This is topic WHY FREEMASONRY IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST - part 1 in forum End Time Events In The News at Christian Message Boards.

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Posted by helpforhomeschoolers (Member # 15) on :

by James L. Holly, M.D.


The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries have seen an explosion of religious activity both in the orthadox Christian community, in the marginal "Christian sects", in other world religions and in the rapid growth of those religious bodies that we call "cults". In addition, there is an increasing interest and activity in the "occultic".

The "occultic" is defined as that which is:

"deliberately kept hidden: not revealed to others; secret. Of, relating to, or dealing in matters regarded as involving the action or influ- ence of supernatural agencies or secret knowledge of them."

The Christian faith has knowledge, wisdom and understanding which are "hidden" from those who have not bowed their knee to the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, the manner in which Christian knowledge is hidden from those who do not embrace it is not the occultism of secrecy. It is in that the truths of Christ do not make sense and are not attractive to those who don't love the Lord Jesus Christ. It is important, therefore, to distinguish faith in the Lord Jesus Christ from the occultic practice of imposing silence upon the initiated, which silence is enforced with threats of strangulation, disembowelment and/or other violent and sado-masochistic punishments.

Freemasonry is an occultic organization, and it is contrary to the Word of God. In the first step into the Lodge, and at every step into the Lodge, the alert and committed Christian should recognize that which is not acceptable to Jesus Christ. The spirit-filled believer who is in daily fellowship with Christ cannot be in fellowship with the Masonic Lodge. Therefore it is the contention of this presentation that no Freemason should be elected to a leadership role in a Southern Baptist Church.



Secret Societies are not new to the world. In Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Dr. Cullen Brown states:

"The secret cults of the Hellenistic period were open only to initiates, who were granted redemption and access to the eternal world of the devine being. Among the most important mystery cults were the Greek cult of Dionysus (Bacchus), the mysteries of Isis and Serapis which originated in Egypt, the Syrian Adonis cult, the worship of the mother god Dybele and Attis in Asia Minor, and the mysteries of the light god Mithras from Persia. The mystery gods were originally nature divinities whose death and return to life mirrored the chance of the seasons. Through the cult, the initiate participates in the fate of the diety. Since the mystery cults made no exclusive claim on their adherents, one could be initiated into several cults in order to gain as much devine, life-giving power as possible. (p.64)
Entrance to these secret cults was contingent upon the initiate going through a period of training where he learned certain secret information about the god of the cult. Upon completion of this "learning", he then went through an initiation rite during which he swore allegiance and fidelity to the god of that cult. This pattern was repeated many times in many different cults.


But, what of all this? Why should Christians occupy themselves with such ancient and seemingly absurd practices? The reasons are several. First, the Word of God gives strict warnings about cults and the occultic. Second, there are many unsuspecting Christians, and many unsaved church members, that are currently participating in secret cults, which are really by definition, occultic.

The largest of these, and the one which effects Southern Baptists the most, is Freemasonry. The parallels between the ancient mystery religions and Freemasonry are obvious:

1. There are secrets revealed only to the membership.

2. The Masonic Lodge has a plan of salvation

3. Initiates go through a program of education so they can enter into the occultic brotherhood.

4. It is possible to be part of more than one of these organizations. Masons can be members of a Baptist church and of the Lodge, thereby, they think, assuring their salvation whichever is right.

5. Masons go through a death and resurrection ritual in the Master mason degree. Membership is dated from the time they were "raised", resurrected or saved, by membership in the Lodge. Salvation is maintained through faithful membership in the Lodge.

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