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Posted by Bao3niang (Member # 10876) on :
Before I begin my embarassing personal story, which happened during my senior year in high school, I would like to remind my brothers and sisters in Christ to always stand strong in God, and to put God above all in your lives. Do not fall for everything someone else tells you, for the truth may not be what it seems.
My name is Nick Cheung, and I am 19 years old. My parents are both evangelical pastors from Kaoshiung, Taiwan. We immigrated to New York City when I was 10, where my parents began leading a Chinese church. For most of my life, I had a good walk with The Lord under loving guidance from my father and mother.
During my final year in high school, our math teacher was a Korean lady named Tracy Kim. She was 25 years of age and had just got out of teacher's college. Her energetic and upbeat teaching style quickly won the popularity of the class, relieved from the typical lecturing and note-taking. She had long hair that was dyed brown, fair skin and features, not to mention a curvy, almost hourglass shaped body. In other words, she could very well be a member of one of those superstar girl groups. All this was coupled by the smile she always wore on her face, her sense of fashion (normally skirts with high heeled shoes/boots with the occasional denim skirt or jeans), and the ladylike way she carried herself.
Her refreshing teaching style and friendly personality would change my math learning as a whole. While math had always been my worst subject in all my previous school years, where getting low to mid 60s was the norm, I got a mark of 82/100 on my first Grade 12 report card. My parents were very happy for me.
By then, it was also the time when my bond with her began to grow. Every time when I was the last one to leave after math class finished, she would engage in small talk with me. At first, I was a bit shy, as I had always been somewhat shy in those situations. However, I got used to it and began enjoying it after a while. Soon, we began having longer conversations, and We exchanged phone numbers, V-Chat, and MSN. She saw me wearing a cross one day and asked me whether I was a Christian. I told her that I am and that both my parents work in the ministry. She told me that she was also a Christian (which I believed then), and that her father is pastor of a church in Incheon. I was overjoyed to know that I had found another person within the school that shared my devotion towards Christ, even more so the fact that it was my teacher. If such talk were found out, it would be against school policies.
Having acquired her contact information, we eventually became good friends. For a couple of days a week, I would stay after school to get some extra help from her, or to just talk with her about the day. Every time I felt uneasy with a peer or another teacher, I would tell her. She always comforted me and made me feel much better. As time went on, instead of bringing my fears and concerns to God, she became my solution. I started contacting her via my computer and cell phone on evenings after dinner, simultaneously while I was doing my homework. As a result, my attention often waivered from my work, sitting there waiting for her replies instead. My parents were used to me being somewhat of a gamer and internet person, and they never suspected anything. Soon, this contact extended to weekends.
After about 3 weeks of texts, e-mails, and phone calls, I finally asked her one Wednesday after math class whether she ever had a boyfriend. She replied that she used to have one 2 years older than her, but broke up with him because she thought he was too "boring" and "not smart enough". I smiled. During evening on the same day, she asked me on V-Chat to buy a bottle of skin moisturizer for her at the nearest Wal-mart. I readily accepted her request and woke up extra early on Thursday morning, rushing to Wal-mart and arriving at school barely on time. Before classes started (math was the 1st class that day), I handed the bottle of skin moisturizer over to her, which she thanked me and offered to give me money. I kept refusing, and she instead offered to take me out for lunch at Pizza Hut on Saturday (as I told her I go to the church which my parents pastor on Sundays), which I accepted with joy and gratitude. When my parents inquired who I was going out with, I lied to them and used a few names of boys in my class, including my best friend Brandon Jiang (who is a non-denom Christian) whom they had seen before.
We had a great lunch out together on Saturday. Along with the food, we talked more about each other's lives and our past. She told me she lived in Dalian for 1 year in Grade 9 and in Beijing for 3 years from Grades 10 to 12, completing her high school education in mainland China and then returning to New York to enroll in the prestigious NYU, where she did a major in the Courant Institute of Mathematics and a minor in Business. She also told me that although she's a devout Christian (which I sitll believed), she loved Chinese culture and the Chinese people. After lunch, we went out and each ordered a Blizzard at DQ before saying goodbye.

I continued having regular contact with her on evenings. The next Tuesday when I was chatting with her on V-Chat after dinner, she began telling me that I was "cute", "sweet", "lovely", and that "I am so happy when with you." I was surprised and felt somewhat awkward that a woman 8 years my senior would confess her feelings for a mere boy. However, by then, I could not deny and hide the fact that I was also having feelings for her. Finally, thinking of her professed Christianity, her sweetness and her womanly demeanor, I decided to tell her the next day that I liked her as well. That night was one of the few nights which I had trouble falling asleep. The next day before school, with all my courage, I told her that I liked her, which she smiled and responded with the same. We both promised to keep our relationship secret for a period of time. With such a confirmation of both our desires for each other, I became infatuated with her. My prayer ceased, and during church and gatherings, my mind could not focus at all on the message of God but on Tracy, whom by then I had long called by first name instead of "Ms. Kim."


As the math got harder and we began learning calculus, I realized I was having trouble again. And when I told my parents, they decided to let Tracy come to my home 2 times a week and offer me further tutoring. I insisted on 3 times a week, much to their surprise, for my parents never knew me as someone who had any enjoyment in schoolwork. As for school, my sole motivation for going there was Tracy, who by then would often eat lunch with me in the cafeteria. One time, when she could not come to my house for tutoring, she drove over to pick me up.
Our dates on weekends and on a few days each week after school became norm, with my parents still believing me that I was hanging out with a few friends. We would make each other laugh, stroll around in parks, go watch a movie or two, or go eat out in restaurants. Since I did not have a driver's license yet, she would pick me up and after our date drive me to the bus station near my home. The more I was with her, the more I wished it would never end. And I knew she felt the same. We began holding hands. I was drowning in her mature beauty. However, I was soon about to get what would eventually become a wake up call.
One Friday after school, we were out at the park. We had not talked about Jesus Christ for a long time, so I decided to ask her more about her faith. I asked her whether she prayed, and she replied that she does not pray. I asked her what the 4 Gospels are and she could only name Matthew and Luke. I asked her whether she believed Jesus payed the price of our sins yet sinless Himself, made the one and glorious sacrifice, and is the only way into Heaven. She said "maybe". I was a bit shocked, but got over with it and continued to see her. Gradually, I noticed that she was using the name of The Lord in vain on a constant basis, saying "Oh my God!" and "For God's sake", even using profane language. I also noticed that she began carrying expensive purses and wearing plenty of jewelry. As it had already been since I fell in love with her, I could not focus during church and did not pray. It would take something even bigger before I realized what I was doing.

It was another Saturday. I met with Tracy at around 5:00 PM. She told me that we had known each other for quite a while, and that she was going to take me to some place "good." My parents were going to be away until the following Monday. I got into Tracy's car and when we got off, I found out that we were at a pub. Now, I was only a week away from my 18th birthday, and decided that drinking some alcohol wouldn't hurt. If it was with Tracy, why would I be afraid?
It turned out that we both drank a lot of alcohol when we exited the pub at past 10 PM. Instead of driving me back to my own home, Tracy drove me back to her home. Fortunately we did not run into any cops. When we got back to her home, she led me upstairs to her bedroom. By then, the two of us were disoriented from the alcohol. As I was already somewhat unconscious, I fell down and relaxed myself on one of the sofas. Tracy sat on her bed, looking at me for a while then leaning over to touch me. She asked me to get up, and I got up. Before I realized, she had laid me on her bed and was beginning to remove my clothes. In the drunken state I was, I did not resist. What followed was my first ever sexual experience, the loss of my sexual purity. Tracy held onto me tight while touching me all over my body and kissing me on my lips, refusing to let go. Eventually it got more sensual for both of us, which I will not mention further. Still I did not resist and enjoyed the experience. Finally, when we both felt the energy was about to reach its peak, Tracy whispered "I love you Nick, my boy" into my ears, while I muttered "I love you Tracy" before she proceeded to give me my first orgasm. When it was all finished, we fell asleep with her still laying on top of me. We both had fornicated.
The next morning, my absence from church was reported. By then I had regained my consciousness and knew it was time for church, but it was too late. It was nearly noon when both of us woke up, and the service had ended by then. I told Tracy I had to go. When my parents returned, they knew of my absence from church that Sunday. They asked me why I had been absent. Silence. Followed by "ehhs" and "ahhs." With my parents continuing to ask, I broke down in tears and told them the whole truth. I expected my parents to fly into a fit of rage and disgust. Instead, they gently but sternly rebuked me, and asked for the school's investigation on this matter. I do not want to say any more, but in the end Tracy Kim was fired from the school and charged with statutory rape. Later I confessed all of this to Brandon, and he was shocked but forgave me in the end. Finally, I got back right with God by confessing what I had done, and He forgave me. I had never felt in such a way when I was finally welcomed back into the arms of my Lord and Savior.
To wrap up my story, I also told everything to Brandon, and won his compassion and sympathy. Although all of this happened 2 years ago, I still remember these events like yesterday. Finally, I hope my brothers and sisters in Christ will pray to The Lord to help distinguish good from evil, to walk in purity, and to resist such temptations. I do not wish for anyone to learn it the hard way like I did.
Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :
and what are we studying here? or if this is confessional wrong section my brother.
Posted by Bao3niang (Member # 10876) on :
I don't see COnfession section.....
Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :
Well being new I would start here;f=50
Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :
You seam to take a bit to much pleasure in telling your story son.

My points of contention is that a 25 with a 17 is not statutory rape.

The age of consent in New York
The age of consent is the age at which one can legally consent to have sexual relations. The age of consent in New York is 17 years old. (See the NYS Penal Law Art. 130.) On their seventeenth birthdays, young men and women may decide for themselves if they wish to consent to have sexual intercourse or participate in other sexual activity. The day before their birthday, they would be incapable of consenting due to their tender age.


Sounds like you took your 1st LSD(lust/sin/death) trip.

James 1:15 Then when Lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth Sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth Death.

Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.


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