophet)that has caused them that dwell on the earth to worship Mahmoud Abbas?

And when did this 2nd beast (the false prophet)cause fire to come down from heaven to the earth and what are the miracles that this 2nd beast did?

And when did this 2nd beast (the false prophet) cause the people to make an image unto Mahmoud Abbas?

nd what is that image that the people made that now has life (spirit) and can speak?

Who does worship it?

How is this living speaking image that the people made causing to be killed those who will not worship it?

What does the mark of Mahmoud Abbas'name look like?
Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
The answers to all these questions are in the other two letters referenced at the end of my first post in this thread. Ephraim
Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
Whenever someone reads "The Mark of Mahmoud Abbas" the same questions always arise. I thought I would post my response to one of them.

What is the beasts mortal head wound that is healed?

Once it is understood that heads are nations this parable can be answered.

In Revelation 17:9 it says that seven heads are seven mountains. This is a partial answer to Rev.13:1.
It must be taken one step further in order to understand it. Mountains in scripture have been used to
describe nations in various verses. So if you follow it to its conclusion, seven heads are seven mountains and seven mountains are seven nations.

"And I saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to death:and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev13:3

The land that is being given back to the Palestinians is the head or nation which was wounded. It was completely occupied by Israel. Once the Oslo Accords were implemented it was given back to their control.
Therefore the wound is healed. In other words, the nation that was taken in war is now being returned to the Palestinians and the beasts wound is being healed.

The thing that needs to be understood is that sometimes parables are interpreted right after they are stated, while other times they are left for you to figure out.
Posted by EL3LN3TN (Member # 6021) on :
I've always tended to view the "mark" as a physical/biological phenomenon like a canker or stigmata [Wink]
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
I believe it is talking about the anti-Christ. I believe the devil will attempt to convince the World that prophecy has been fullfilled, by having the ant-Christ mortally wounded and liying dead for three days to rise from the dead in attempt to prove that the anti-Christ is God. It could be at this time when people will be forced to proclaim the anti-Christ as God and take the mark. The devil likes to copy God but in a twisted way. There will be many who will believe they have seen Scriptures revealed right in front of them and worship the anti-Christ and take the mark gladly.
We only have to read Bro. David's post about the blasphemy you tube and see that people are willing even today to condmen their own soul for a joke. How much more will people be willing when they see a "great" leader bring himself back from the dead.
As we see world events around us coming to a head, we should be praying more for the lost. We need to work for God while we can.
Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
In light of recent events in the Middle East, has anyone given this scenario more consideration? Ephraim
Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
A man asked me recently how I arrived at the conclusion that Mahmoud
Abbas was the 2nd Beast of Revelation 13. I summarized if for him in these
few short paragraphs.

This conclusion is based on the events that started with the handshake
between Arafat and Rabin in 1993. It was a slow evolving process and is
the false peace spoken of in the Bible. The questions that have to be
answered concerning Revelation 13 are: why, who and how.

Why do the people in question need the ability to buy and sell? Is it
because they refuse to worship a man or is it because they don't have
resources? It is much easier to see why people need when they have
nothing, as opposed to those that have and are not allowed to spend.

Who is going to provide this money to those in question? Mahmoud Abbas.
Through the name of one man funds will be allocated to the people from a
program instituted on June 16, 2006. His number is 666.

How are those people going to get the money? Through a program called
the Temporary International Mechanism that bypassed the Hamas controlled
Palestinian Authority. This program was completed and agreed to on
June 16, 2006 on a Friday. It allowed funds to get to the PA only through

Lastly, when he was elected, all people voting either for or against him
recieved a mark in their right hands with indelible ink. This mark was
supposed to last for two days and prevent double voting. Three items point
to the Beast of Revelation 13: his mark, his number and his name.
Posted by ephraim65 (Member # 4998) on :
I wrote an even shorter version for all those like
myself with limited patience...Have a nice day...

Explanation 666

On June 16, 2006 a program was enacted that allowed
money to flow through one man, Mahmoud Abbas, in order
to pay the salaries of his people. He empowered his people
(Fatah) to buy and sell simply because he was allowed to
receive and disperse funds. Hamas was prevented from
receiving aid from Abbas. This fulfills Revelation 13. Hamas
boycotted the Election of Mahmoud Abbas, therefore they
did not receive the mark. Only Fatah got the mark, and only
Fatah is receving money from Abbas. So Hamas cannot buy
and sell because they did not receive the mark. Here is
another way to view it. By not receiving salaries they were
prevented from buying and selling.

So here is the interpretation that I am describing.
No man can buy and sell unless he has the mark, the
number of his name or his name. The men being referred
to are the Palestinians. Not the whole world. The funds
in question are the Western donations that used to go to
the PA but were stopped after Hamas took over the
Government. Make any sense? Ephraim

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