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Posted by barrykind (Member # 35) on :
"The Times They Are A-Changin" Shalom Torah Fans,
I look across the placid valley at the Golan Heights, now covered with produce farms and the world's most fruitful vineyards. Peaceful now for over 40 years, the president elect of the United States and his Secretary of State have already announced their intention to coerce Israel into relinquishing the ancestral home of Manassas over to those who previously bathed the shores of the Sea of Galilee with the blood of the young Israelis - whose only act of aggression was turning their own swampland into the farms that now feed people around the globe. The abandoned Israeli tank emplacements, a half mile up the ridge from our home, will again be bustling with activity as modern Assyrian war chariots return to the Golan to once again threaten the very existence of Israel. Where is the real Barak when you need him (Judges 4:1-24)???
The time of Israel's punishment is just about (hosei) fulfilled. The 390 years that Ezekiel prophesied for Israel's chastisement for rampant paganism and blatant disregard for Torah, was not answered with the requisite repentance (Ezekiel 4:1-17). Moses pre-scribed the cure: Our punishment would be multiplied seven times (Leviticus 26). According to the calculations I have performed using Bishop Usher's usually accurate chronological dating, Israel was carried away captive by Assyria in 722 B.C.E. Ezekiel's prophecy of 390 years of languishing in exile was multiplied seven times according to Moses' prophetic formula - a total of 2730 years - which takes us through the year 2009. It is sobering to recall that according to my interpretation of the third layer of Daniel's seventy sevens prophecy, I am expecting thermonuclear war to erupt in the mid-east in the middle of 2010 (you must study the Jonah Code DVD series - again!). Well, there is nothing to be too concerned about, because I also said three years ago that this could not take place unless we first saw a global economic collapse. Thankfully, nothing like that could possibly happen now that America has elected a president who plans on forcing Israel to give their land over to the Assyrians in return for an 'Iron Clad' promise of world peace. It appears that all the former Miss America contestants will finally get their wish.
Every Shabbat our living room is packed with serious students from around the world who gather in the Galilee to explore the scriptures via "The Chronological Gospels: the Life and Seventy Week Ministry of the Messiah". Each week we take another section from the manuscript that I have been preparing for the past three years and we explore every related record from every Gospel account. Every Greek word, every Hebrew word, every cultural and Torah relevant concept that can be gleaned from this diverse group of Messianic believers is investigated. At the close of the evening, I retire to my office and continue to refine, annotate, and prepare The Chronological Gospels for publication. I usually turn the lights out around 0600 in the morning and get my rest until noon and then return to the project after my chicken soup brunch. I cannot express how thrilling it is to engage in this adventure. Finally, after nearly 40 years of applying my heart to understand the scriptures, I feel that I have, ever so delicately, touched the Gospel of the Kingdom that Yahshua taught. The truth has been there for millennia - but I had to unlearn nearly everything that I thought I understood from the world of man-made religion in order to glimpse the face of the true Messiah - the real Yahshua. I have yet to be able to do any filming since returning to Israel. We have not yet been able to acquire a vehicle which will transport our crew out to the various archaeological sites that dot the Galilee, so until we have the budget for the project I continue to prepare the materials that will one day turn into the scripts for the television series and The Chronological Gospels that you will be able to study and share with your Sabbath home assembly.
When I returned to Israel, I was immediately ushered into the glorious side of the seedy underbelly of Israel's netherworld. It is with sober hesitancy that I share these things, but this is the world that the Lydia project is touching - and having a real impact. To have poor, widows, and orphans in a culture that purports to be Torah observant, sometimes means that something has gone terribly wrong. It has. Each year, over 800,000 women are abducted and held in sex-slave prisons around the world. In Israel, these burgeoning institutions are frequented by secular politicians and orthodox religious leaders alike. Incest in the religious communities is rampant. Sons and daughters of respected rabbis have fled years of abuse by their fathers only to find themselves on the streets of Tel Aviv as dejected prostitutes who seek solace in mind numbing drugs or at the bottom of a bottle of cheap Russian vodka. The children that are modern day witnesses of the hypocrisy that Yahshua exposed among the religious have very few options. Those who question the authority of the system are often made homeless. The wives and children who speak up against physical and sexual abuse are not protected, but destroyed by the system and escorted to the dung gate. Christians are not alone in killing their wounded, nor Rome without companion in feeding legitimate critics to the lions.
The Lydia Project has been led into a field that is ripe for harvest among Jews who were once victims of their own religious system but were rescued by messianic believers and nourished to health - both physically and spiritually. Now, these orthodox rejects, who were redeemed from gutters, and brothels, and loved back to life by those who were filled with the compassion of Yahshua, are reaching back into the pit from which they were dug to wrestle others from the jaws of hell. It is the former orthodox Jews, who are now followers of their Messiah, who are doing what Yahshua demanded of his followers. They are not sitting in pews on Sunday singing hymns. They are not sending Christmas presents to the troops. They are not coloring Easter eggs. They are not just keeping the Sabbath and the Feasts; they are in the streets, the hospitals, and the prisons finding others like themselves - the lost, the wounded, the rejected - and they lead them by the hand to the narrow gate that leads to life. Please stop and read Yahshua's last message in Matthew 25:31-46. Gulp!
1 Last spring you, through one of the Lydia projects, helped a small group of very serious Messianic believers in Beer Sheva who spend their lives helping the poor and street orphans in that ancient city. 2 Unrelated to their ministry to the poor and homeless, these believers were present when a young orthodox girl fell and badly injured her ankle. 3 Writhing in pain, it could be seen that blood vessels had burst as her ankle ballooned to twice its size. 4 Unashamedly, they gathered around and prayed for her healing "by the authority of Yahshua haMoshiach". They all watched as the girl's ankle was fully restored before their very eyes. 5 This healing incident started a firestorm. She told her family what had happened and they immediately rejected her - but she would not back down - she had witnessed a miracle performed on her in the name of the one her family calls, YESU (acronym for: "may his name be blotted out"). 6 Her brother also believed. 7They and the other believers began to pray for others in the community as they told the story of Rivka's healing by Yahshua. 8 Now, just three months later, they reported to me that 26 miraculous instantaneous healings have been witnessed by this growing group of Messianic Jews from the city of Abraham's Seven Wells.
(Book of The Acts chapter 53,932 verses 1-8)
We are making a change. The name: Lydia Project is not only used by a dozen other organizations around the world, but in Israel, its obvious reference to the book of Acts immediately flags it as a Christian (read: Roman Catholic) organization and probably a missionary endeavor. This does not help us one bit in Israel. We are changing the name of our obedience ministry to: "Awakening of the Heart". This not only fits the "Awakening" theme of our ministry, but more importantly, our goal of being a provision for the physically and spiritually needy in the land of Israel is not impeded or compromised by a red flag in the face of the religious "bull".
When you give of your tithes and offerings to A Rood Awakening! you are directly supporting Messianic believers in Israel who are the vanguards of ministry to the poor, the widows, the orphans and victims of terror. You also support persecuted Jewish believers who are among the most poor and needy themselves. When you support A Rood Awakening! you support our three year weekly Internet Torah teaching project, "Awakening in the Word" with Glenn McWilliams. You are also supporting the "Torah Defense Force" basic training program and the "Aviv Moon Network" - our international network of believers and fellowships who keep the Feasts according to the Creator's calendar ( When you stand with us with your prayers and support, you are making our media ministry available to those who cannot afford to pay anything more than attention. We broadcast the truth of the Torah and Messiah around the globe via television, and satellite, and through our video website, where we make our teaching videos available both free of charge, and in published form to energize personal ministries around the world. When you support our ministry, you support every endeavor that I am making to continue to feed you the leaven free, pure Torah - the Gospel of the Kingdom that sets us free from the kingdoms of this world. More next month!
I will see you sooner than some hope - when the smoke clears...

Michael Rood
PS. The Messiah gave me a specific job to do, and I will do it with my whole heart until it is clear that my message is not received, or supported by the hearers in any given venue; only then do I shake the dust from my feet and move on. Yahshua did not give his disciples bags of money and say, "I will pay for everything that I want done." He sent his apostles out with a gift to the world. If the hearers deemed their message worthless, they moved on. Heaven does not write the checks that pay for the Internet or for the food on the table of our video editors. You do - and the reward is likewise - all yours. Thank you for being an integral part of our Awakening! With more help, I could do a better job and much faster. I would like to send you my 2-hour DVD teaching: The Beating of Balaam's *** - Prophetically Speaking. Order today, and you will have the latest revelation in your hands before the U.S. Postal Service goes belly up!

Shalom from Jerusalem - until the smoke clears...

Michael Rood

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