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Rev. Russ

Daily Meditation
"A high-tech way to deliver God's Word"

An Inducement For Iniquity

Prov 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.

It’s with sadness that I note that another prominent figure has slipped, and hurt his family. This individual, from all outward appearances, has been an outstanding example of "Mr. Clean." Nevertheless, "he made a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the ditch which he made."(Psa 7:15)

But before we judge this individual, remember Jesus’ words, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at [him] first."(John 8:7) When someone falls, they need our prayers, not our condemnation!

Temptation could be defined as "an inducement for iniquity." Notwithstanding, "let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren."(James 1:13-16)

Three powerful forces work together to ruin a believer’s character and witness: Satan, the world system, and our own lustful "flesh" tendencies. Being tempted isn’t a sin, but yielding is! We commonly hear the expression "falling into temptation," but in reality, we walk into it, one step at a time. Throughout the journey, we have a choice to stop our downward progression, into this dangerous territory, or to move ahead and suffer the consequences.

There are multitudes of different sins, and unfortunately, many of them we tend to trivialize. Sins such as exceeding the speed limit, which is breaking man’s laws (Rom 13:1). And there is theft! You may be thinking of yourself as being above stealing anything, but are you? Do you "steal"some of God’s money, when you spend it all on yourself, instead giving some of it where it will be used on His work? (Ouch) There's the common sin of today, "gluttony," which most don't even consider a sin, but God's Word states that "the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty."(Prov 23:21) Notice that a "drunkard and the glutton" are given equal billing, and even listed in the very same verse.

One thing that all sin has in common, is that they are all black, and deadly! Whether you cheat on your spouse, or steal from God, you are sinning! And the process starts in your mind. Of course, preventing every attractive thought from entering your minds is impossible, nevertheless, you can decide how long to dwell on each one.

My friend, when you entertain a sinful idea, you take another step downward into the morass of degenerate imagination. One of the old slewfoot’s greatest tools, is convincing you that experiencing the pleasures of sin, in your fantasies, isn’t really that bad. After all, you haven’t actually carried it out.

But Jesus said, "I say to you that whoever looks at a woman (or man) to lust for her (him) has already committed adultery with her (him) in his (her) heart."(Mat 5:28) And that "principle" applies to every sin known to man. If you entertain the thought of how you would enjoy murdering someone who has wronged you, you have "murdered them in your heart!" If you look at an armored car, parked in front of a business, and "fantasize" about spending money which isn’t yours, you have stolen in your heart. You are letting old slewfoot use an "inducement to do evil" on you.

My friend, satan knows the power of your thoughts. And by gaining a foothold, he has seized the greatest motivator of the human will, your desire. Those "harmless imaginations" now turn into blazing "inducements to do evil" which crave satisfaction. And that’s just a step away, from uniting the desire, with your action, at which point all opposition has vanished, and sin has been accomplished.

Never forget that resisting a temptation, becomes harder with each progressive step. Therefore, begin the fight early, as you reject tempting thoughts, and refuse to dwell on the anticipated pleasure.

Instead of dwelling on what you think would be a pleasure, or a benefit to you, consider the consequences of the "sin." I’ll guarantee you that the cost will always be higher than the "fleeting" enjoyment, or benefit. *

If you could ask some of the famous individuals who have succumbed to satan, I’m certain that they would agree with the last sentence. *

Resist satan; obey God!


Rev. Russ

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