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» Christian Message Boards   » Bible Studies   » Bible Topics & Study   » Not sure if this belongs here..

Author Topic: Not sure if this belongs here..

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MentorsRiddle wrote
Prayer is one of the strongest gifts we have.
Actually, I think giving the Living Jesus in heaven to be the head of my body, i.e., to send His thoughts and His countsel to me by way of the Holy Spirit, prompting me to "no longer bother to rely on my own understanding of my 5 senses", that is a far stronger gift that we have than prayer.

Once we say to Jesus, "Okay, Jesus, You are up in heaven and You can see everything including the future because You are the Son of God, so YOU instruct me and YOU teach me which way I should go and YOU guide me with YOUR eye", then I am sure that YOUR thoughts and Your ways will "guide me into green pastures by quiet waters" and that "YOU will prepare a table for me among my enemies".

I now say every morning, "I will not lean on my limited understanding" of my 5 senses, and I wil instead make You, Living Jesus, MY HEAD. So:

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with My eye.

Isaiah 28:26
For his God does instruct him to discretion and does teach him.

Doing the above is A MUCH GREATER GIFT than prayer, for once we allow Jesus to be the head of the BODY of the church, then we will need to pray a whole lot less because just about everything is going great!

John 10:10
The thief comes not but to steal and to kill and to destroy; but I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Matthew 4:4
But He said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

This does not only refer to the words in the Bible, but to the Words which proceed out of the mouth of the Son of God Jesus TO THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS IN YOU.

God had to give us the Holy Spirit so that the Living Jesus in heaven can "talk to the Holy Spirit that is in us", and then the Holy Spirit conveys what It heard to the spirit of man which is in us. And then we either follow Jesus's counsel spoken to the Holy Spirit, or we again lean on our own understanding (on the data of our 5 senses).

We need to remember that the Living, Resurrected Jesus can SEE EVERYTHING and KNOWS THE FUTURE, so HIS thoughts and ideas and counsel is SUPERIOR to our own. So we need to:

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding.

Lean NOT on the information gathered by your 5 senses. Let JESUS BE THE HEAD OF YOUR BODY:

Colossians 1:18
And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence.

And again, He says, "My sheep will hear My voice". How will we hear His voice? By way of the Holy Spirit. For "the Spirit knows what is the mind of God". And what Jesus tells the Spirit, the Spirit conveys to the spirit of man, "the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit".

Every morning when we get up, we should say something like, Good morning Lord Jesus, please guide me with YOUR eye today and with YOUR thoughts because YOU can see everything, in Jesus's Name, Amen", and then just start trusting Him that He meant what He said in Psalm 32:8:

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with My eye.

Isaiah 28:26
For his God does instruct him to discretion and does teach him.

The above does not just refer to the Written Word of God, but refers to the LIVING Word of God, Jesus who is now in heaven, just WAITING for ANY Christian willing to (and smare enough) to say to Him, "Lord, You can see everything, YOU guide me with YOUR eye and send Your thoughts to me by way of the Holy Spirit", Amen and Amen. Thank You, Lord: "My sheep will hear my voice".

So MentorsRiddle wrote
Prayer is one of the strongest gifts we have.
Actually, giving the Living Jesus in heaven the opportunity to be the head of my body, i.e., to send His thoughts and His counsel my way by the Holy Spirit, is a far stronger gift than prayer.

love, Eden

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Sometimes I wonder if greed is the ultimate and original sin that plunged our people into darkness.

So much suffering is brought on by greed: murder, rape, stealing, identity theft and so much more.

Since the beginning, perhaps, greed has stung the minds of men.

It was greed that prompted us to eat from the tree of knowledge – resulting in the fall of mankind.

We desired to be like god and our greed prompted us to be more godlike; not being satisfied with the lot God granted us in life we desired more and received more than we wanted: the sin nature.

Greed warps men and women’s minds and causes such pain.

Wars have been fought over men’s greed of land and power.

Is there hope for humanity?

Can we ever hope to escape this most basic of emotions?

I believe the answer is yes. I believe the Holy Spirit can enter into our lives and begin a transformation that is so beautiful that it would be impossible for man to do on his own.

The Holy Spirit of God can tame our hearts and quiet our minds – allowing us the simple calmness to understand God has given us everything we need to be happy.

We Christians are called to one of the highest duties on this earth: to begin to undo what Adam and Eve began so long ago -- However, not us, but God through us.

By ministering the words of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can infuse into every man woman and child bringing about a peace that they would have never known otherwise.

It is our sacred duty to plant the seeds of truth and spread the news of glad tidings, which the Lord has so gracefully bestowed to us.

I would like to start a prayer on this board for God’s Spirit to fill our hearts, minds and actions to help make this world a better place.

Pray an honest prayer for not just us, but the world around us; for the people around us.

Prayer is one of the strongest gifts we have.

So let us pray daily for the happiness that only the Holy Spirit can bring.

With you I rise,
In you I sleep,
kneeling down I kiss your feet,
Grace abounds upon me now,
I once was lost
but now I'm found.
The gift of God dwells within,
To this love I now give in.

Posts: 1337 | From: Arkansas | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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