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Posted by Robby (Member # 448) on :
Prophecy Today

Hudna, Honey-covered Poison

On June 28, representatives from Hamas, Fatah, the al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, and other Palestinian terrorist groups signed a document declaring a three-month "hudna." But what is "hudna"? The world seems to translate this word as "cease-fire," and while this may be technically correct, some claim that the word has a different meaning behind it.

Israeli diplomats from Jerusalem are calling this "hudna" everything from irrelevant Palestinian "internal affairs" to "a trap." One senior official from Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office said the hudna was "none of our business." According this official, the only thing Israel was interested in was Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen implementing the steps he promised in the meeting in Aqaba.

Gideon Meir, the Deputy Director for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, called the hudna "poison covered in honey." He said that it may last for a short while, but when it does fall apart and Israel defends itself against terror, it will be the Jewish people who are blamed for, in his words "breaking the cease-fire".

All sides agree that the hudna is not a final goal, but merely a step along the way. The big question remains, is this a step forward? The official Palestinian Authority response to that question would be, it is a step toward the dismantling of the militant groups that signed the hudna.

In fact, the Palestinian Authority says they will dismantle all of the extremist militant groups so that they will be in accordance with the ultimate goal - peace in the Middle East. From their reactions, it would seem that the majority of the world’s media and politicians would agree with this answer.

Some Israeli officials, like Mr. Meir, believe that the goal is to lure Israel into a false sense of security so that when these groups attack, Israel will be unprepared. Some have even said that while the groups are in this cease-fire, they are actually rearming, regrouping, and getting ready to attack with more strength and precision.

According to historic sources, the first hudna was brought about by the Islamic founder Mohammed. When he was attempting to take over Mecca, the most holy site to the Muslim people, he was unable to take it. In order to defeat what he believed to be "infidels" he told Mecca that he wanted peace. After a two-year cease-fire, or hudna, he came back with many more troops who had been well trained in the interim, defeated the infidels, and took the city.

This story matches up with what the Palestinian people are saying amongst themselves. Abd-Al Malek Dahamshe, an Arab-Israeli member of the Knesset, while being interviewed on a live call-in talk show on Palestinian television, a caller became upset. The caller was upset with the PA’s promises of peace and negotiations for small bits and pieces of land when he said, "Our problem with Israel is not a border problem, but one of existence!"

To this, Dahamshe calmly responded, "We exaggerate when we say ‘peace’. What we are talking about is ‘hudna’." This distinction seemed to appease the caller. Dahamshe never disagreed with the caller, and seemed to accept his position. Hudna may mean cease-fire, but at least the caller and Mr. Dahamshe did not associate the word with peace.

Other official Palestinian sources have said that their "strategic, long-term goals" include the creation of a Palestinian State that stretches "from the river to the sea" leaving no room for Israel at all. But these Palestinian leaders say the long-term goals should be separated from "politically-phased goals" and "temporary procedures."

PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat has repeatedly used the term "hudna" in his speeches to the Palestinian people and the Arab world. After the signing of the Oslo Accords, Arafat spoke of "hudna" as the explanation for signing the peace agreement with Israel.

Every Palestinian in the street knows exactly what the term hudna means in the statements being made by not only the leaders of the terrorist groups but the Palestinian Authority’s leadership as well. The problem may be that the American leadership may not truly understand the impact of this word on the final outcome.

Hudna’s Prophetic Prospective

Any aspect of a peace process that is referred to as "poison covered in honey" could well be a precursor to future events as recorded in Bible prophecy. Looking at the part "hudna" plays in this current attempt at peace should cause one to reflect on Israel’s previous prospects for peace.

Two Arab nations, Egypt and Jordan, have signed peace agreements with Israel in the past, the Camp David Accords in 1979 and the Jordanian-Israeli Peace Treaty in 1994. However, these peace agreements have never been normalized. In 1993, the nation of Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed the Oslo Accords. For 10 years now, they have failed to bring about the longed for peace. Now, there is another approach to peace in the Middle East on the table - the United States sponsored "road-map".

The "road-map" is the main thrust of Israel’s present peace process. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has committed to this "road-map to peace," and has already begun implementing measures that he agreed to at the Aqaba Summit. The "hudna"- Arabic for "cease-fire" - has been described by Israeli officials as "poison covered in honey," and is believed by those officials to be a trap for Israel. Israel’s concern is that the cease-fire offered by those who are opposed to peace is allowing terrorists to regroup, rearm, and return to violence after a short period of quiet.

There is a period of peace for Israel promised for the future - howbeit a pseudo-peace. This will come about when the Anti-Christ confirms a peace treaty with the Jewish nation, which the Prophet Daniel speaks of in his prophetic book. Daniel 9:27 reveals that this peace, which in reality will be a false peace, will give the Jewish people a false security.

I hasten to remind students of prophecy that the text of Daniel’s prophecy says that the Antichrist will not "sign" a peace treaty with the Jewish people but will "confirm" peace agreements that are already on the table, not yet normalized, and not effectively establishing peace in the Middle East.

The word "confirm" found in Daniel 9:27 is the Hebrew word "gabar" and it means to strengthen, make stronger, or confirm, i.e. the peace treaties that are not working will be made effective. The world leader that will have the authority to do something like that is the Biblical personality known as the Antichrist, the Satanic counterpart to the true Messiah, Jesus Christ.

This Antichrist comes to power soon after the Rapture of Christians from this earth to heaven and the period leading up to the seven year Tribulation Period, a time of fierce judgment on the earth and all earth dwellers. The Antichrist, who comes out of the Revived Roman Empire (see our audio 5-hour series "Age of Antichrist") will be a military genius who "honors the god of forces" (Daniel 11:38), a term describing the god of war.

In the course of setting the Jews at ease so that he can eliminate them from the earth, the Antichrist will use "hudna", a temporary cease fire, to lure the Jews into a false security preparing them for the slaughter that he intends for God’s chosen people.

The same principles being employed by the Palestinian Islamic terror groups, hudna, which is a pseudo peace will be established and broken by the Anti-Christ before the true peace comes to Israel with the return of the Prince of Peace - Jesus Christ.

Indeed, a cease-fire that is "poison covered in honey" is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, as it relates to peace in the Middle East.
Posted by Kindgo (Member # 2) on :
Hey Robbey please give me a link for this [1zhelp]
Posted by Robby (Member # 448) on :
Your wish is my command! Look at the top of the article. [cool_shades]
Posted by oldfreaky (Member # 1788) on :
There is no rapture
Posted by oldfreaky (Member # 1788) on :
Robbie, you been watching too much Hal Lindsey on TBN.
Posted by Robby (Member # 448) on :
Guilty as charged! [Kiss]
Posted by TEXASGRANDMA (Member # 847) on :
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
The rapture is our Blessed Hope.

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