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Posted by Kindgo (Member # 2) on :
Kinders slap ban on Santa

SANTA Claus has been dragged into the state election after several childcare centres and kindergartens banned him for fear of offending minority groups.

Liberal leader Robert Doyle attacked the Bracks Government over the Santa boycott, saying it was political correctness gone mad.
"I blame the Bracks Government for the demise of institutions like Santa," Mr Doyle said.

"Most little kids actually like Santa, and I haven't noticed him being politically incorrect or damaging to the youthful psyche."

But Premier Steve Bracks was not to blame, a Government spokeswoman said.

"If Robert Doyle is trying to link this with the Bracks Government, then he's off with the elves," she said.

"We would hope that common sense would prevail because all children love Santa."

More than a dozen centres across Melbourne yesterday said they will not let Father Christmas in the door this year.

Some, including a Croydon childcare centre run by the Swinburne University of Technology, will substitute a clown for Saint Nick to avoid offending minority groups.

Ethnic community leaders also say the ban is wrong. They have called on the 14 kinders to bring Santa back.

Swinburne spokeswoman Jenni Austin said staff had decided that Santa was not appropriate.

"As a university, we have to be sensitive to the views of minority groups," she said.

A worker at St Andrew's kindergarten, in Clifton Hill, said most children would celebrate Christmas at home instead.

"The majority of the families do celebrate Christmas but there are a few families who don't, so we have decided to have an end-of-year party instead of a Christmas party,' she said.

There will be Santa Claus segregation at Batman Park kindergarten, in Northcote. He will visit only one of four groups.

"There is a Muslim family in one of the groups and we didn't want to offend them," a worker said.

But Australian Arabic Council chairman Roland Jabbour said the no-Santa ruling was going too far.

"Santa's part of the Australian way of life. We don't know how such a thing could be offensive."

Jewish Community Council president Grahame Leonard agreed.

"We're all about celebrating cultural diversity, not repressing it," he said.

Mr Doyle said it was all the Government's fault.

"Next it will be cold showers for all at 5am and an early bedtime. Well, not under the Liberals."
Posted by njclary (Member # 4) on :
Sad to say but this is the way things are going to be all over.Sal and my daughter are teachers. and they have to tread lightly in their profession. Rae is a 6th grade teacher, and in dealing with these children can be trying and if she were to say ythe wrong thing to a certain student, she and the school could be for a lawsuit which they would not win.

Sal works with handi-cap and learning challenged children up to 5th grade some of whom are not potty trained. BUT she has to have a second person watching when a child is taken to the toilet or lawsuits would ensue.

Now a whole new set of activities has been set forth. There are not that many in the 'Gay' movement, but they are extremely vocal and the loudest noise gets the most attention. Where has the Church been in Penna? do they not know what is going on . This is the arguement I have had for some time. WHERE WAS THE CHURCH???
If this does pass in Penna then surely all other states will follow suit.

Muslems on one side and Gays on the other. Good Grief, what's next?
Posted by njclary (Member # 4) on :
actually that was for the other post but it will do . at the same time its lawsuit fever in what ever country you are in.

Muslems. Gays and no Santa. yeesch.
Posted by Baby Christian (Member # 703) on :
The Three Big Lies:
1. Santa Claus
2. Easter Bunny
3. Tooth fairy
I confess that I am as guilty as any for telling my children these lies. They were passed down to me, as it was for many generations, as being nothing wrong with it. I, like most everyone, went to great lengths to convince my children these things were true. I also saw nothing wrong with telling those lies until I repented of my backslidden state and allowed myself to be led by the Holy Spirit. My blinded eyes were opened and I can now see that anything that is not true isn't of Jesus Christ who is the Truth. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. 1 John 2: 21
The Santa Lie:
This lie is the one that is most responsible for the unbelief in Jesus Christ today. Parents tell their children that a big fat jolly man named Saint Nicholas (Santa – move the n to the end and its Satan) watches them throughout the year and will reward them with the desires of their heart if they are good. Then they take extreme measures to convince the child this is true. Because of what the child is told, along with the deceptive actions of their parents and other people in the child's life, whom they trust, they believe it with all their heart. You tell a child something and they believe it. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.Mark 10:15 The child has faith, without any doubt, that it is true and worthy of requesting things they desire of this Santa, not suspecting him to be fictitious. They address these requests, not to the parents whom, in the mind of the child, has nothing to do with what this “Santa” gets them. But, to a fictitious person that will one day prove not to exist. Parents with good intentions to motivate their children to live a moral life use this lie. The parents themselves are spiritually blinded and cannot see the wrong because of the sub-conciseness of the same lies presented them at a young age. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14 Somehow, they feel this relieves them of their Biblical responsibility to correctly teach their children the Godly reasoning for being good. The Scriptures tell us in Proverbs 22:15; Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. With this wisdom, we should learn the ways of God and teach our children that this foolishness is inbred sin and can only be changed by the new birth in Christ Jesus and not a Santa Claus. In Proverbs 22:6, we are told; Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I know this Scripture is referring to bringing one up in a Godly manner, however; I feel the same holds true when they are brought up another way. The proof lies in the fact that parents (and when he is old,) continue ( he will not depart from it.)to pass this lie on to their children. Santa is a lie and not something children have a need to believe in. You cannot be a born again Christian and tell your children that lie. Read the Book!
Posted by Baby Christian (Member # 703) on :
I know that was really rough to swallow! Satan will pervert and steal everything. I mean think about it. Are we not taking away from the true meaning of Christmas with "Santa"? Does anyone sing "happy Birthday" to Jesus on December 25th? There are too many coincedences tween Santa and Jesus and Santa is getting all the Glory. No? His newest attack is X-mas. OH to take CHRIST out of CHRISTmas. What a shlub! (Call me scrooge)BUT seriously give thought to how you and your family TEACH the little ones about this day...WWJD?
Posted by Hannahgirl (Member # 756) on :
Mark 9:42
And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.

Rev. 21:8
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and "all liars" –their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

Posted by Robby (Member # 448) on :
Well, I just had to go and post this... [Laugh]

Santa's Prayer on Christmas Eve
By Warren D. Jennings

The sleigh was all packed, the reindeer were fed,
But Santa still knelt by the side of the bed.

"Dear Father," he prayed "Be with me tonight.
There's much work to do and my schedule is tight.

I must jump in my sleigh and streak through the sky,
Knowing full well that a reindeer can't fly.

I will visit each household before the first light,
I'll cover the world and all in one night.

With sleigh bells a-ringing, I'll land on each roof,
Amid the soft clatter of each little hoof.

To get in the house is the difficult part,
So I'll slide down the chimney of each child's heart.

My sack will hold toys to grant all their wishes.
The supply will be endless like the loaves and the fishes.

I will fill all the stockings and not leave a track.
I'll eat every cookie that is left for my snack.

I can do all these things Lord, only through You,
I just need your blessing, then it's easy to do.

All this is to honor the birth of the One,
That was sent to redeem us, Your most Holy Son.

So to all of my friends, least Your glory I rob,
Please Lord, remind them who gave me this job."
Posted by Paula (Member # 551) on :
The nationwide bans on Santa Claus (who, in my opinion, is more of a cultural rather than religious icon) have been ongoing across the U.S. for some time. Just last year, there was a ban in Arizona state offices by our State Atty General on all Christmas decorations and displays, including trees, wreaths, lights, pictures of Santa, etc. Many state employees are still fighting for their right to display Christmas decorations in their offices. Although it's a real shame, it doesn't surprise me that this trend is also taking place in the public schools. [tears]
Posted by Paula (Member # 551) on :
Seems like Jolly Old Santa is under attack everywhere these days.
In Austria, Incursion of the American Santa Triggers a Yuletide Backlash

Published: Dec 13, 2002

VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Ho, ho, ho? No, no, no!
Santa Claus is coming to town - and many Austrians wish he'd just stay home. The jolly old elf is getting an icy reception in this alpine country that gave the world "Silent Night" and clings to beloved Christmas traditions.

A small but boisterous movement alarmed at the intrusion of the American-style Old Saint Nick is crusading to keep the traditional St. Nikolaus and the Christ Child as the reason for the season.

Organizers insist they're not anti-Santa. But stickers depicting Santa with a diagonal red bar across his fluffy white beard are showing up on the stalls of Vienna's outdoor Christmas markets, where bundled-up shoppers browse for gifts while holding steaming cups of hot mulled wine or spiked punch in mittened hands.

"We're not really against Santa Claus. For some people, Santa Claus has his qualities," said Phillip Tengg, 27, a former divinity student who founded the Pro-Christkind (Pro-Christ Child) Society in 1998 in the western city of Innsbruck.

"We're against the fact that Santa Claus has become an advertising symbol of almost boundless consumption. It obscures the true meaning of Christmas. He's displacing the traditional St. Nikolaus and the Christ Child."

To be sure, Austria's Christmas traditions can be a bit bewildering to outsiders.

The season begins on Dec. 5, when a horned, fur-clad beast known as Krampus mock-rampages through streets and malls, terrorizing small children with switches and chains and trying to scoop them into his bucket. The next day, St. Nikolaus arrives wearing a bishop's miter and delivers biscuits and sweets.

On Christmas Eve, the Christkind, or Christ Child, sneaks into homes and deposits presents under the tree. On Dec. 25 families gather for a traditional meal of baked carp.

Tengg's group, which claims about 100 members from Austria, Germany and Switzerland, is alarmed at all the Santas and reindeer popping up at Christmas markets devoted to nativity scenes and angels.

The backlash resonates among Austrians like Lydia Krebs, who take pride in the traditions observed in this overwhelmingly Roman Catholic country where priest Joseph Mohr wrote "Silent Night" - originally "Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!" - in 1816.

"Our Christmas traditions are so beautiful, and Santa takes something away from them," she said Thursday from behind her stand of glass-blown ornaments, gingerbread houses and miniature creches. "My sister lives in Atlanta, and Christmas is so awful there - so hectic, and so many lights. It's just too commercial."

On its Web site, Pro-Christkind says it wants to encourage "critical reflection over trends like Santa Claus" and hopes Austrians "will understand that Christmas is a celebration of people and God, not a consumer frenzy."

Not surprisingly, the movement is supported by the Archdiocese of Vienna, which is struggling to woo back the 80 percent of Austrians who think of themselves as Catholics but rarely, if ever, attend Mass.

Pro-Christkind's members include Bishop Alois Kothgasser, who told Austrian radio recently that he considers himself "pro-Christ Child and anti-Santa." Kath.Net, a group of German-speaking Catholic believers, applauds "the protest against the pervasive Santa Claus."

Besides its sticker campaign ("We Believe in the Christ Child"), Pro-Christkind is urging Austrians inclined to e-mail their holiday greetings to consider its Christ Child e-cards.

The issue is hotly debated in the group's chat room. "I'll say it just once: Beat it, Santa!" wrote a woman who gave her name only as Eva. "Your pseudo-religious blah-blah is priceless," retorted a man called Jeff.

Martina Voigt, a Pro-Christkind leader, says it is signing up 20 new members every day.

"We don't have anything against Santa Claus," Voigt told the daily Tiroler Tageszeitung. "We just don't want him to control everything."


On the Net:

Pro-Christ Child organization,
Posted by Hannahgirl (Member # 756) on :
God and Idols Jeremiah 10:1-10 [Rolling] [fie]

1 Hear what the LORD says to you, O house of Israel. 2 This is what the LORD

"Do not learn the ways of the nations
or be terrified by signs in the sky,
though the nations are terrified by them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless;
they cut a tree out of the forest,
and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.
4 They adorn it with silver and gold;
they fasten it with hammer and nails
so it will not totter.
5 Like a scarecrow in a melon patch,
their idols cannot speak;
they must be carried
because they cannot walk.
Do not fear them;
they can do no harm
nor can they do any good."

6 No one is like you, O LORD ;
you are great,
and your name is mighty in power.
7 Who should not revere you,
O King of the nations?
This is your due.
Among all the wise men of the nations
and in all their kingdoms,
there is no one like you.
8 They are all senseless and foolish;
they are taught by worthless wooden idols.
9 Hammered silver is brought from Tarshish
and gold from Uphaz.
What the craftsman and goldsmith have made
is then dressed in blue and purple-
all made by skilled workers.
10 But the LORD is the true God;
he is the living God, the eternal King.
When he is angry, the earth trembles;
the nations cannot endure his wrath.

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