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Author Topic: They had the Annointing but He never knew them???

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Hi, J4Jesus, you ask a good question:

"in order for them to do the Miracles, they have to have the Annointing on them right? To even do miracles in His name would be that they know Jesus, yet He says He doesn't know them.

i'm confused.


In Egypt, the magicians were able to imitate most of Moses's miracles; but finally Moses did a miracle which the magicians could NOT imitate, and the magicians said to Pharaoh:

Exodus 8:19 (NJKV)
Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, just as the LORD had said.

Exodus 31:18
And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God. There are apparently miracles, and then there are miracles.

John 11:47
47 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council and said, “What shall we do? For this man works many miracles."

When the man of sin or the wicked one comes, he will also do miracles, so that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived:

Mark 13:22 (KJV)
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs (semeion, miracles), wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

So between the magicians of Egypt and these fellows above in Mark 13:22, it seems that Satan can cause them do do a lot of miracles too, and Satan would not hesitate to "use the name of Jesus" if it is to Satan's advantage, and it is.

But neither Moses nor the magicians did miracles in the name of Jesus.

But, J4Jesus, I could not give you evenn one name of someone who is using the name of Jesus and miracles seem to occur, but all the ones I know of, from TV mostly, seem to also love Jesus.

I think that just as there were false Christs and false prophets just before 70 A.D. in Israel, so also there will be false Christs and false prophets who can do miracles near the end of the world/age, but I don't think these Satanic miracle workers have arrived yet. They are still future to us.

I think that the miracles workers that we have right now ARE anointed. But the coming ones won't be. And maybe there will be many Satanic miracles when they "come out", too!

Be blessed.


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Just because something is done in HIS name, does not mean that they are annointed to do this. I dont think it matters whether you are speaking of doing miracles or preaching. Men can do their own works not being annointed or called to do them and profess to do them in the name of Jesus... I say profess because when one uses one's name it is to do what HE would do.

In the scriptures there were people who were not of the disciples of Christ who were casting out demons in the name of Christ and the apostles sought to stop them, but Jesus said let them be. That did not mean that they were annointed to do the things that they were doing, but that they recognized the power of HIS name.

Then there were those in... was it Ephesus? where the demons attacked them saying "Paul we know, but who are you?"

Perhaps it depends on the situation? I dont know, but doing miracles in HIS name does not necessarily mean that GOD has annointed you to do them.

These people knew who Jesus was, called HIM LORD LORD, but they were not doing the will of the Father. Thus they were doing their own wills.

As Aaron pointed out HE called them those who do lawlessness. That is relly scary to me when you think today of how Antinomianism is alive and well in the church.

LAWLESSNESS.. how can those who are not under law practice lawlessness and be rejected for it? Could it just be that we are not without law, but not under law? Could it be that the law is not destroyed but fulfilled by Christ... could it be that the law is still around, but NOW written in our hearts?

The motivation of our works is always been important to GOD. Those who are Christ's have ceased from THEIR OWN works... meaning the works we do must come from HIM who is within us and in WHOM we ABIDE. They (works) (ALL WORKS) that are not of the SPIRIT of GOD will be rejected. As these people's works are rejected... but not only their works.. they .. themselves.. their souls... for Jesus says.. I NEVER knew you.

Jesus does not say.. I knew you and you left me for sin. Jesus does not say you backslid and never came home... JESUS says.. I NEVER (as in at no point in time) NEVER KNEW YOU and the word KNOW that speaks of intimacy the way a husband knows a wife.

Lots of people "know" who Jesus is.. but does HE know who you are? Are you HIS? Is there a relationship (as in there must be more than 1 person in a "relationship")If we not only KNOW HIM, but HE KNOWS us... we are doing the will of HIS Father and ours... We abide in HIM and HE in US and HE and US with HIM abide in the Father.

Are you Known? That should be our concern.

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The Burden of the Yoke

Jeremiah 27

Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck. Jeremiah 27:2

“In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim . . . came this word unto Jeremiah from the Lord.” It was a supernatural command, not a sensational speculation on the prophet’s part. It is perilously easy in this present dispensation to receive the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and yet not be true to God. There is an optimism born not of the Holy Ghost but of man’s fancies, whereby he deals with the future and refuses to live a spotlessly holy life in the present. The servants of God are faithful overcomers in the present circumstances, no matter what forces of evil may be abroad. Our Lord always uncovered the controlling disposition of men (cf. Matthew 23:25-27); the true prophets of God did the same, and so do the saints to-day.

God does not act according to His own precedents, therefore logic or a vivid past experience can never take the place of personal faith in a personal God. It is easier to be true to a conviction formed in a vivid religious experience and say, “I will never alter that,” than to be true to Christ, because if I am true to Christ, my convictions will have to be altered. Unless the personal experience leads to a life, it will turn us into fossils, instead of being “witnesses unto Me.” Some of us are no good unless we are kept in the circumstances in which our convictions were formed, but God is constantly stirring up our nests that we may learn that the only simplicity there is is not the simplicity of a logical belief, but “the simplicity that is in Christ,” the maintained simplicity of a relationship with Christ that is never altered in any circumstance.

There is no evidence of immediate opposition to Jeremiah for the simple reason that moral power is greater than physical force; Jeremiah’s moral integrity paralysed the people’s action. When opposition does strike the servant of God, it is by God’s permissive will. As long as men count themselves Christians on any other ground than that they are free from themselves and the identified bond slaves of Jesus Christ, so long will they despitefully use the servants of God.

Jeremiah entered into identification with the judgment of God on the crowd; we separate ourselves from the crowd, what we should separate ourselves from is the wrong disposition of heart. If we bear the yoke of Christ we shall render the power of wrong impotent by living under it in the power of right. The moral power of the Spirit of God is “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds”; it works not like leaven, but like dynamite.

The Spirit of God teaches us to bear the yoke of Christ even under the yoke of a tyrant. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:29; cf. Philippians 4:3; 1 Timothy 6:1; Acts 15:10). Wear the yoke of Christ under every other yoke.

Chambers, O. (1999, c1936). Notes on Jeremiah (electronic ed.). London: Oswald Chambers Publication Association, Ltd.


I also think this is a good answer to your question. Does anyone have any comments???



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Originally posted by J4Jesus:
Jesus will say to those people who did the miracles and all "I never knew you", but how is that possible?

Well it is possible because Satan can also do signs and wonders. Also a lot of people that claim to be anointed of God are actually anointed of Satan.

"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." (Mark 13:22 KJV)

"And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live." (Revelation 13:13-14 KJV)

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." (Revelation 16:13 KJV)

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." II Thessalonians 2:9.

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The Overlook Is the Backing of Life (Jeremiah 29:21-23; 2 Peter 2:17-22)

. . . which prophesy a lie unto you in My name.
What is overlooked in the programme of a life is at once the measure of its strength and its weakness. These prophets overlooked the fact that Jeremiah was the prophet of God. There were true prophets, but these verses refer to the false ones, and God says that they are growing worse. When God takes His hand off a bad man, He lets the devil do his worst.
2 Peter 2:17-22. These terrible words, rugged and shocking in their intensity, refer to the abiding peril of an official man of God who is not proving himself God’s man; he will end in worse corruption than the man who has not an official position. The peril begins whenever I take this attitude—“Remember who I am.” There is only one safety, a life hid with Christ. The great need is to be God’s servant, not merely His instrument (Matthew 7:21).

Chambers, O. (1999, c1936). Notes on Jeremiah (electronic ed.). London: Oswald Chambers Publication Association, Ltd.

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Recognition of Men (Matthew 7:21)

Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Human nature is fond of labels, but a label may be the counterfeit of confession. It is so easy to be branded with labels, much easier in certain stages to wear a ribbon or a badge than to confess. Jesus never used the word testify; He used a much more searching word—confess. “Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, . . .” The test of goodness is confession by doing the will of God. “If you do not confess Me before men” says Jesus, “neither will your heavenly Father confess you.” Immediately we confess, we must have a badge, if we do not put one on, other people will. Our Lord is warning that it is possible to wear the label without having the goods; possible for a man to wear the badge of being His disciple when he is not. Labels are all right, but if we mistake the label for the goods we get confused. If the disciple is to discern between the man with the label and the man with the goods, he must have the spirit of discernment, viz., the Holy Spirit. We start out with the honest belief that the label and the goods must go together, they should do, but Jesus warns that sometimes they get severed, and we find cases where God honours His word although those who preach it are not living a right life. In judging the preacher, He says, judge him by his fruit.

Chambers, O. (1996, c1960). Studies in the sermon on the mount. C1960 by Oswald Chambers Publication Society. (electronic ed.). Hants UK: Marshall, Morgan & Scott.

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There are differing opinions on this teaching represented on this board.

Here's mine:

The teaching is thus:

Matt 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'

Notice the bolded part. The people are not credited with the works they've said to have accomplished. They are merely saying they have accomplished the works.

Certainly, the enemy can perform acts that seem miraculous but his ways are always deceptive...his language is "lieing". I think, and this is my opinion, that these people are liars trying to save their rumps from the flames. They've never accomplished the things they mention to the Lord.


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yea man something brought this thought up in my head.

Jesus will say to those people who did the miracles and all "I never knew you", but how is that possible?

in order for them to do the Miracles, they have to have the Annointing on them right? To even do miracles in His name would be that they know Jesus, yet He says He doesn't know them.

i'm confused.

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