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Posted by J4Jesus (Member # 1367) on :
man, i've been in pornography for a couple of years now and it's like a drug. It's probably one of the main things that has kept me a backslider all this time.

this morning, the same ol thing happened, i was having bad thoughts and i WANTED to get on the computer and do it all over again.

but i just did something else and everything went away.

but i'm telling you, I'm gonna really try to quit this junk but i will be miserable in the process.

question: how long do i have to keep resisting this before God decides to change me?

cause the desire for this stuff is there man, it's there and it's vibrant. but i'm never gonna get anywhere if it doesn't stop.
Posted by Kindgo (Member # 2) on :
Lifting you up brother! [Prayer]

I don't have much to offer except prayer and encouragement, my addictions/sins were different yet we all struggle with the temtations of flesh now and then.

The enemy attacks just when we are really getting somewhere doesn't he? Take heart that we are equipped with the tools to fight off the old fleshly nature, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, you are new and that attraction is unnatural for you now- that is the truth that will set you free.

Remind yourself, you are not the old person you were, it is not in your new true nature to look at porn, reprogram the mind to match the spirit. Please get into the word and meditate on it, I'll continue to pray for you.

Don't let the accuser weigh you down with guilt and shame- he wants to render you uneffective because you are so very useful, take a deep breath - feel the forgiveness that is yours and move on- and take heart, you are forgiven and don't dare get bogged down in it or return to it (old natures habits) because you are a new creature!

Everything will be okay. [hug]
Posted by TheGreatSouthLand (Member # 6062) on :
As Jesus hung on the cross and was about to die, the last thing he said was "It is finished" . He had defeated the devil. He had overcome sin. He had made a way for us to live in victory. Jesus's death was all overcoming for us, and all defeating for the devil. As born again believers, this overcoming power is ours. This victory is ours.
In your case, one scripture comes to mind. "Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world". What I would encourage you to do is to walk in that victory. To remember that the devil is a defeated foe, and unless YOU decided to let him in he has no authority to touch you.
Stand tall, remember you are washed in the blood of Jesus. You have been set free from this problem. And walk on in that victory.

-- The Great South Land
Posted by J4Jesus (Member # 1367) on :
ahh yes but being that i'm a backslider in heart, it's a little different. i don't feel all that lovey touchy Jesus stuff, i SHOULD, but i'm not there.

and in fact, at about 3 something this afternoon, i finally caved in.

it's ridiculous.

i freakin fought it and still lost.
Posted by Bandit (Member # 3643) on :
Hello J4Jesus,

All I can tell you is that satan is going to attack at your weak points. So this is an area you (with God's help) are going to have to strengthen. Please read James 4:7-10. You are going to have to both actively resist with all your heart while at the same time you humble yourself in the sight of God. Also read 1 Cor. 9:24 - 10:15. Remember that if you truly seek after Him, He will never allow you to be tempted more than you can bear, but will provide a means for you to bear it. This doesn't mean that we will never be tempted, but it means that if we resist, while at the same time we are walking humbly before Him, He will enable us to endure the trial. And God is well pleased when we prove our faith by patiently enduring trials. (Read Romans 5:1-4, James 1:1-27, 2 Peter 1:1-15, and Hebrews 11:1 to 12:13 among others.) And know that there are those here who will be praying with you concerning this. I believe that through continued resistance and prayer this weakness of yours can be turned into a strength. (But then the devil will just come at you from some other direction, so we all must always be on our guard!)

Posted by WKUHilltopper (Member # 5472) on :
Originally posted by J4Jesus:
ahh yes but being that i'm a backslider in heart

We're all backsliders by heart. Remember, you're fighting against spirit, not just the flesh.

Just remember, God is much bigger than any of us--He might just be strengthening your mettle for something great in the future for His glory.
Posted by Eden (Member # 5728) on :
Hi, J4Jesus. The problem with you is that you think that there still is some GOOD in you which is "not all that bad."

I've got news for you, J4Jesus: you are 100% bad, period.

Psalm 53:3
Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that does good, no, not one.

Romans 3:12
They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that does good, no, not one.

Jesus died for you, not because you are so good, but because you are so bad. You are 100% bad.

Romans 7:18
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells no good thing: for the desire {to do good} is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I cannot seem to find.

Paul had the same problem you have:

Romans 7:23
I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

You and Paul cried out:

Romans 7
24a O wretched man that I am!

Both you and Paul then asked the next question:

Romans 7
24b Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

Romans 7
19 For the good that I want to do I don’t do: but the evil which I do not want to do, that I do.

Paul then says:

Romans 7
20 Now if I do that I what I don’t want to do, then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me.

Romans 7
18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwells no good thing: for the desire {to do good} is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I cannot find.

J4Jesus, note that Paul said, “I KNOW that no good thing dwells in me."

But you still think that there must be some good in you with which you can please God.

You need to make the discovery that you are 100% bad, and that God wants NONE of you and NONE of the first Adam. God is going to DO AWAY with everything that came out of the first Adam. It is SO BAD that God is not even going to repair it, God is starting a new creation in the second Adam, who is Jesus.

We CAN praise God and we CAN praise the Lord Jesus Christ for all They have done for us.

But if you are going to try to root sin out of your flesh, you will become a very miserable Christian. I tried that for years, until I finally realized that God will save me IN SPITE of my sins.

For here is the good news:

Ephesians 2:5
Even when we were dead in sins, He has quickened us together with Christ (by grace are you saved).

Colossians 2:13
And you, being dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, has He quickened together with him, having forgiven you all your trespasses;

J4Jesus, you may not believe this, but whether you like porno and do not like porno has NOTHING to do with your salvation; it won't get you any rewards, either.

At the end of your life, God will look for this ONE thing: did he or she accept Jesus's death as their Substitute death?

If the answer is yes, no amount of liking porno or not liking porno can take that acceptance of Jesus's death away from you.

As Christians, we are really ONLY capable of doing THREE things well:

PRAISING the LORD YHWH and Jesus Christ for what They have done for us, and asking Them to have mercy on us when They come into Their kingdom, and acknowledging that we are hopeless sinners.

Luke 18
12 {For the pharisee prayed in this wise}, Lord, I fast twice a week and I give tithes of all that I possess {and I do not like porno like some other people I know}.

13 But the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes to heaven, but he struck his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14 I tell you, this last man {the publican who understood that he was a hopeless sinner}, shall go down to his house justified rather than the other man: because every one who exalts himself shall be abased; but he who humbles himself shall be exalted.

J4Jesus, the problem with you is that you still think that there IS some GOOD to be found in you which can please God.

You still need to discover what Paul KNEW:

Romans 7:18
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells no good thing: for the desire {to do good} is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I cannot find.

When you die, God will therefore ONLY look whether you have accepted Jesus's death as your Substitute death.

If we did, then this is the good news:

Ephesians 2:5
Even when we were dead in sins, He has quickened us together with Christ (by grace are you saved).

Colossians 2:13
And you, being dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, has He quickened together with Him, having forgiven you ALL your trespasses.

Perhaps when you find a wife (pray and ask Him for a wife, J4Jesus), you’ll do less porno and perhaps you’ll do no more porno at all, the sex is that good.

But until that happens, I can only tell you that liking porno or not liking porno CANNOT TAKE away your salvation because your salvation is only dependent on whether you accepted Jesus's death as YOUR Substitute death.

All the rest of what you were or were not capable of in Adam will not help you one bit when it comes to whether you'll be saved or not.

Be blessed.
Posted by J4Jesus (Member # 1367) on :
Eden, yes you bring up a good point that I already had in mind, but that still doesn't mean i'm supposed to keep on doing it.

After all, doesn't He say "Be Therefore Holy Because I Am Holy."?

He told the woman caught in Adultery "Go But Do Not Sin Again."

He told people "Unless You Repent You Will Parish."

And from what I understand, having a wife doesn't take away the desire for porn either.

It ain't just porn, it's the lust that's the main thing, the porn is just the major way i can exercise lust.

And now, it's created a whole slir of really strange and wrong sexual thoughts that I won't even begin to talk about.

But thanks.

As always, It still has to stop.
Posted by WildB (Member # 2917) on :

[9] But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.
Posted by Good NewsforAll (Member # 6156) on :
Originally posted by J4Jesus:
And now, it's created a whole slir of really strange and wrong sexual thoughts that I won't even begin to talk about.

Looks like you may be sliding down a very dangerous slippery slope, and it is going to get worse unless you are so desperate that park yourself at the foot of the cross on your face and say to Jesus, "I'm not leaving here until you lift this terrible bondage." The devil is terrified of the blood and the cross.

If the attraction to porn is still there, you are not desperate enough to let it go. You aren't disgusted with yourself enough, and as with many additions, you may have to hit bottom. When desperation sets in, you will have to saturate yourself with scriptures until you are so filled up, the devil has no choice but to leave you alone.

Ephesians 6 is a great scripture to start with.
Posted by J4Jesus (Member # 1367) on :
why do people always tell me that i don't seem to want it to go away bad enough or something like that?

i have already admitted that I still have a desire for all this porn and other things I guess, but I know that they have to go.

so what am I to do?

this has never happened to any Christian before.
Posted by Good NewsforAll (Member # 6156) on :
I believe that you really want to quit, but you have to use the weapons we have provided for you.

You are not fighting against flesh and blood, but the spirit realm. Sometimes you have to get to the point of desperation.

I told you that Eph. 6 would be a good place to start. Have you bothered to look at Ephesians 6?


When you feel tempted, run to the Bible, not the computer.
Posted by Eden (Member # 5728) on :
Dear J4Jesus, after I became a bornagain Christian, I TRIED to be good, but I found that I was not able to be good, because I was bad, I was BORN a sinner.

So how does that jive with “So be you holy as He is holy” and “Do not sin again, lest a worse thing befall you” and “unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish” and “unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

You know, I’m not sure. But I do know this for sure, J4Jesus, that I TRIED to be good and I found out that I WAS NOT ABLE TO BE GOOD. I found out the same thing that Paul found out, namely, that:

Romans 7
18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwells no good thing: for the desire {to do good} is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I cannot find {within myself}.

That is also MY experience. Like Paul, I found that there was a law of sin in my body which sinned IN SPITE of my mind. And Paul concluded that, in THIS life, he would praise the LORD with Paul’s mind and Paul assumed that his flesh would commit its own sins over which he had no control: “but how to perform that which is good I cannot find {within myself}”.

Let me ask you then, J4Jesus, [b]have you found within yourself how to perform that which is good?
. I don’t think. I NEVER found it in my struggle against sin.

Now, don’t get me wrong: the 10 Commandments of God are relatively easy to practice and we as bornagain Christians should strive to do the 10 commandments of God, like I shall not kill and I shall not steal and I shall not bear false witness and I will honor my father and my mother and I will love the LORD God of Israel only as Creator. These 10 commandments are not grievous and are fairly easy to perform, and we should always hold these 10 commandments before our eyes.

But we can eradicate OTHER sins by us saying to ourselves, “Okay, I like porno but I think that God does not like porno so I’m not going to like porno anymore either.”

Now, what God likes and what YOU like are two different things. Uou are NOT God, J4Jesus, but you and I are sinful descendants of Adam and Eve. We are altogether BORN INTO SIN.

1 Corinthians 15:22
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

There is nothing we in Adam can do to undo that in Adam we all die. That is why eternal life will be a free gift.

1 Corinthians 15:45
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Romans 8:11
But if the Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you.

Romans 5:15
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, has abounded unto many.

J4Jesus, if you in Adam could stop doing the things you like to do, there would not have to be a free gift from God of eternal life.

No matter WHAT you do, whether you like porno or not like porno, will not help you ONE IOTA towards salvation because salvation is NOT DEPENDENT on your behavior but on your belief that Jesus died on your behalf so that YOU don’t have to die for your sins.

I think, after that, we can think about our behavior and in light of the Word of God and the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, and maybe some of our hardness of heart will become softer and a sweeter heart of flesh.

But whatever we may achieve, or not achieve, in our natural life derived from Adam and Eve will NOT EVEN BE CLOSE to what the FREE GIFT will be like. Generic Adam may be able to clean themselves up a bit, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, but this natural body, somewhat cleaned up, not so cleaned up, MUST BE BURIED so that we may INHERIT OUR GLORIFIED BODY:

1 Corinthians 15:44
It is buried a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

No matter how REFINED we can make this natural body, it will NEVER BE a spiritual body. God is staring a new line of beings through the SECOND and LAST ADAM, who is Jesus Christ, and God will UNDO everything that came out of the first Adam.

And God, having declared us all to be under EQUAL SIN, so no one can be favored by God, has set a line in the sand by which human who wants to cross from the first Adam line may cross into the second or last Adam line, and that line is, “are you willing to accept that My Son Jesus died on YOUR BEHALF on the cross for your sins so that YOU don’t have to die for your sins?”

If ANY human reads the facts set forth by faithful men and women in the Bible comes to the conclusion that Jesus DID die and DID SUFFER on their behalf, THAT PERSON gets to cross over.

And J4Jesus, whether you like porno or not HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CROSSING OVER.

It is NOT ONE OF THE QUESTIONS, OKAY? The ONLY question God will ask you is, “did you believe while on earth that Jesus died on behalf of your sins, or not?” And when you say, “Yes, I believed that Jesus died on behalf of my sins”, then God will let you go free, otherwise JESUS WOULD NOT NEED TO HAVE DIED.

When you say you still need to ADD something to what God and Jesus have already done for us sinners is saying that what God and Jesus did through the death on the cross was NOT ENOUGH, and you, J4Jesus, NEED TO ADD SOMETHING ONTO THAT before it can become valid.

Not so. Jesus said, “it is finished.” Get it into your head, J4Jesus, salvation is 100% free; but rewards are not free.

So how does that jive with “be you holy as He is holy” and “Do not sin anymore, lest a worse thing befall you” and “unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish” and “unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

I think this especially refers to the 10 commandments: you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall honor your father and your mother, and you shall love the LORD God of Israel only as Creator.

The Pharisees did not practise the 10 commandments and God wants the bornagain Christians to practice, to the best of our ability (and they are not really hard NOT to do, aren't they?) but if we fail, okay, no rewards for that one.

But Jesus died for ALL of our sins and so is THE FREE GIFT. A gift cannot be free if there are strings attached, and you, J4Jesus, are attaching some strings to the free gift.

To answer your question, How Long Must You (I) Resist? Resisting has value for REWARDS from God, but resisting has NO VALUE for THE FREE GIFT OF SALVATION.

J4Jesus, you need to make a distinction between the free gift of salvation and rewards once one is saved. You will NOT get any REWARD for liking porno, but liking porno CANNOT PREVENT you from accepting and receiving THE FREE GIFT of eternal life or salvation that God offers to ANYONE who believes that Jesus died on his or her behalf.

Salvation has nothing to do with liking porno or not liking porno. You will probably not get any rewards either for liking porno, but you CAN earn rewards through other works you do for the kingdom of God...I believe you are earning reward, for example, just by participating on this CBBS with your interesting questions.

Be blessed, J4Jesus.
Posted by ProphecyEye (Member # 199) on :
You ask how long do you have to resist your sexual desires before they subside. The answer is that you will probably have to wait the rest of your life. The fact of the matter is that your desire for sexual release is nearly as strong as your desire to eat and drink. This is how God made you, along with how he made most men. I believe every man on this message board, if they were completely honest, would say the same thing.

What does this mean for you? I don't really know. I just sincerely hope that you do not make the same mistake that I did, and continue to lash yourself over something that you have very little control of and will continue to have very little control of for many years to come. What good can come from a lifetime of self loathing?
Posted by Bandit (Member # 3643) on :
Originally posted by Eden:
Dear J4Jesus, after I became a bornagain Christian, I TRIED to be good, but I found that I was not able to be good, because I was bad, I was BORN a sinner.

So how does that jive with “So be you holy as He is holy” and “Do not sin again, lest a worse thing befall you” and “unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish” and “unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

You know, I’m not sure...

Eden, I would recommend being sure before you offer advice. If you are not sure how these scriptures fit into the big picture, then you probably do not have a clear understanding of the big picture which scripture paints. I am concerned about the direction this thread is heading.

Posted by Bandit (Member # 3643) on :
Originally posted by ProphecyEye:
You ask how long do you have to resist your sexual desires before they subside. The answer is that you will probably have to wait the rest of your life. The fact of the matter is that your desire for sexual release is nearly as strong as your desire to eat and drink. This is how God made you, along with how he made most men. I believe every man on this message board, if they were completely honest, would say the same thing.

What does this mean for you? I don't really know. I just sincerely hope that you do not make the same mistake that I did, and continue to lash yourself over something that you have very little control of and will continue to have very little control of for many years to come. What good can come from a lifetime of self loathing?

I hate to say it, but here is another example of a well-meaning, but misguided post.

You know, Paul, in Acts 24, said something very different to some of the advice be offered around here. Acts 24:24-25 says of Paul, "...concerning the faith in Christ...he [Paul] reasoned [with them] about righteousness, self-control, and the judgement to come..."

Please do not offer any advice in my presence which discounts either the need or ability for self-control. I believe such advice is contrary to true faith in Chirst - as evidently so did Paul. I believe there are many here with good intentions, but their advice is not always in full agreement with scripture. Let us please be careful in what we say - especially to those who are weak in the faith.

Posted by ProphecyEye (Member # 199) on :
Originally posted by Bandit:
I hate to say it, but here is another example of a well-meaning, but misguided post.

You know, Paul, in Acts 24, said something very different to some of the advice be offered around here. Acts 24:24-25 says of Paul, "...concerning the faith in Christ...he [Paul] reasoned [with them] about righteousness, self-control, and the judgement to come..."

Please do not offer any advice in my presence which discounts either the need or ability for self-control. I believe such advice is contrary to true faith in Chirst - as evidently so did Paul. I believe there are many here with good intentions, but their advice is not always in full agreement with scripture. Let us please be careful in what we say - especially to those who are weak in the faith.


My advice was not meant to be based on scripture, nor did it ever claimed to be. My advice was based solely on an objective assessment of reality.

At no point did I ever discount the need for self control, only the ability in some cases. If we as humans have the ability for perfect self-control at all times, in all places, we would have the ability to truly sin no more. I don't know about you, but I've yet to meet anyone who has accomplished this.

There is clearly a disconnect between the Bible's call for us to in effect be perfect after we have been saved, and our ability as humans to achieve this goal. This goes against scripture but it is an unignorable observation of human existence. This does not mean that we should not strive to improve ourselves or to completely disregard self-control or responsibility. What this does mean is that we need to properly rectify this disconnect psychologically, or else we will be in a world of hurt.

J4Jesus has been struggling with this for years, trying to beat his shortcomings through scriptures and God. And after this long, anxiety and distress are still very apparent in his posts. I am not suggesting that he give up on this faith or that he stop trying to reach his goals. I am merely suggesting that he not punish himself for that which he cannot immediately control. No good can come from the anxiety and ultimately depression that will result if this course of action is continued.

I would encourage anyone to post scriptural references that encourage self-flagellation if anyone thinks that is a good thing for J4Jesus.
Posted by Good NewsforAll (Member # 6156) on :
Originally posted by ProphecyEye:
My advice was not meant to be based on scripture, nor did it ever claimed to be.

Scripture and prayer is the only way the spirit realm can possibly be defeated.

J4Jesus has been struggling with this for years, trying to beat his shortcomings through scriptures and God.
Well, he is going to have to continue through scriptures and God, if he going to expect a breakthrough. When I expect a breakthrough in my life I continue through faith, no matter how long it takes, because I know God is not a liar.

I would encourage anyone to post scriptural references that encourage self-flagellation if anyone thinks that is a good thing for J4Jesus.
J4Jesus in a battle against Satan. When we are in a battle, we don't use self-flagellation, we use weapons of warfare, and there are many like scriptures in the Bible. Condemnation comes from the enemy, but through humility and crying out to God, we can defeat the enemy.
Posted by ProphecyEye (Member # 199) on :
Originally posted by Good NewsforAll:
Scripture and prayer is the only way the spirit realm can possibly be defeated.

And what of the biological/physical realm?
Posted by Eden (Member # 5728) on :
Hi, Bandit. I think it's okay to say that what I am teaching is not correct, but then, as J4Jesus said, you should at least "enlighten" us with what you think the CORRECT way of teaching is in this case.

That's only fair. ANYONE can say, "Oh, what you are saying is wrong", but you have no alternative to offer.

At least I have dared to say SOMETHING, and I admit, I'm not Jesus, only Jesus knows how it ALL fits together Biblically, but in the areas of salvation (justification) and sanctification, those can be some fairly weighty subjects for us bornagain Christians who came out of the first Adam.

Anyway, J4Jesus, I wanted to post a few more scriptures for you.

Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned".

Romans 5:8-9
But God commends His own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, shall we also be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

Romans 3:24-26
Being justified FREELY by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; Whom God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith, by His blood, to show His righteousness because of the passing over of the sins done aforetime...

And in Egypt, the question for Israel was NOT whether the Israelites INSIDE the house were good or bad people, the question to God was whether they by faith put blood on their doorposts. Then God said, When I see the blood I will pass over."

Jesus is now the Passover Lamb for borngain Christians. When God sees that we have applied the blood of Jesus to ourselves by faith that Jesus did, in fact, die FOR US, then God calls this "applying the blood of Jesus to OUR doorposts", and UNEQUIVOCALLY God will say to us bornagain Christians at the end-time: "When I see the blood of Jesus, I will pass over you" and "the death angel shall not touch you."

We are JUSTIFIED, which means "freeely made just" by what Jesus did on the cross on our behalf.
The death of Jesus provides us with 100% "remission of sins".

But some say, Oh, we make to ADD some BEHAVIOR IMPROVEMENTS to what Jesus did on the cross BEFORE WE CAN QUALIFY for salvation or being fully justified through the blood of Jesus, eventhough the Bible said:

Romans 5:8-9
But God commends His own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, shall we also be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

The problem with ADDING BEHAVIOR IMPROVEMENTS BEFORE we qualify for that free justification is that we would never know what would be ENOUGH CLEANUP.

How much clean-up would it take? Nobody would know what the cut-off or passing line was. And that would also start up boasting, as in "I am more cleaned up than you are so I must be closer to salvation".

Whereas God's plan is:

Romans 3:27
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? {By the law} of works? No: {it is excluded} by the law of faith.

Faith in what? Faith that Jesus did for our sins so that we can receive free remission of our sins, and that it would be God and NOT men who would be showing forth HIS righteousness by passing over the sins of men and remembering them no more, by the blood of Jesus alone, so that no man could boast:

Matthew 26:28
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

Acts 10:43
To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believes in Him shall receive remission of sins.

Sanctification is like icing on the cake, but it is NOT the cake which is salvation, remission of sins, and as a result, a free glorified body and free eternal life.

The statement was, "When I see the blood on the doorposts, I will pass over". The statement was not, "I wonder if the people inside the house are good people or bad people..."

This idea is carried right over into the New Testament, when Jesus said in this parable,

Luke 14
21 So that servant came, and showed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.

23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Poor, maimed, halt, blind, and, compel them to come in, that My house may be full. "When I see the blood of Jesus, I and the death angel WILL pass over them," that My house may be full.

Be blessed.
Posted by Good NewsforAll (Member # 6156) on :
Originally posted by ProphecyEye:
Originally posted by Good NewsforAll:
Scripture and prayer is the only way the spirit realm can possibly be defeated.

And what of the biological/physical realm?
Since the fall Adam, our human flesh has been left vulnerable to the attacks of Satan, and Christians have to die daily to these 'desires for sexual release' as you call them. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus.
J4Jesus says,"And now, it's created a whole slir of really strange and wrong sexual thoughts that I won't even begin to talk about."
As you can see, J4J has been caught up in a dangerous bondage that has gone out of control, and will only deepen and worsen if he is unable to slay these demons.

You say these feelings are only natural. What if he meets a young lady and she wants to save herself for marriage? If he has all of these wild desires, their relationship is going to be in deep trouble. If he is serious about her, he may miss the chance to marry her if she thinks that is all he wants from her.
Posted by J4Jesus (Member # 1367) on :
Nothing surprises God, not even a backslider.

And about that Good News For All, well I'm not plannning on marrying unless I get rid of porn, and those thoughts have died down a good bit now.
Posted by Good NewsforAll (Member # 6156) on :
Originally posted by J4Jesus:
And about that Good News For All, well I'm not plannning on marrying unless I get rid of porn, and those thoughts have died down a good bit now.

Wise thought J4Jesus, and keep up the great battle - remember Eph.6.
Posted by QueenofEnglish (Member # 6282) on :
Whatever your thoughts are that seem to be getting worse as you say, PLEASE seek some outside Christian help. If your thoughts are turning darker, you do not want to take the chance of their taking over. Would you try to fight cancer alone? Of course not! Look for Christian counseling. Find a pastor. Find an accountability partner. Yes, the Holy Spirit is our ultimate weapon, but sometimes we need outside help. Not being able to fight this alone does not mean you are weak. Being HEALTHY and STRONG enough to realize you have a problem with which you need help is a GOOD sign. Even pastors have admitted they need help with some negative addictive behaviors. Get help. You will be in my prayers.

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