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Posted by helpforhomeschoolers (Member # 15) on :
SAME SONG, SECOND VERSE: a little bit louder, and a whole lot worse!

“SOLA SCRIPTURA!” was a major cry of the Reformation. It was all about getting back
to the Bible alone as the only authority for life and conduct. Had the Roman Catholic
Church agreed to only that one tenet, it would have been out of business because most
of its doctrines and practices are condemned in Scripture.

The argument was and still is
that only the Magisterium (bishops acting together with the Pope) could interpret the
Bible, and those interpretations became the “tradition” that Vatican II says is of equal
authority with Scripture.

The Bible cannot be allowed to oppose Church dogma or practice.

The practical effect is that tradition is considered of greater authority than God's Word,
making it impossible to correct..

It was inevitable, therefore, that the Church would categorically reject Sola Scriptura
and every other concern the Reformers based upon the Bible and would damn them to
hell for daring to question its dogmas.

That stance has been consistently maintained to
this day. We have recently documented in these pages, however, that evangelicals have
done something worse: they have deliberately changed the meaning of the text itself in
paraphrases and new “translations” such as Eugene Petersonʼs The Message.

No less evil
is the denial of divine inspiration by a host of “evangelical scholars” such as in Richard
Fosterʼs Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible.
Satan is a very clever strategist.

Much Catholicism (infant baptism for salvation, real
presence of Christ in the Eucharist, replacement theology, etc.) clung to the Reformers
and remains to this day in most Reformed churches (Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc.).

“Protestant” state churches replaced Roman Catholic state churches in various areas, and
the existence of state churches plagues Europe today.

There, large cathedrals of both
persuasions see more action from tourists than from members, and “Christianity” is taken
seriously by hardly anyone.

The marriage between church and state, imposed by the popes and carried into the Reformation by their critics, has been deadly. This successful
satanic strategy is not confined to “Christianity” but is found in other religions as well, including Islam.

We saw what happened in Afghanistan. It was the same satanic ploy of a state church
all over again.

We gave billions of dollars to the Mujahadeen (jihad “freedom” fighters) to repel the Soviets —but when the jihadists took over, they proved to be even more ruthless enemies of freedom.

We rescued the Afghan people from Communist totalitarianism only to subject them to an even more vicious and restrictive Islamic dictatorship under the Taliban.

Afghanistan became a breeding ground and training center for a terrorism
that spread its violence worldwide and had to be stopped.

Eventually, the Taliban used its
weapons against the very “friends” who had supplied them.

The same double-cross had already happened in Iraq; yet we had not learned our

We gave billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein to fight against Iran and its Shiite

Then we had to fight Saddam, and, of course, he aimed at us the weapons we had supplied.

The gravest danger in Iraq today is that after all the blood that was shed to bring
“freedom,” we may find that we have merely traded Saddam's secular dictatorship for an
equally ruthless Islamic Shiʼite government.

The plague of the “state church” is endemic
to Islam—nothing else is allowed. That fact makes the establishment and survival of genuine
democracy in either Afghanistan or Iraq almost impossible.

It will take a miracle of God if it occurs.

Something similar happened during the Reformation.

In Geneva, under Calvin, a new form of “Protestant” totalitarianism replaced the Catholic hierarchy that had controlled
even the secular world.

Calvin is known in history as Geneva's “Protestant Pope.” Calvinist Reconstructionists take Geneva as their model of the world they intend to create “for Christ.” T

The open survival of true biblical Christianity (scarcely established by the
Reformation) in the Western world seems at this hour as doubtful as democracy's survival
in the East.

We have no shortage in America (even in high places in both the secular and religious
areas) of those who claim to be Christians but who betray the Christ whom they call
Lord by unholy alliances with His enemies who, by the way, cleverly pose as His friends.
President Bush's persistence not only in the lie that “Islam is peace” but in calling this
pagan and viciously anti-Israel and anti-Christian religion “the faith of Abraham,” and
calling the Quran and its author Muhammad “inspired of God,” cast almost conclusive doubts upon his profession to be a Christian.

We have had reason to question the similar
claims of three previous “Christian” presidents: Nixon, Carter, and Reagan.

Christians have forgotten Christ's very clear and uncompromising declaration, “If
ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world,
but I have chosen you out of the world, the world hateth you. Remember the word that I
said unto you...if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you...” (Jn 15:19-20).

Jesus never suggested that the world would vote any of us into high political office. He
drew a clear line of separation between church and state when He said, “Render therefore
unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's” (Mt 22:21). The two cannot be partners.

Evangelicals have become increasingly involved in the world. Earning a living is one
thing; entering into unequal yokes in violation of Scripture (2 Cor 6:14-18), no matter
how good the cause, is something else.

As The New York Times insightfully said, it was
the unequal yoke of working together with unbelievers of various religions in social and
political action in order to improve the world that set up evangelicals for a religious partnership with Rome.

Sadly, Rick Warren's P. E.A.C.E. plan does exactly that!

We credit Rick with compassion for Africa's victims of poverty, hunger, AIDS, and
other diseases.

But Jesus not only healed the sick and fed the hungry but preached the gospel to the poor (Lk 7:22).

That is difficult to do when joined in partnership with Muslims, Catholics, et al., as Rick does. Could he be partial to Peterson's The Message because it so often focuses on improving this earth rather than being ready for heaven?

For example, in The Message, “that the world through him might be saved” (Jn 3:17)
becomes, “He came to help, to put the world right again.”

It sounds like the political and
social action of the old social gospel, a major emphasis for Rick.

“Hath called us unto his
eternal glory” (1 Pt 5:10) becomes “will have you put together and on your feet.”

Rick shows little concern for correcting false doctrine.

Instead, he says he is working for a “new Reformation” based not upon doctrine but deeds.
One recalls the fervent zeal of the 15,000 evangelicals who met together at the
“National Affairs Briefing Conference” in Dallas in September 1980. Reagan had just
accepted the Republican nomination for president with an inspiring speech at the national
convention on July 17.

There was confidence that the new president would fill Washington with Christian appointees, abortion would be overturned, and America would soon become a Christian country.

Of course, it didn't happen—and it won't.

Present at the Conference was Reconstructionist Gary North, who boasted, “the word
"rapture" was not used once.”

[bb]The focus had subtly turned from heaven and rescuing souls from the wrath to come, to making a better world for our grandchildren to inherit.[/b]

[u]In their zeal to “Christianize” the secular world, even those who believed in the Rapture began to live as though they had forgotten that they were citizens of Heaven.[/u]

The phrase “a new Reformation” exploded enthusiastically from the lips of many.

After 450 years, will the Reformation, which in many places like Geneva and in Luther's
area of Germany had replaced one state religion with another, finally create one new
state religion worldwide?

Will an ecumenical blend of Catholicism and Protestantism cooperating together (and even with Islam) to make a new world of peace eventually prepare the world for the final unity of all religions under Antichrist? We are gathering momentuSAME SONG, SECOND VERSE: a little bit louder, and a whole lot worse!
“SOLA SCRIPTURA!” was a major cry of the Reformation. It was all about getting back
to the Bible alone as the only authority for life and conduct. Had the Roman Catholic
Church agreed to only that one tenet, it would have been out of business because most
of its doctrines and practices are condemned in Scripture. The argument was and still is
that only the Magisterium (bishops acting together with the Pope) could interpret the
Bible, and those interpretations became the “tradition” that Vatican II says is of equal
authority with Scripture. The Bible cannot be allowed to oppose Church dogma or practice.
The practical effect is that tradition is considered of greater authority than Godʼs Word,
making it impossible to correct..
It was inevitable, therefore, that the Church would categorically reject Sola Scriptura
and every other concern the Reformers based upon the Bible and would damn them to
hell for daring to question its dogmas. That stance has been consistently maintained to
this day. We have recently documented in these pages, however, that evangelicals have
done something worse: they have deliberately changed the meaning of the text itself in
paraphrases and new “translations” such as Eugene Petersonʼs The Message. No less evil
is the denial of divine inspiration by a host of “evangelical scholars” such as in Richard
Fosterʼs Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible.
Satan is a very clever strategist. Much Catholicism (infant baptism for salvation, real
presence of Christ in the Eucharist, replacement theology, etc.) clung to the Reformers
and remains to this day in most Reformed churches (Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc.).
“Protestant” state churches replaced Roman Catholic state churches in various areas, and
the existence of state churches plagues Europe today. There, large cathedrals of both
persuasions see more action from tourists than from members, and “Christianity” is taken
seriously by hardly anyone. The marriage between church and state, imposed by the
popes and carried into the Reformation by their critics, has been deadly. This successful
satanic strategy is not confined to “Christianity” but is found in other religions as well,
including Islam.
We saw what happened in Afghanistan. It was the same satanic ploy of a state church
all over again. We gave billions of dollars to the Mujahadeen (jihad “freedom” fighters)
to repel the Soviets —but when the jihadists took over, they proved to be even more ruthless
enemies of freedom. We rescued the Afghan people from Communist totalitarianism
only to subject them to an even more vicious and restrictive Islamic dictatorship under
the Taliban. Afghanistan became a breeding ground and training center for a terrorism
that spread its violence worldwide and had to be stopped. Eventually, the Taliban used its
weapons against the very “friends” who had supplied them.
The same double-cross had already happened in Iraq; yet we had not learned our
lesson. We gave billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein to fight against Iran and its Shiʼite
government. Then we had to fight Saddam, and, of course, he aimed at us the weapons
we had supplied.
The gravest danger in Iraq today is that after all the blood that was shed to bring
“freedom,” we may find that we have merely traded Saddamʼs secular dictatorship for an
equally ruthless Islamic Shiʼite government. The plague of the “state church” is endemic
to Islam—nothing else is allowed. That fact makes the establishment and survival of genuine
democracy in either Afghanistan or Iraq almost impossible. It will take a miracle of
God if it occurs.
Something similar happened during the Reformation. In Geneva, under Calvin, a
new form of “Protestant” totalitarianism replaced the Catholic hierarchy that had controlled
even the secular world. Calvin is known in history as Genevaʼs “Protestant Pope.”
Calvinist Reconstructionists take Geneva as their model of the world they intend to create
“for Christ.” The open survival of true biblical Christianity (scarcely established by the
Reformation) in the Western world seems at this hour as doubtful as democracyʼs survival
in the East.
We have no shortage in America (even in high places in both the secular and religious
areas) of those who claim to be Christians but who betray the Christ whom they call
Lord by unholy alliances with His enemies who, by the way, cleverly pose as His friends.
President Bushʼs persistence not only in the lie that “Islam is peace” but in calling this
pagan and viciously anti-Israel and anti-Christian religion “the faith of Abraham,” and
calling the Qurʼan and its author Muhammad “inspired of God,” cast almost conclusive
doubts upon his profession to be a Christian. We have had reason to question the similar
claims of three previous “Christian” presidents: Nixon, Carter, and Reagan.
Christians have forgotten Christʼs very clear and uncompromising declaration, “If
ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world,
but I have chosen you out of the world, the world hateth you. Remember the word that I
said unto you...if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you...” (Jn 15:19-20).
Jesus never suggested that the world would vote any of us into high political office. He
drew a clear line of separation between church and state when He said, “Render therefore
unto Caesar the things which are Caesarʼs; and unto God the things that are Godʼs”
(Mt 22:21). The two cannot be partners.
Evangelicals have become increasingly involved in the world. Earning a living is one
thing; entering into unequal yokes in violation of Scripture (2 Cor 6:14-18), no matter
how good the cause, is something else. As The New York Times insightfully said, it was
the unequal yoke of working together with unbelievers of various religions in social and
political action in order to improve the world that set up evangelicals for a religious partnership
with Rome. Sadly, Rick Warrenʼs P. E.A.C.E. plan does exactly that!
We credit Rick with compassion for Africaʼs victims of poverty, hunger, AIDS, and
other diseases. But Jesus not only healed the sick and fed the hungry but preached the
gospel to the poor (Lk 7:22). That is difficult to do when joined in partnership with
Muslims, Catholics, et al., as Rick does. Could he be partial to Petersonʼs The Message
because it so often focuses on improving this earth rather than being ready for heaven?
For example, in The Message, “that the world through him might be saved” (Jn 3:17)
becomes, “He came to help, to put the world right again.” It sounds like the political and
social action of the old social gospel, a major emphasis for Rick. “Hath called us unto his
eternal glory” (1 Pt 5:10) becomes “will have you put together and on your feet.” Rick
shows little concern for correcting false doctrine. Instead, he says he is working for a “new
Reformation” based not upon doctrine but deeds.
One recalls the fervent zeal of the 15,000 evangelicals who met together at the
“National Affairs Briefing Conference” in Dallas in September 1980. Reagan had just
accepted the Republican nomination for president with an inspiring speech at the national
convention on July 17. There was confidence that the new president would fill Washington
with Christian appointees, abortion would be overturned, and America would soon become
a Christian country. Of course, it didnʼt happen—and it wonʼt.
Present at the Conference was Reconstructionist Gary North, who boasted, “the word
ʻraptureʼ was not used once.” The focus had subtly turned from heaven and rescuing souls
from the wrath to come, to making a better world for our grandchildren to inherit. In their
zeal to “Christianize” the secular world, even those who believed in the Rapture began to
live as though they had forgotten that they were citizens of Heaven.
The phrase “a new Reformation” exploded enthusiastically from the lips of many.
After 450 years, will the Reformation, which in many places like Geneva and in Lutherʼs
area of Germany had replaced one state religion with another, finally create one new
state religion worldwide? Will an ecumenical blend of Catholicism and Protestantism
cooperating together (and even with Islam) to make a new world of peace eventually
prepare the world for the final unity of all religions under Antichrist? We are gathering
momentum in that direction.

Dave Hunt
The Berean Call
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Find out what Bereans believe about the "races".
My sister used to attend a Berean Church and they preached things about black people that were obsolute and erroneous according to scripture.
Posted by Caretaker (Member # 36) on :
Amen Linda!!!

Just as there are many who take the name "christian", and are caught-up in heresy such as Word of Faith/positive confession, Purpose Driven Life, and a multitude of other erroneous teachings, there are probably some who have "berean" in their name but not in their heart and practice.

Acts 17:
10: And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11: These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
12: Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.
Posted by hardcore (Member # 4492) on :
Originally posted by Caretaker:
.....there are probably some who have "berean" in their name but not in their heart and practice.

So true.

Dave Hunt is not one of those that Caretaker speaks of here. When Hunt uses the term, he refers to when Paul preached in Berea:

Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Note to HisGrace:
Please put one notch in my "scripture" belt. [Wink]
Posted by hardcore (Member # 4492) on :
Originally posted by hardcore:

Note to HisGrace:
Please put one notch in my "scripture" belt. [Wink]

Oh man! Mine doesn't count. Just realized that's what Caretaker already quoted. Yikes. Guess I need to get my morning coffee in me before I start reading and typing.

Heading to kitchen .....
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
Originally posted by hardcore:
Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Note to HisGrace:
Please put one notch in my "scripture" belt. [Wink]

By jove - I think you've go it!! [Smile] [hug]
Posted by helpforhomeschoolers (Member # 15) on :
Well apparently I have not had enough coffee to know what we are talking about with notches in your scripture belt, so I am headed to the kitchen too!

WhiteEagle: I do not know anything about the Berean Denomination, I do not ascribe to any denomination and believe all denominations to be unbiblical. Berean referes to the people who were from Berea, and they heard what Paul preached and searched the scripture to see if it were true, and that is what we should all do. Instead too many believe things are true because someone says so and do not like the noble Berean search the scriptures for truth.

The Berean Call is the name of Dave Hunt's website and minitry because Dave hunt calls people to be Bereans, to my knowledge he is not affiliated in any way with the Berean denomination of churches.
Posted by Chaplain Bob (Member # 5019) on :
Hey Help!

I wanted to see what it is you were talking about but at nearly 74 years of age I don't think I'll live long enough to read your entire post. [Big Grin]

If you ever decide to condense it let me know.
Posted by hardcore (Member # 4492) on :
Originally posted by helpforhomeschoolers:
Well apparently I have not had enough coffee to know what we are talking about with notches in your scripture belt, so I am headed to the kitchen too!

Remember HisGrace said to me (in another thread) that she never saw me use scripture?

I used some this morning and jokingly asked her to give me credit for it by using a slightly altered (and personalized) reference to the old saying "add a notch to my belt" - hence my "scripture" belt.

Then I realized that Caretaker had already quoted the same verse - duh. Thus proving that I needed coffee before attempting communication.
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
hardcore writes
Thus proving that I needed coffee before attempting communication.
A woman who needs coffee before she can that's what I like! Will coffee be in short supply one day?

God bless, BORN AGAIN
Posted by helpforhomeschoolers (Member # 15) on :
BA, Coffee is a blessing given us by God BA. Actually, Hal doesnt drink coffee, but he thinks it is a blessing given him by God.

There will not be a short supply. Learn to live with it my friend! [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [type] [1zhelp]
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
I wanted to clarify my comment about a woman who can only talk after she had had some coffee...

There is a woman at work who will JUST NOT SHUT UP, she is CONSTANTLY talking. So when dear siser hardcore provided me with that opportunity, I said, "what a pleasant surprise, a woman who only talks after having some coffee...will the coffee be in short supply some day?"

I wanted to clarify that I am not against women talking. My comments were more directed at my co-worker: [youpi] [youpi] [youpi] [youpi] [youpi] [youpi] [1zhelp] [1zhelp]

a little bit louder, and a whole lot worse!

God bless, BORN AGAIN in the USA
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
Originally posted by BORN AGAIN:
I wanted to clarify that I am not against women talking. My comments were more directed at my co-worker:

I think you better stop while you are ahead BORN AGAIN. Maybe the poor woman just has had too much coffee.

[hyper]  -
Posted by WhiteEagle (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by helpforhomeschoolers:
Well apparently I have not had enough coffee to know what we are talking about with notches in your scripture belt, so I am headed to the kitchen too!

WhiteEagle: I do not know anything about the Berean Denomination, I do not ascribe to any denomination and believe all denominations to be unbiblical. Berean referes to the people who were from Berea, and they heard what Paul preached and searched the scripture to see if it were true, and that is what we should all do. Instead too many believe things are true because someone says so and do not like the noble Berean search the scriptures for truth.

The Berean Call is the name of Dave Hunt's website and minitry because Dave hunt calls people to be Bereans, to my knowledge he is not affiliated in any way with the Berean denomination of churches.

I agree there is nothing wrong with acting like a Bibical Berean. I don't know anything about that person's web site either.
Posted by epouraniois (Member # 5187) on :
Originally posted by BORN AGAIN:
I wanted to clarify my comment about a woman who can only talk after she had had some coffee...

There is a woman at work who will JUST NOT SHUT UP, she is CONSTANTLY talking

you could offer her some taffy
Posted by HisGrace (Member # 3438) on :
Originally posted by epouraniois:
you could offer her some taffy

[pound] Great one !! I am wondering if that was insight or discernment epouraniois? [Big Grin]
Posted by BORN AGAIN (Member # 5) on :
epouraniois writes
"you could offer her some taffy"
Only thing is, I'm concerned that modern sugar use in the form of candy et al., causes the langerhans cells on the pancreas to break down, and thus cause diabetes.

So perhaps duct tape would be better. [1zhelp]

a little bit louder, and a whole lot worse

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