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Author Topic: "Komme", "Komme", "Komme"

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ohhh noooo!! ...let's hope this evil cabal of Darwinists waiting to take over the world is'nt David Wilkerson's latest bogey man, is it?!!? Sounds suspiciously a bit like it <lol>- back in the 80's he had the "Secular Humanists" who took over the U.S. gov't and were gonna start rounding-up Christians....then around 1990 trying to convince evryone the Soviet Union never fell(!!) and had been fabricated by "Satan's liberal media" [zzzzzz] ... the poor guy's scraping the bottom by now if that's the case...sheesh..."Darwinists" ...hehheh... [Roll Eyes]
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Originally posted by Eden:
But in today’s society there are again the Nazi-like Darwinists, who claim that Jesus never did the miracles that Jesus did and that Jesus never rose from the dead and that people who believe that nonsense, like the Christians or the Muslims, are hurting society’s progress with their ignorance, and something needs to be done about them.

Whoa! really need to provide a specific person, or organizational reference to back this up!! [Big Grin]

**Who, exactly is claiming themselves to be "Darwinist"??

**...and these "Darwinists" are also National Socialists ("NAZI") as well, or followers of this type of political movement?? Is this in the United States??

**...and they have a stated agenda, or claim that "something must be done" about followers of Major religions?? Any source references for this??

**If these "Darwinists" are members of the scientific establishment - what(?) are they doing addressing issues such as miracles of Jesus/ the resurrection, and whatnot?? Are they publishing this stuff anywhere??

...and your claim of "Nazi-like Darwinists" seems a bit off-base, since a sizeable number of National Socialist* neo NAZI groups, at least here in the U.S. are more concerned w/ upholding Christian Identity ideology rather than anything relating to the biological sciences.

...but then you continue...
Originally posted by Eden:
It is possibly nonsense on my part to think that Darwinists and evolutionary scientists will ever be able to unite against bornagain Christians.

It is easy to say “something needs to be done about them”, but actually carrying it out in today’s societies is a whole other matter, and probably an implausible one.

welll...yeah [Roll Eyes] ... my biggest question was who specifically these "Darwinists" are that you're even concerned with in the first place??

...and it's highly doubtful whether the scientific establishment (if that's what you mean) will concern itself with "uniting" against any religious organizations or sects.

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Hi, EL3LN3TN. You said:

there is no evidence, (that I've ever seen anyways), of his directly citing Wallace, Darwin, or any others as inspiration for his political views.

I know that. The Nazi Germans were unwittingly fulfilling the scripture invited by the Jews when they said to Pilate:

Matthew 27:25
Then all the people answered and said, His blood be on us and on our children.

But in today’s society there are again the Nazi-like Darwinists, who claim that Jesus never did the miracles that Jesus did and that Jesus never rose from the dead and that people who believe that nonsense, like the Christians or the Muslims, are hurting society’s progress with their ignorance, and something needs to be done about them.

Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell except he who had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

It is possibly nonsense on my part to think that Darwinists and evolutionary scientists will ever be able to unite against bornagain Christians.

It is easy to say “something needs to be done about them”, but actually carrying it out in today’s societies is a whole other matter, and probably an implausible one. Instead, the Bible seems to declare:

Luke 17
26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

I know that Satan is only interested in two kinds of people in the world:

Christians, and Jews/Israelis. That’s it. Ultimately, Satan must “nail these” because Christians and the Israelis are the only ones who are standing in Satan's way of becoming "king over the whole earth", ruling the earth from Jerusalem:

Psalm 47:3
He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.

Mark 12:36
For David himself said by the Holy Spirit, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.

So at some point, Satan MUST try to nail the Christians and the Israelis who possess Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:3
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Isaiah 62:7
And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

Be blessed, EL3LN3TN.


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Eugenics, NAZI pogroms(?)programs, or the actions of government have nothing whatsoever to do with natural selection/evolution, which occur by it's own processes, and are studied (usually) after-the-fact via fossil record and mutations.

Intentional human activities of genocide, murder or extermination, even in the name of "ethnic cleansing" or even making grandiose claims of "eliminating the weak" are NOT evolution, but mere political exercises - often done under a religious ideology banner!

Hitler had little better than a 6th grade education, and there is no evidence, (that I've ever seen anyways), of his directly citing Wallace, Darwin, or any others as inspiration for his political views, and even if that were the case, his understanding of it was grossly misapplied.

This is a hugely inaccurate argument that's commonly misapplied by those apparently promoting a religious viewpoint, that "Darwin", "evolution" or whatnot caused these major 20th century events...and "it's all their fault!!" Nonsense.

Governments, and leaders don't "do evolution", nature does, and the anti-science argument seems to make about as much sense as blaming gravity, and scientists who researched it, for causing people to jump to their deaths out of buildings.

btw - If you'd like my take on the eugenics thingy - I'm pretty much of the opinion that it's the "pro-life movement" whose (unwitting?) goal is to take reproductive choice out of the hands of individual citizens, and give it to the government for eventual use in various social engineering or population control measures. "Let decent Christian Americans breed and abort or sterilize the rest" [Big Grin]

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Icon 15 posted      Profile for Caretaker     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
One might want to do a study of the eugenics of the early 20th century, and how it is a logical conclusion in the Nazi progroms. Governmental support of evolution.

Margaret Sanger was a proponent of eugenics as was Franklin Roosevelt. "Breed the best and sterilize the rest".

A Servant of Christ,

1 Tim. 3:
16: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh..

Posts: 3978 | From: Council Grove, KS USA | Registered: Jun 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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just adding - If this scenario seems to bother you so much, I'd really suggest a greater threat coming from radicalized Immigration & Naturalization sectors of the government sometime in the future, radicalized local law enforcement, or from the Psychiatric field, at worst !! [Eek!]
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Originally posted by Eden:
[QB] More from Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust
It has often occurred to me that what happened to these Jews in a microcosm will happen to some Christians of the world in the macrocosm, when the Darwinists will try to say, "Komme", "Komme", "Komme".

When the Darwinists ask other people to turn in the names of all the Christians in their house or in their neighborhood,

Say what!!?? [Roll Eyes] A bunch of clinical biology geeks running the government?? meh... I think at best what you'd be referring to here would be an application of the term "Social Darwinism" maybe(?) - which is just a creative analogy used by sociologists to describe completely unregulated laissez faire societies and economies.

I should probably also point out that the term "Darwinism" is really a misnomer, as Charles Darwin is NOT the sole "inventor" of the evolution model and his term natural selection does NOT imply willful human intervention, or politics, but natural (biological;environmental) forces.

Darwin did use the term "favored races" - not in the sense of human regulation as implied in your post, but as a part of natural biology over time, and if it's considered politically incorrect nowadays, it was'nt so much back then, when eugenics was given a bit more credence as a pure science.

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Icon 5 posted            Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
More from Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust

In Bergen Belsen concentration camp, the Nazis had a process that the Jews called “selection”, not “election” but “selection”, Satan’s version of “election”.

Three slick-looking black-shirted S.S. commandants would enter a barracks full of Jews and point his white-gloved finger at any Jew he wished, saying, “Komme”. “Komme”, “Komme”, “Komme”, “Komme”. The Jews in the barracks called it "selection", and I call it Satan's version of "election".

Outside waited the sturmtrupen (stormtroops) with truncheons who bludgeoned them to death and threw their twisted bodies on a tall heap of hundreds of broken and twised and emaciated bodies. “Komme”, "Komme", "Komme", they said, but the Jews in the barracks called it "selection".

It has often occurred to me that what happened to these Jews in a microcosm will happen to some Christians of the world in the macrocosm, when the Darwinists will try to say, "Komme", "Komme", "Komme".

When the Darwinists ask other people to turn in the names of all the Christians in their house or in their neighborhood, will it be "well-known enough that YOU are a Christian" so that someone will say, “Komme”, “Komme”, “Komme” to you?

Or will no one say, "Komme", "Komme", "Komme" to you because no one knows that you are a Christian?

Matthew 10
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Be blessed, everyone, or "komme".


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