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Posted by barrykind (Member # 35) on :
Daily Meditation
"A high-tech way to deliver God's Word."

Prov 4:18 The path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.

It’s a fact of life that many individual’s lives are just a facade; in public they appear happy and confident, notwithstanding, beneath the surface, many feel empty. I believe most of us, at one time or another, have found ourselves in a large crowd, and nevertheless, felt alone.

Unfortunately, that are many men and women, who are unable to see a meaning or purpose in their life. As a means of escape, multitudes turn to drugs, become overly busy, look for love in the wrong places, strive for power, and attempt to make money their savior!

Yes, some may find pleasure, however, it’s usually only temporary. Those who succumb to a "one-night-stand," awake in the morning fearful that the result may be a dreadful, or embarrassing disease. Those who attempt to find happiness with money, quickly discover that they will never have enough!

If "power" is sought as a means of happiness, there will always be someone more powerful. The truth is that this world doesn’t have anything that can bring lasting happiness, or a "full life!"

My friend, if you’re wondering why your life can feel so empty, I’ve come by today with an answer: God created you with a yearning; a "yearning" that He alone is able to satisfy. And as a result, you cannot be fulfilled, until you experience God’s transforming, unconditional love.

Remember that Jesus said, "I came that [you] may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) No, He most certainly didn’t mean an extravagant lifestyle; He meant for you to feel complete, which can happen only through a personal relationship with Him.

Are you thinking, "Preacher, I’m saved, however I still feel empty!" I don’t know you personally, but I do know that such a feeling could be the result of disobedience; it may because you’ve taken a slight detour in your walk with your Heavenly Father. Any such things can become a way of life, and will most certainly deprive you of a "full life."

Here’s another possibility: You may be living according to God’s Word, and yet haven’t fully surrendered your desires to Him. You may be attempting to fill your own void, with relationships, achievements or money. And I want you to understand that when aspirations like these are given higher priority than your Heavenly Father, they take on the form of "idolatry."

Yes, the Scripture is often twisted, and "idolatry" is given a more acceptable name; it’s renamed "prosperity!" Multitudes are being taught to focus on "prosperity," rather than the One who said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."(Mat 6:33)

OK, let’s focus directly on you! Do you really want to "live a full life?" If you do, it will only be possible when you put God above and before everything else! Remember that He said way back in Exo 20:3, "You shall have no other gods before Me," and my friend, those "gods" include houses, automobiles, spouses, your job, power, sex and "prosperity!" And I’m sorry to have to report it, but the primary place those forms of "idolatry" rear their ugly heads, is inside many church walls! (Ouch)

Now, take a peek into your Spiritual mirror; do you see some "idolatry" lurking there? If so, confess your sin and ask your Heavenly Father to give you a truly "full life," as only He can do.

Echo the Psalmist’s words, "You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."(Psa 16:11)

Go ahead; you’ll like it!

Rev. Russ

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Posted by Carol Swenson (Member # 6929) on :

This is great! Thank you for posting this! [thumbsup2]

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