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Posted by Trafield (Member # 758) on :
Saddle Up! The woman is ready to ride the beast!(Revelation 17:6-18)

Vatican grasps olive branch amid rumours of address to UN
By Peter Popham in Rome
05 March 2003
The Pope might fly to New York to make a dramatic appeal for peace before the United Nations, a report in a leading Italian newspaper suggested yesterday on the basis of rumours circulating in the Vatican.

Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the Pope's press officer, flatly denied the idea. "There is no plan for the Holy Father to visit the United Nations in the near future," he said. "The idea is not even under consideration." But as Marco Politi, a Vatican correspondent with la Repubblica wrote, Mr Navarro-Valls would be obliged to deny the rumours even if he knew different. And the rumours are hot. The Vatican's diplomatic effort on Iraq is growing louder by the day. Today, Cardinal Pio Laghi, the Pope's envoy to Washington, is expected to meet President George Bush. Yesterday, three American Catholic bishops were received by Condoleezza Rice, his National Security Adviser.

Though racked by Parkinson's disease, the Pope is by no means a spent force. His centrality to peace efforts also appears to have rejuvenated him. Cardinal Laghi said on Monday: "In these days [the Pope] seems more lively, as if wishing to give us strength. When I met him on Sunday, his voice was strong and it seemed to me that he has found new animation in order to grasp the commitment to peace."

A Vatican insider said yesterday: "In its own way, the Vatican is a world power. It would have a dramatic symbolism if the Pope went to the UN. If he thought it would make a difference, I'm sure he would go."

A direct appeal to the UN would be entirely in keeping with Karol Wojtyla's character, another insider said. It would also be the logical last step in a diplomatic chess game over Iraq that has preoccupied the Holy See since last autumn, with the pace in recent weeks quickening almost daily.

Stalin famously said: "The Pope! How many divisions has he got?" But if President Bush were to toss the same question to his "boy genius" adviser, Karl Rove, the sobering answer would be: "None, but he's worth 40 million votes." There are 65.3 million Roman Catholics in the United States, making them the largest Christian denomination. Mr Bush went after the Catholic vote fiercely in the 2000 election and would not want to alienate them now. However unpalatable the message Cardinal Laghi brings for the President from the Pope ­ and the Cardinal will be the first representative of the "no war" camp to enter the White House in many months ­ Mr Bush cannot afford to snub the envoy.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. The Pope has called on all Christians to abstain from food today, to solicit the Holy Mother's blessings for peace. Before leaving Rome, Cardinal Laghi said: "I'm not going with my head bowed, but in a spirit of prayer and fasting." But sending the cardinal to Washington is only one move.

The Pope also sent Cardinal Roger Etchegaray as an envoy to Baghdad, and received a visit fromTariq Aziz, a Christian and Saddam Hussein's Deputy Prime Minister. A few days later, the Popereceived Tony Blair and Jose Maria Aznar, the Spanish Prime Minister, who are two of Mr Bush's best friends in Europe. Neither European leader can ignore Christian opposition to war.

Yesterday, the third European hawk, Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, popped into the Vatican for an unannounced exchange of opinions with the Holy Father. In a striking departure from protocol, the visit was kept secret until it ended.

As the Iraq crisis has developed, the Vatican, whose views are unambiguous but which has only a moral axe to grind, has become the centre around which all the debates on war and peace revolve. Last week, ambassadors accredited to the Holy See from all nations on the UN Security Council were invited for a discussion.

Also last week, the son of President Mohammad Khatami of Iran was received by the Pope. The pontiff said afterwards that their views on Iraq were the same. On Monday the Vatican and a delegation from Israel's Chief Rabbinate wound up five days of unprecedented discussions with a joint declaration that stated, among other things, that "any attempt to destroy human life must be rejected".
Posted by Rog (Member # 1112) on :
I don't think the woman is who you may think. The attributes of the RCC are'nt the same for the harlot Babylon. Babylon is a great and powerful nation. I don't think the RCC is going to take over America any time soon. The Republicans are running the conservative Christian movement and the Democrats are leaning towards secularism, which separates church and state. The Pope does not have a chance.
The Vatican revived as a Roman empire realistcally will never amass the Military power
the U.S. has. No matter how rich the RCC is, they could not get the resources. As far as religion is concerned, there are more people leaving the church, the Vatican does not weild the influence they once had. People will flock to sensual paganistic religions before any "one world" religion. Besides the anti-christ will probably lean more towards Islam than Ecumenicism. Islam will never truely side with the Ecumenical movement.

Posted by Trafield (Member # 758) on :
Rog, ther is Babylon, then there is 'Mystery Babylon.' I believe the one-world religious system is Mystery Babylon. This may not be the current form of the RCC, but the interfaithism attitude of the pope, who believes there are other ways to the Father besides Jesus Christ, makes the pope a strong candidate for the leader of the one-world religious system.
Revelation 17:9 says the woman sits on seven hills. Rome today is known as the 'city of seven hills.' So, I am still unclear whether this will originate in actual Babylon in Iraq, or if Babylon is used figuratively to desctribe the world system. But the World Court, known as the Internatiional Criminal Court was founded in Rome and is governed by the laws of the Rome Statute. This is the one-world governmental system of the last days in my opinion, all the nations that have ratified the Rome Statute.
Posted by J23 (Member # 634) on :
My thoughts are that Rome is looking forward to being in control and is playing their cards that way too. All they have to do is show themselves to be sympathetic to Sadaam for a little while and then attention will be diverted to loud America and England who are distraught at this time. Rome knows how the prophecy goes, all they need to do now is exercise patience. It's all politricks - they know why America wants to get Iraq, and maybe Europe gave Sadaam the technology to do so? I know that Europe would be happier if they were more in charge and that's how it will through Rome. I guess Rome is the revival.

Rome has got all the other countries under contracts, so it must be Rome who reigns over the kings of the Earth, it's logical to me, and the rest will unfold as it will. I do expect some changes from That "Church", maybe it's all to be subtle?

I've been wanting to mention this since a few days now, but the other day I went to see two film, Treasure Planet and Daredevil. I liked Treasure Planet. At the beginning of Daredevil it showed a Church's stain glass window, and in that window was a woman and no man. To me that says Mary worship is coming in it's entirety, it was a subliminal message. I think here was where I could mention that.

Peace & Righteousness,

Posted by Rog (Member # 1112) on :
Looking at the world situation, there is no way that Rome could reign over the earth, there is too much opposition in England and America against it. If there is a rivival of the Roman empire it will be through the U.N. consolate in Rome rather than the RCC.

Who wins the war after "Nation shall rise against nation"?

Daniel 8:5
5.And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat came from the west, ACROSS THE SURFACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH, WITHOUT TOUCHING the ground; and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.

Revelation 6:2
2.And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

Immediately after 9-11 the Pentagon started drawing up plans for world takeover, this leaked out into the news, but was quickly knocked down by government officials, that it was plans against terrorism. All of this going on with Iraq goes alot deeper than you think.

Posted by Trafield (Member # 758) on :
Rog, that is what I am saying. The group of nations in the Rome Statute of the International Court IS "Rome", in my opinion, not the RCC.
The world court is certianly a branch of the United Nations.
But the one-world religious system will come from Rome as well. The RCC and pope will probably spearhead the interfaithism of the coming world religious system.
Posted by Trafield (Member # 758) on :
Vatican Becomes Anti-War Rallying Point

March 12, 2003 04:49 AM EST

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II and top Vatican officials are unleashing a barrage of condemnations of a possible U.S. military strike on Iraq, calling it immoral, risky and a "crime against peace."

The unwavering stance has made the pope one of the most visible opponents of war in current circumstances, and a rallying point for peace groups and politicians who seize on his words counseling against war. Even those supportive of a U.S.-led strike, including the prime ministers of Britain, Spain and Italy, have recently lined up to see him, aware of his leadership role.

President Bush, who has rarely met with opponents of his Iraqi stand in recent months, did receive an emissary from John Paul last week. Upon returning to Rome, the emissary, Cardinal Pio Laghi, said American officials had been friendly but that "friendship is not enough."

The next day, as he began a week of Lenten prayers, the pope said he will "bear in mind the needs of the Church and the concerns of all mankind, above all for peace in Iraq and the Holy Land."

The stance reflects what experts say is the Vatican's evolving position on just war, already seen by its opposition to the Gulf War, as well as concern about the impact of war on relations between Christians and Muslims.

"He is looking ahead for the rest of this century where Christian-Muslim relations are key to peace and religious freedom in Africa and many parts of Asia," said the Rev. Thomas Reese, editor of the Jesuit magazine America.

John Paul has insisted that war is a "defeat for humanity" and that a preventive strike against Iraq is neither legally nor morally justified.

Aides have repeatedly said the pope is not a pacifist, pointing to his support of humanitarian intervention to "disarm the aggressor" in Bosnia and East Timor and his repeat condemnations of terrorism following the Sept. 11 attacks.

But in some of the Vatican's strongest language against a possible war, its foreign minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran said a unilateral military strike would be a "crime against peace" with no justification on grounds of self-defense.

Vatican officials have also spoken of what they consider are the political realities of an American attack on an Arab country.

"We want to say to America: Is it worth it to you? Won't you have have, afterward, decades of hostility in the Islamic world," asked the Vatican's No. 2 official, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

The Vatican has been the center of diplomacy.

John Paul sent an envoy to meet with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein last month and received Iraq's deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz.

Bush, a Methodist, has sought to court Catholic voters, who made up a quarter of the electorate in 2000.

Although no top U.S. official has traveled to Rome to discuss Iraq with the Vatican, prominent conservative American Catholic, Michael Novak, came to help make the case that war is justified. "Humans of good will disagree," Novak said after his meetings.

Novak, in Rome under the State Department's public speakers program, did take issue with criticism of U.S. policies from some Vatican sources, including a Jesuit magazine close to the Vatican that suggested that the U.S. was acting out of economic and political motives, not an attempt to disarm Saddam.

The Vatican has long been stung by the accusation that Pope Pius XII, the World War II pope, failed to raise his voice to head off the Holocaust, an allegation the Vatican rejects.

Without drawing a direct parallel, Cardinal Roberto Tucci told Vatican Radio last week that the pope's efforts for peace have been recognized by the non-Christian world.

"No one can ever say that the pope didn't do enough," Tucci said.
Posted by Catholicious (Member # 726) on :
Originally posted by J23:

Rome has got all the other countries under contracts, so it must be Rome who reigns over the kings of the Earth, it's logical to me

I hope it is logical to you because you said it, not logical to me though. The pagan Roman Empire was as your described, not the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope, the successor to St. Peter, was commissioned by Christ to be our shepard here on earth. It is very Christ-like to strive for world peace, Christ would want nothing different. So for you to turn these holy and admirable appeals for world peace into the abominable works of the devil is appauling and absurd.

I've been wanting to mention this since a few days now, but the other day I went to see two film, Treasure Planet and Daredevil. I liked Treasure Planet. At the beginning of Daredevil it showed a Church's stain glass window, and in that window was a woman and no man. To me that says Mary worship is coming in it's entirety, it was a subliminal message.

Never heard of the movie Daredevil, is this a Catholic or Christian movie or is it a paganist secularized movie? Oh you mean the new movie out with Ben Affleck? What the heck does that have to do with Catholicism? Pagans have nothing to do with the Catholic Church and anything they might put into a movie is not from God but from their own humanistic, non-Christian desires and ideas. Was it an actual Catholic Church or was the image of the window computer generated? Catholic Churches have many, many stained glass windows in them with images centering around the life, passion, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Just because it is in a big hollywood movie does not make it so, usually it is quite the opposite in their attempts at twisting, distorting, and cheapening life.

May God Bless You!


Peace & Righteousness,

J23 [/QB]

Posted by Trafield (Member # 758) on :
Speaking of distorting truth, here is the blasphemy in the Catholic Catechism, from paragraph 841:

841. "The Church's relationship with the Muslims. 'The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day.'[LG 16; cf. NA 3.]"

It is a fact that the Muslims to not believe in Jesus Christ as the messiah, the Son of God. They do not believe Jesus is God in the flesh. So do not believe the deceptive lies of the RCC.
Now the TRUTH:

John 14:1-6
1“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.
2“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
3“If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
4“And you know the way where I am going.”
5Thomas *said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?”
6Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

Jesus is the only way! Amen! [Prayer]

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